Nutrition for dystrophy

General description of the disease


There are a lot of varieties of dystrophy, let’s dwell on the characteristics of its more common types.

Childhood dystrophy – a chronic disease in which there is an eating disorder in the child’s body, impaired absorption of nutrients and their metabolism. Its varieties include: hypotrophy, hypostatura and paratrophy.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy Is a hereditary progressive disease characterized by osteoarticular, mental and cardiovascular disorders, symmetric muscle atrophy.

Retinal Dystrophy Is an age-related disorder of the vascular system of the eyes.


Alimentary dystrophy – eating disorder during fasting (absolute, complete, incomplete or partial).

Liver dystrophy – a change in the volume and composition (with a bias towards the accumulation of fatty tissues) of the liver as a result of the toxic effects of alcohol.

Dystrophy of the heart muscle – minor, “initial” changes in the tissues of the heart muscle.

Causes of dystrophy

Overfeeding, starvation, the predominance of carbohydrate products in the diet, infectious diseases (pneumonia, dysentery), improper child care, malformation of the gastrointestinal tract, unhealthy lifestyle, chromosomal diseases, heredity, stress.

Dystrophy symptoms

Weight change, decreased immunity and the level of the body’s resistance to infections, disorder in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, inactivity, lethargy, with normal or increased weight – there is looseness of tissues and pallor of the skin, weakness of muscles and joints, poor sleepiness, agitation, forgetfulness, growth retardation …

Dystrophy consequences

Paralysis, disability, death, tuberculosis, pneumococcal and dysentery infections, etc.

Useful foods for dystrophy

It is very important, depending on the type and stage of dystrophy, to observe certain principles of the patient’s nutrition. Among them are:

  • a gradual increase in calories (starting at 3000 calories);
  • fractional and frequent meals (5-10 times a day);
  • the basis of the diet should be easily digestible protein products (at the rate of 2 g of protein per kg of the patient’s weight), which contain all the necessary amino acids;
  • the use of vitamin products;
  • a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a ratio of 4: 1: 1.

In addition, a therapeutic diet for dystrophy has the goal of: normalizing the functional regulation of the immune system, adapting the patient to the complication of the diet, strengthening and normalizing anabolic and metabolic processes, and increasing the body’s resistance.

For example, in case of alimentary dystrophy with a lack of body weight, the patient’s nutritional program should correspond to dietary table No. 15 and include:

  • protein products (meat: dumplings, minced meat, eggs, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, products of increased biological value – soy food base or isolated soy proteins);
  • products containing animal fats (sour cream, butter, cream) and vegetable fats;
  • simple carbohydrates (sugar, glucose, jam, honey), which contribute to the normal course of metabolic processes;
  • flour products, rye and wheat bread;
  • cabbage soup, borscht, pickle, beetroot soup, dairy, cereal and vegetable soups, soups with broth of vegetables and mushrooms, fish and meat broth, fruit soups;
  • dairy and fermented milk products in dishes and in their natural form (whole and condensed milk, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir);
  • boiled eggs and steamed omelet;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, rice), pasta;
  • raw, boiled, stewed and baked vegetables (boiled onions, carrots, cabbage) and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • natural vegetable and fruit juices, decoction of wheat bran and rose hips;
  • weak coffee, tea, cocoa;
  • foods rich in vitamin B (chopped liver, offal, dark green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast).

Folk remedies for alimentary dystrophy

  • Rub homemade butter abundantly into the muscles in the morning, wrap the patient in a sheet and a blanket, leave to rest for an hour, massage every other day for 20 days, the course should be repeated three times with a break of 20 days;
  • oat kvass (pour 500 grams of thoroughly washed oat grains into a three-liter jar, add three tablespoons of sugar, one teaspoon of citric acid, add water, leave for 3 days);
  • eggshells (add a few drops of lemon juice to the thoroughly washed, dried and grated eggshells of domestic chickens, use the formed lumps twice a day before meals).

Folk remedies for retinal dystrophy

  • goat milk serum (mix in a 1: 1 ratio with water) drip dropwise into the eyes, cover them with a dark bandage and let them rest for an hour;
  • decoction of caraway seeds (15 grams of caraway seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, add one teaspoon of cornflower flowers, leave for 5 minutes, filter) instill drop by drop twice a day.

Dangerous and harmful products for dystrophy

Limit the use of salt, margarine. Exclude from the diet such foods as: alcohol, smoked, spicy and fried foods, strong meat and vegetable broths, fatty meats and fish, garlic, fresh onions, mushrooms, radishes, tomatoes, beans, pickles, beans, smoked meats, canned food, carbonated drinks.


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