Tarot cards for beginners: how to quickly learn fortune-telling on your own?

Deck selection

There are different types of decks, but first you need to choose a universal one. It is divided into two groups: the Major Arcana (“trumps”, usually 22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (4 suits, usually 56 cards). The decks also differ in design. The most common and convenient option is the Rider-White Tarot. This type of decoration is named after the publisher William Ryder and the author of the design Arthur White, who came up with it at the beginning of the 20th century. It features clear plot drawings, which are also tips if there is no interpreter at hand. There are also stylized Egyptian maps, Japanese maps, etc., but they are much more difficult to work with.

Tarot cards for beginners: how to quickly learn to guess on your own?

Divination methods

There are three in total:

  • System . When you strictly adhere to the interpretation, the description of the meaning of each card, the interpreter, as a rule, is applied to the deck. Or you can always find it online.
  • Intuitive . When you look at the picture shown on the map, and images are born in your mind that you are trying to understand and explain. This is only available to the very “advanced”.

Mixed . When you use the classic interpretation of the card, but at the same time listen to your subconscious. Even if you are a beginner, you will be able to catch feelings such as anxiety, fear, joy, if they arise in your soul. By superimposing them on the traditional interpretation of the meaning of the card, you can see the picture more voluminously.

Tarot cards for beginners: how to quickly learn to guess on your own?

We start to guess

Retire, sit comfortably, concentrate. Formulate a question that interests you. Just don’t start with the global problems of life and death. Start with a question, the answer to which is almost clear to you, but lacks a certain push, a clear look. For example, “How does my chosen one feel about me?” Take a card out of the deck, look at what is shown on it and first try to interpret what you see in the picture. For example, you pulled out the King of Wands. Listen to intuition.

Tarot cards for beginners: how to quickly learn to guess on your own?

What can you say by looking at the map. The colors are bright, energetic – yellow and orange. This speaks of the beginning, active actions, leadership, energy. Perhaps your partner is set up in relation to you for some decisive action. After that, open the interpreter and read the meaning of the card. Pay attention to how accurate you were in the description. The meaning of the King of Wands card in a relationship layout is that a man sets the tone, hunts you like prey. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t immediately feel the right meaning. Everything comes with practice.

The easiest tarot spreads

Tarot cards for beginners: how to quickly learn to guess on your own?

It is important to understand that the main thing is not how correctly you lay out the cards, but the state in which you do it. In order to find out the exact answer to the question, you must be completely immersed in fortune-telling, but not emotionally involved. You have to learn to be an outside observer.

  • Simple one card spread

You ask a question and draw one card as an answer. When you learn how to interpret the meaning of one card, you can connect several more others, clarifying the meaning of the first. 

  • Three cards

This is another simple layout. You ask a question like “How is my relationship with N?” You draw three cards from the deck and put them side by side, one after the other. The first is the past, the second is the present, the third is the future. Then you open the interpreter, listen to your subconscious and interpret what the cards have told you.

  • Cross

This layout consists of 4 cards and is used to obtain information about relationships, health, financial situation. You can guess both only on the Major Arcana, and only on the Minor Arcana, or on the entire deck as a whole. You take out 4 cards and put them sequentially in the shape of a cross in this order: the first, the second next, the third on top, the fourth on the bottom. Maps mean:
First – the existing situation;
The second is what not to do;
The third is what needs to be done;
Fourth – how it all turns out.Do not miss

What else needs to be considered when fortune telling

Color . Color plays a very important role in the intuitive perception of the map. Practice – take out different cards and try to understand what feelings and associations this or that color evokes in you. For example, yellow – joy, sun, activity, energy, etc. The more you train, the easier it will be for you to understand your associations.
Element . It is also important to feel the energy of the elements. In Tarot, as in astrology, there are four of them. Each suit corresponds to its element. Wands – Fire, Pentacles – Earth, Swords – Air, Cups – Water. Conventionally, Fire and Air are considered active, masculine elements, and Water and Earth are considered feminine, passive. Male elements are associated with actions, energy, sometimes aggression and even danger. Women’s – with sensuality, tenderness, sometimes cunning. Add these sensations to your interpretations.

How to store a deck

This is also an important point. You can store it in its original packaging. But a more acceptable option is in a linen bag or black silk fabric. If you keep cards in a box, then it must be wooden.


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