Very often, when cooking the liver, we all make the same mistake. We begin to salt it as soon as the water boils or immediately after we put it in the pan.
But it turns out that in order for the liver to turn out soft as a result of heat treatment and not lose its juiciness, salt should be added a couple of minutes before the fire is turned off. This will significantly improve the taste of the dish and minimize the amount of salt. In addition, salt absorbs moisture, and this can make the liver dry.
And also a few simple tips will help you to cook delicious liver.
1. Soaking. To make the liver tender, it must first be soaked in cold milk. Enough 30-40 minutes, but first, the liver should be cut into portions. Then it must be taken out and dried. You can use a regular paper towel.
2. Correct cutting… In order for the liver to turn out airy and soft during frying, it is better to cut it into small pieces so that their thickness is about 1,5 centimeters.
3. Sauce for stewing. Sour cream and cream also contribute to the juiciness, softness of the liver, if they are added during the cooking process. You need to simmer in them no more than 20 minutes.
Delicious dishes for you!