Online calculator for converting kW to Gcal/h (1 kW = 0.00086 Gcal/h)
  • Gcal/time = 1 kW;
  • kW = 0.00086 Gcal/time

Standards for energy consumption per person or m2, developed in the Soviet years, are still in operation in an updated form. These heat energy tariffs are used for calculation. Sometimes it becomes necessary to check the correctness of the charge for heating and you need to convert units of gcal into kW or kW into gigacalories. This can be done online with the calculators below.

Convert Gcal to kWh:

Online calculator for converting kilowatt hours to gigacalories:

When installing a heat meter in an apartment, you can choose the units in which it will show the consumed heat. After all, the main unit of measurement of thermal energy is expressed in gigacalories and the heat consumed for heating in an apartment is indicated in bills, usually in this value.

Heat meter with Gcal units

But if you have purchased an apartment, then a heat meter with a measurement in kilowatts can be installed in it, which is not always convenient, since Gcal is indicated in the payment. But sometimes, in the receipt for heating, the value can be indicated in kilowatts, and to calculate the consumed heat at the tariff in force in your district, you need readings in Gcal.

Mechanical apartment heat meter “Teplouchet-1”. Readings are displayed in kWh

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