Parenthood in Expectations and Reality: Comic

The Eksmo publishing house publishes the book The Duck Family by artist Brian Gordon, a father of two, who knows everything about the real life of young parents.

Brian has been drawing comics about children and parents for more than ten years and without embellishment, but with humor he talks about how the life of newly-made moms and dads really looks like. Are you worried that only your child is not perfect, and all your acquaintances have toddlers – just gold? Flip through the comic and you will realize that all young parents go through the same thing.

– My wife and I were overjoyed, waiting for the birth of our first child, says Brian. – We read a bunch of books on how to become good parents, took special courses and were sure that we were completely ready. However, we were very wrong. A few months later, as I carried an inconsolable wad of screaming charm to his room at four in the morning, I thought it was all much less magical than I was promised. Although we were taught about regurgitation and breastfeeding in the course, we were not taught to deal with the lack of sleep, fatigue and destructive self-doubt that came to us with the baby from the hospital. When I began to share our problems with other parents, something happened that I was always so afraid of: only we had a difficult child. We were the only ones who had difficulties with the role of parents. Everyone else seemed to be having a wonderful time with their ideal babies. It wasn’t until I started publishing comics about my fears and frustrations that I realized that I was not alone. As it turns out, most people are just vile deceivers. No one wants to admit that their child is not perfect and that the role of a parent is not always to their liking. No one wants to admit defeat. Then I realized that every parent is a little scared: no one knows for sure how to do the right thing. It turns out that we all (yes, even you, vile deceivers) just figure out how best to act along the way. I hope this collection of comics will give some comfort to parents who feel exhausted from time to time. Don’t worry guys! You are not alone.

Truth. You will never be alone. Just try to take a bath alone and you will see what I mean.

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