Nutrition for arthritis

Arthritis Is a disease of the joints and periarticular tissues with inflammatory disorders of their functionality.

Development prerequisites:

hereditary predisposition to joint pathology, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism), impaired metabolism and overweight, injuries (household, sports, occupational, mental) or increased joint stress, infectious, allergic and immune diseases, diseases based on the dysfunction of the nervous system , “Sedentary” lifestyle and poor nutrition, lack of vitamins.


  1. 1 joint infections;
  2. 2 trauma;
  3. 3 hypothermia;
  4. 4 great physical activity.


pain in the morning in one or more joints (inflammatory type of pain); swelling, redness, and hardening of the skin around the joints; their inactivity; increased temperature in the area of ​​the joints; deformation of the joint; crunching under increased load.

Classification of types of arthritis:

In modern medicine, there are about a hundred types of arthritis, the most common of which are classified:

depending on the extent of the lesion:

  • monoarthritis – inflammatory disease of one joint;
  • oligoarthritis – inflammatory disease of several joints;
  • polyarthritis – inflammatory disease of many joints;

depending on the nature of the course:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

depending on the nature of the lesion:

  • rheumatoid arthritis – systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the susiavs (affects the periarticular tissues, systems and organs of the body);
  • psoriatic arthritis – joint disease associated with psoriasis;
  • reactive arthritis – joint disease that develops as a result of an acute genitourinary or intestinal infection;
  • infectious arthritis (septic or pyogenic arthritis) – an infectious disease of the joints (pathogens: gonococci, tuberculosis, Haemophilus influenzae, streptococci, yeast, fungal infections);
  • traumatic arthritis – develops as a result of damage to the joints;
  • dystrophic arthritis – develops as a result of cooling, metabolic disorders, physical overstrain, violation of living and working conditions, lack of vitamins.

Due to the fact that there are so many types of arthritis, there is no single diet that would be equally suitable for medical nutrition for each type of this disease. But still, with arthritis, it is necessary to include foods with an increased amount of trace elements and vitamins in the diet, using boiled or baked food at least five to six times a day.

Healthy foods for arthritis

  1. 1 fruits, vegetables, especially orange or yellow, with a high level of vitamin C and antioxidants (bell peppers, citrus fruits, raw potato juice, carrots, beets, cucumbers, onions, apples);
  2. 2 salads from fresh vegetables and fruits;
  3. 3 berries (lingonberry, cranberry);
  4. 4 Freshly squeezed juices (such as apple juice or a mixture of carrot juice, celery juice, tomatoes, and cabbage)
  5. 5lactic acid foods high in beneficial bacteria and calcium;
  6. 6 fish oil, cod liver oil (contains omega-3 fatty acids that reduce joint sensitivity);
  7. 7 certain varieties of fish with limited quantities of unsaturated fatty acids (trout, mackerel, salmon);
  8. 8 buckwheat porridge and lentils (contain vegetable protein);
  9. 9 dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, boiled chicken eggs).

Folk remedies for arthritis:

  • fresh chicory herb (steam and apply to a sore spot);
  • coltsfoot or cabbage (wrap cabbage leaves at night, coltsfoot sore joints);
  • natural juices of lingonberry, apple, grapefruit (take two teaspoons per glass of clean water) or a mixture of juices (carrots, cucumber, beets, lettuce, cabbage, spinach);
  • celandine (use the juice to lubricate the affected joints);
  • garlic (two to three cloves a day);
  • massage with essential oils (five drops of pine oil, three drops of lavender oil, three drops of lemon oil mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil or five drops of lemon oil, four drops of eucalyptus oil, four drops of lavender oil mixed with a tablespoon of grape seed oil).

Dangerous and harmful foods for arthritis

It should be limited or excluded from the diet: sorrel, legumes, spinach, fried meat, sausages, smoked meats, offal, broths, alcohol, salt and sugar, foods containing refractory fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, seasonings and spices (pepper, mustard, horseradish ), culinary, beef, pork and lamb fats, canned food, smoked meats, marinades, pickles, hot snacks, pastry, strong coffee and tea, ice cream.


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Nutrition for other diseases:

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