Nutrition for eczema

General description of the disease

Eczema is a skin condition accompanied by rash and itching. Distinguish between dry and weeping eczema. Eczema can be located on the arms, legs, face.

The causes of eczema.

  • all kinds of allergic reactions;
  • reduced immunity;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • diabetes;
  • dysbiosis;
  • fungal diseases.

The first signs of eczema are rashes. At the site of the affected area, dryness, redness, swelling, and peeling appear. Crusts and cracks are formed. Very severe itching.

Healthy foods for eczema

If you eat right, it always contributes to a speedy recovery, relieving exacerbations of the disease and establishing a stable remission.

Food should only be cooked and fat-free.

In the first courses, preference should be given to soups based on meat or fish broth. The meat should be light and boiled, or steamed. Preference should be given to lean, light and dietary meat. For example, rabbit, turkey, lean beef, chicken are good.

You can eat boiled fish if it is fresh and fresh.

Various cereals are useful: barley, buckwheat, wheat, oat, as they are rich in minerals and vitamins.

Cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

It is beneficial to eat plant foods. Beans are a recognized remedy for eczema, a real pantry of protein, an amino acid concentrate, high in calories, good when boiled. Also useful are cabbage, zucchini, beets, fresh cucumbers.

Eating carrots daily helps to restore vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, PP, B9.

All types of lettuce are very beneficial as they are fortified with iron, iodine, carotene, vitamin C. Turnips and rutabagas are also beneficial for the same reason.

Greens have an excellent effect on the body: parsley, dill, celery. It improves digestion.

You can drink natural light-colored fruit juices, mineral water, milk from the liquid.

Folk remedies for eczema

Rub the raw potatoes, add honey, wrap them in gauze, and apply them to the affected areas.

Herbal teas made from nettle, crushed dandelion and burdock roots, and white birch have a beneficial effect on the whole body.

With puffiness, a decoction of corn silk helps.

The decoction of hops has a calming effect (1 tbsp. L. Pour 300 ml of boiling water).

Help relieve itching and inflammation, peppermint infusion and garlic ointment (grind boiled garlic with honey 1: 1).

Wormwood infusion is taken orally and rubbed with the affected skin.

Dried dandelion roots together with honey can be used as an ointment and applied to sore spots. Dandelion should be used in food in all dishes, as it is all useful.

Herbs St. John’s wort, marigolds (calendula), pine, chicory, plantain help well. These herbs are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, lotions are made from them.

The cabbage leaf is mixed with egg yolk and used as a poultice for weeping eczema.

Walnut leaves are used in all types of eczema. Decoctions, infusions are cooked from them; take baths.

Burdock oil is used to lubricate skin lesions several times a day.

A life-saving remedy for eczema is aloe juice (take young aloe leaves, rinse, dry, remove the skin, grind, add honey 1: 1, apply the mixture to the diseased areas).

Dangerous and harmful foods for eczema

Many foods that an ordinary person eats daily are strictly prohibited for eczema. Because they can aggravate the symptoms of the disease (severe itching) and complicate the treatment process.

Avoid smoked, salty, spicy foods. Fresh and natural food is preferred.

You should refuse any sauces, hot peppers, garlic, mayonnaise.

It is unacceptable to use canned foods, such as pates, canned fish, various rolls.

Bakery and pasta are strictly prohibited. And also all sorts of sweets: honey, cakes, sweets, pastries, chocolate, jam, jam, etc.

Fatty foods are the worst enemy in eczema nutrition. Therefore, you need to completely abandon lamb and pork.

Among vegetables, it is worth giving up potatoes, which are rich in starch.

The use of citrus fruits is strictly prohibited: tangerine, lemon, pineapple, orange, kiwi. Tomatoes, red apples, bananas are also excluded, as they cause allergies.

Tea, coffee, juices of non-light colors (pomegranate, strawberry, tomato) are also prohibited.

Tobacco, alcohol and all kinds of alcoholic beverages are considered harmful and dangerous.

At the time of exacerbation of the disease, the use of berries is strictly prohibited, such as: strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, mountain ash, viburnum, blueberries, currants, cloudberries, cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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