Odor absorber for the refrigerator, reviews
Why does the refrigerator smell bad? How to eliminate annoying aromas with folk remedies? What fridge odor absorbers are available on the market? How do they work? Let’s figure it out.
Refrigerator odor absorber will help preserve the natural taste and smell of food
A new refrigerator usually smells like plastic. The unit, which has been in operation for years, boasts a whole bunch of “aromas”. The stench emanating from the walls and shelves of equipment can be the result of non-compliance with the rules for storing food. Refrigerators that are broken or thawed often give off a musty smell.
How does a refrigerator odor absorber work?
The stores offer air fresheners different in price, design and shape, but the principle of their operation is the same. There is some kind of sorbent inside the leaky container, which can be placed on a shelf or hung on a grid. It is he who absorbs the “aromas”.
Types of refrigerator odor neutralizers:
- gel absorbers instantly eliminate odors thanks to lemon and algae extracts. Some scavengers also have an antibacterial effect, as they contain silver ions;
- odor neutralizers dispenser equipped with two replaceable filters with activated carbon. Each of them works effectively within 1-3 months. The device is equipped with hooks that allow you to hang it under the grill;
- plastic balls with silicogen inside – a budget option. According to reviews, it is also an economical odor absorber for the refrigerator: one package is enough for 6-9 months;
- egg fresheners are inexpensive, but they only function actively for 2-4 months. Removal of foreign odors with their help occurs due to activated carbon granules. In addition, the “egg” is an indicator of temperature: in the cold, its upper part turns blue.
The most expensive and durable devices are ionizers. Such devices neutralize not only odors, but also harmful microorganisms. They are equipped with an indicator and operate on batteries.
How to make a refrigerator odor absorber
You can effectively fight the stink in the refrigerator with folk remedies. Any odors will disappear if the walls, shelves and the door of the unit are thoroughly washed with vinegar diluted in half with water. You can use lemon juice instead of vinegar solution. It is used in its pure form, without diluting with water. To keep the air in the refrigerator neutral in the future, you can put an open container with soda on one of the shelves.
Do you want a homemade absorber to look aesthetically pleasing? Take 6-8 activated charcoal tablets, a disposable spunlace cloth, and a narrow decorative tape.
The substance-sorbent is spread with a “sausage” in the center of the fabric. The napkin is wrapped to form a candy. The edges are fixed with a bright tape.
The property of eliminating the smell is possessed by coffee beans, salt, sugar, rice, black bread. A pronounced aroma is characteristic of citrus fruits, garlic, and onions. Such products not only suppress other odors, but also disinfect the air.
According to reviews, such odor absorbers for the refrigerator are effective, and cost a mere penny.
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