Pasta Amosova is an amazing tool that strengthens the heart, blood vessels, improves immunity and gives longevity. How to cook Amosov’s pasta at home, what are its benefits and to whom pasta is contraindicated, read the article.

Amosov paste

How Amosov’s pasta appeared

Pasta Amosov is a unique author’s development, useful for the heart and immunity. The creator of the tool is Academician Nikolai Amosov. He was the first to prescribe a paste to his patients, which improved their condition. Today you can take care of yourself by cooking pasta according to our recipe.

Nikolai Amosov was known not only for his skillfully performed operations and new methods of surgical operations on the heart. He gave his patients a lot of vital advice – about the benefits of exercise, the exercises themselves and recommendations about nutrition. It was he who created the recipe for a unique pasta that nourishes the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels and improves immunity.

Amosov’s vitamin paste has received many positive reviews. In the medical space, it has been recognized as a source of vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements that the heart and the body as a whole need. Nikolai Amosov began to use it for the first time after he noticed that patients who ate nuts and dried fruits more often after the operation recovered their strength and health faster.


Pasta Amosova: useful properties

  • strengthens the immune system
  • strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, increasing their elasticity,
  • normalizes blood circulation, nourishing the heart and other organs with oxygen,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis,
  • Vitamin C contained helps in the absorption of iron.

Pasta Amosov – a recipe

Amosov’s pasta is prepared from a mixture of dried fruits and nuts. It is based on: honey, nuts, lemons, and combinations of such dried fruits as figs, dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, containing a large amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, organic acids, lipids and antioxidants. We will talk about the classic version of Amosov’s pasta.

The composition of Amosov’s paste

  • dried apricots – 250 g;
  • raisins from grapes of dark varieties – 250 g;
  • dried prunes (not dried) – 250 g;
  • figs – 250 g;
  • walnut – 1 cup
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • natural honey – field, mountain, meadow, flower, May – 250 g;

Cooking method

  1. Rinse dried fruits and pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender.
  2. Peel, grind or chop the nuts.
  3. Wash the lemons, cut into pieces, remove the seeds and grind in a blender.
  4. Combine all ingredients, pour honey and mix.

Can be stored for several months in the refrigerator.

Pasta calories

Many people are concerned about the calorie content of Amosov’s paste, because combining it with, for example, losing weight can be difficult. Firstly, we hasten to assure you that just 1 teaspoon per day will definitely not “make the weather” on your menu, so you should not worry too much about the extra calories in the pasta. But if it is still important for you to know the number of calories in this product, here are the calculations for you.

1 serving (100 g) contains:

  • proteins – 6 g
  • fats – 8.9 g
  • carbohydrates – 45.6 g

Calories: 266.6 kcal

The most high-calorie ingredients in Amosov’s paste are honey and walnuts. So if it is fundamentally important for you to reduce its calorie content, it is worth removing them.

How to use Amosov’s paste

The mixture can be consumed on an empty stomach or after meals (so as not to cause irritation of the stomach and intestines), 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Children, depending on age, 1 teaspoon or dessert.

The course is best done twice a year – in spring and autumn. Amosov’s paste acquires special value in spring, when there are few vitamins, and in autumn, when it is necessary to strengthen the body before cold weather and viral infections. But if the body is weakened by operations or frequent illnesses, then the course of treatment can be extended to six months. It gives the most tangible effect.

Amosov’s pasta can be eaten as a delicious sweet, or as a snack with tea. Before going to bed, let the children drink pasta with warm milk.

Pasta Amosova: contraindications

Pasta Amosov has practically no contraindications. Unless – intolerance to the products included in it. If you are aware of an allergy to honey or nuts, it is best to avoid this formulation. Also, do not give Amosov’s paste to very young children immediately on a spoon – their food tolerance may change with age, so caution and gradualness are needed here. Diabetics should always consult a doctor before eating the dish.

Паста Амосова - лучшая витаминная смесь

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