Nutrition for synesthesia

General description of the disease


Synesthesia is a psychological phenomenon of perception, the essence of which lies in the fact that when a stimulus influences one sense organ, specific sensations appear in another sense organ, which is not currently activated.

A striking example of this is “color hearing”. In people who have it, sight and hearing are closely related. Therefore, when they listen to music, visual images appear in their imagination.

Today, synesthesia is not considered a mental or psychological illness, but is called a variant of the norm. However, only if it does not flow into particularly bizarre, strange forms.

Synesthesia is different for everyone. That is, different synesthetics (people suffering from this disease) can see the same sounds in different colors or represent them in different ways. Interestingly, most of them see the letter “A” in bright green.


Synesthesia appears spontaneously and is not controlled. Its reasons are still being established. At the same time, it is known for certain that it occurs in early childhood, and possibly even in the womb. It can also disappear, but the reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been studied, although most often this occurs in adolescence. Scientists associate this factor with the restructuring of the nervous system. Synesthesia can also disappear after suffering stress. In addition, it can be inherited or a symptom of a neurological disorder.

About 70 types of synesthesia have been documented, among them: visual, gustatory, auditory, tactile.

Synesthetics were Rimsky-Korsakov, L. Tolstoy, M. Tsvetaeva, M. Gorky, B. Pasternak, V. Nabokov.

It was found that the lifestyle of synesthetics is not much different from the life of ordinary people. Quite often, they are not even aware of the “genius” of their nature, believing that all people perceive the world exactly as they do. And, having learned about the differences, they are sincerely surprised.

The special structure of the brain inherent in synesthetics makes them “not be friends” with mathematics. At the same time, they understand everything perfectly, but involuntarily make mistakes in calculations.

They also find it difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar space. But, the wonderful memory that they possess compensates for all their shortcomings. They also tend to be orderly and have a special sense of symmetry.

Healthy foods for synesthesia

Medicine does not consider synesthesia to be a disease, however, it advises you to carefully consider your diet in order not to provoke the appearance of any nervous disorders. With synesthesia, it is important to eat well with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. You can not overeat, as any food in large quantities is harmful. It is important to follow the diet. This will protect you from obesity and help the body to better absorb the incoming substances. Also, some doctors advise to consume more foods that normalize brain activity in order to exclude the development of nervous disorders.

  • For synesthesia, it is good to eat peanuts, seeds, spotted beans, wheat germ, lean meat and fish, liver, mushrooms, eggs, milk and dairy products, green peas, red peas, parsley, celery, and all green vegetables (such as cucumbers). bran, cereals, brewer’s yeast, seafood and cheese. They contain B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, help to cope with stress and nervous strain, and are also indispensable for emotional stress.
  • Seafood also contains a number of other nutrients. Firstly, they are a storehouse of protein with a low calorie content. Secondly, they contain iron and phosphorus, cobalt, nickel and copper, potassium, iodine, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, B, D, E, PP. They improve brain function and give vigor and positiveness.
  • The use of legumes (corn, peas, lentils, beans) is of great importance. They include iron, thiamine, manganese, phosphorus and potassium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, PP. They allow you to fight fatigue, return vigor and energy.
  • When a “sensory overload” occurs in synesthetics (excessive stress on the nervous system due to manifestations of synesthesia), it is useful to consume cocoa, bananas, potatoes, beets, buckwheat, poultry, nuts, legumes, sea fish, bell peppers, since these products have a calming effect and effectively relieve the negative effects of stressful situations.
  • Of great importance is the use of fruits and vegetables, as well as freshly squeezed juices, since they have a large amount of vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the state of mind, give vigor and endurance. In particular, these are carrots, spinach, broccoli, berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries, strawberries), as well as a banana. In addition, the latter is also a natural antidepressant.
  • In addition, regular consumption of foods containing calcium helps to get rid of feelings of irritability and anxiety. These are peeled almonds, beets, cheeses, milk, lettuce, whole grain flour, and legumes.
  • British scientists are confident that eating 1 egg a day helps fight bad mood.

Folk remedies to calm the nervous system when sensory overload occurs

  1. 1 1 tbsp. warm milk with honey helps to calm the nervous system, relieve stress and even sleep with insomnia.
  2. 2 A decoction of coriander also helps to calm down (1 tsp. Of chopped coriander is poured with 1 cup of water. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that it must be infused for 40 minutes). You need to drink the broth 4 r. a day for 2 tbsp.
  3. 3 A tincture of 2 tablespoons also helps. dry lemon balm leaves, peel 1 lemon, 2 cloves, 0.5 tsp. elecampane root, a pinch of coriander and nutmeg. For its preparation, all the ingredients are mixed and 1 liter of vodka is poured, after which it is allowed to brew for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp. infusion, adding it to tea.
  4. 4 You can also use a shell of 5 eggs scalded with boiling water and crushed in a coffee grinder, add 10 lemons, chopped with zest, to it. Pour all ingredients into 0.5 l of vodka and leave for 5 days. The resulting tincture is taken in 2 tbsp. 3 p. a day for a month.

Dangerous and harmful foods in synesthesia

  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of salty and spicy foods, sauces and seasonings, as they negatively affect metabolic processes in the body.
  • It is advisable to reduce the consumption of coffee and black tea, since the caffeine contained in them acts as a powerful stimulant of the nervous system.
  • It is best to avoid alcohol altogether, as it increases irritation and anxiety.
  • Smoking is also a nerve poison, so it is important to quit smoking altogether.
  • It is also better to limit smoked meats, pickles, fast food and canned food, as they contain chemical additives that are harmful to the body.
  • Some scientists believe that consuming large amounts of chocolate, eggs, dairy products, oranges and flour products causes nervous tension and depression. However, disputes around this issue are still ongoing.


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