Nutrition for ulcers

Description of the disease

An ulcer is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of the secretion of the stomach or duodenal ulcer. It is ulcerative wounds that take a very long time to heal. This disease is not curable. It is being healed, but doctors cannot guarantee a complete recovery.

The causes of the ulcer

The cause of the occurrence can be very different. From nervous shocks to heredity. Most often, an ulcer is provoked by negative emotions, constant experiences, hormonal disorders. Also, the occurrence of the disease is facilitated by irregular and poor nutrition, high acidity.

Ulcer symptoms

Pain in the upper abdomen, frequent heartburn, heaviness after eating, vomiting, a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The pain occurs most often on an empty stomach and lasts up to half an hour after eating. It can also appear during sleep and at night, since the stomach works constantly and secretes gastric juice, albeit in small quantities.


Useful products for ulcers

General advice for ulcers:

  • sleep 6 – 8 hours;
  • give up smoked, fatty or fried foods;
  • take food 4-6 times a day;
  • more often use vegetables, cereals, steam cutlets, jelly, sea fish;
  • chew food well before swallowing;
  • avoid nervous tension, scandals and stress;
  • try to eat less very cold or hot food;
  • no smoking;
  • do not drink alcohol.

Ulcer treatment regimen

There is no general treatment procedure. The treatment regimen for peptic ulcer disease depends on many factors, such as physique, age of a person, the presence of any other associated diseases.

An ulcer is a very serious disease, so doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate.

At the first signs of an ulcer, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor for detailed advice and the appointment of any drugs and diets.

About proper nutrition for ulcers

Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers is quite simple. The main thing is to limit yourself when adding any seasonings or salt to food, give up spicy, alcohol and smoking. Do not eat hot or too cold.

Herbs in the treatment of stomach ulcers

For the treatment of ulcers, it is recommended to use such herbs as: celandine, chamomile flowers, lime blossom, yarrow, St. John’s wort, herb of shepherd’s purse, mint leaves.

Diet for stomach ulcers

  • 1 hour spoon of powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the protein of one egg. Beat the ingredients. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach
  • For the prevention of gastritis, use the juice of white cabbage, half a glass 3 times a day, before meals. Duration of admission is 2 weeks.
  • 2 tablespoons of viburnum (berries) are ground to a homogeneous liquid mass and insisted for 3 hours. Take half a glass before meals. Up to three times a day.
  • To facilitate the transfer of peptic ulcer, tomato juice, sophorin, sea buckthorn are used.
  • Pounded lemon with honey + add a small% of peppermint – heals stomach ulcers well.
  • Celandine root is poured with boiling water in the ratio of 12. Insist for 2 – 3 hours. Consume half a glass on an empty stomach.

Foods useful for ulcers

Milk, jelly, cottage cheese, egg white. Vitamins useful for stomach ulcers – A, B1 and C.

Dangerous and harmful products for ulcers

What can not be eaten with an ulcer

It is harmful for people suffering from peptic ulcer to consume turnips, radishes, radishes, grapes, beans, gooseberries, smoked meats, sausages, canned food, ice cream.

It is not recommended to eat fish, bird skin, cartilage or stringy, hard meat. Cinnamon, horseradish, mustard and other spices are also contraindicated. You should give up alcohol and smoking, coffee and strong tea, from fried foods, canned food and broths based on fish and meat.

You should eat food of normal temperature (18 – 60 ° C), do not eat hot or very cold.

Significantly reduce the dose of salt, as it irritates the wounds on the stomach walls, which leads to tangible pain.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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