Osteopathy: for whom? Why ?
Osteopathy for pregnant women
During pregnancy, the body of the pregnant woman must make efforts to adapt to assume the mechanical constraints related to the growth of the baby. The pelvis, the spine and the abdominal cavity will organize themselves in such a way as to respond to the mechanical and physiological constraints generated by the movements and growth of the fetus. This often causes inconvenience for the mother-to-be.
The osteopathic approach could treat some of these functional problems, such as joint pain, lower back pain1 and digestion problems. A preventive examination would also make it possible to check the mobility of the pelvis and the spinal axis of the pregnant woman in order to promote the good progress of the childbirth.2. Finally, according to the conclusions of a cohort study published in 2003, osteopathic treatment could also reduce complications related to childbirth.3. In addition, the practitioners affirm that their techniques contribute to the postural adaptation of the mother around the fetus in a dynamic of comfort, harmony and prevention.
Sources : Sources : Licciardone JC, Buchanan S, et al. Osteopathic manipulative treatment of back pain and related symptoms during pregnancy: a randomized controlled Parsons C. Postnatal back care. Mod Midwife. 1995;5(2):15-8. King HH, Tettambel MA, et al. Osteopathic manipulative treatment in prenatal care: a retrospective case control design study. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2003;103(12):577-82.