Nutrition for anorexia

The turbulent 21st century has radically changed the living conditions of people. And the changes that have arisen do not always have a beneficial effect on health. Diets, foods high in sugar, fat, cholesterol, salt, low mobility at work and at home contribute to the rapid development of arrhythmias in people – a violation of the pace and rhythm of heart contractions. The causes of this disease include conflicts at home, at work, in transport, smoking and alcohol abuse. And once the foundation is laid, then any insignificant reason for the occurrence of arrhythmia is sufficient.

Varieties of anorexia:

  1. 1 mental anorexia – loss of hunger during depression, schizophrenia or paranoia (for example, obsessive fear of poisoning);
  2. 2 anorexia nervosa – decrease in appetite due to the patient’s urgent desire to lose weight, restriction in food intake;
  3. 3 anorexia as a symptom – lack of appetite, as a sign of somatic diseases or mental disorders;
  4. 4 drug anorexia – decreased appetite as a result of the use of antidepressants, psychostimulants, anorexigenic substances (drugs that suppress appetite).

Two types of anorexia: the cleansing type (characterized by the fact that the patient induces vomiting after eating or takes a laxative medicine) and the restrictive type (characterized by the fact that the patient limits the amount of food, excluding high-calorie foods important for the body).

Causes of Anorexia:

hepatitis, gastritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, renal failure, diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, cancer, depression, constant anxiety, fever, intake or abuse of potent medications, irrational, monotonous and irregular diet, alcohol abuse, strong pathological desire to reduce weight.

In addition to these reasons, it is also possible to single out genetic and biological predisposition, the influence of family members, society in imposing “standards” of beauty, intrapersonal conflicts.


refusal of food or its restriction, together with excessive physical exercise; thinned or completely absent subcutaneous fat; flabby and atrophied skeletal muscles; retracted abdomen and sunken eyes; sparse and dry hair or their complete absence on the body; brittle nails; loose teeth or their partial absence; skin pigmentation; increased tendency to furunculosis and hemorrhage; decrease in the amount of fluid in the body; hypotension and bradycardia; in women – the termination of the menstrual cycle, in men – a decrease in libido. At the last stage of the disease – dystrophy of internal organs, stopping their functions and, as a result, death.

With anorexia, you must eat a balanced, high-calorie diet with the gradual introduction of more “complex” foods.

Healthy foods for anorexia

  • freshly prepared fruit puree from green banana, apple, pear.
  • vegetable puree, soufflé and soups from boiled beets, carrots, steamed turnips;
  • rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge;
  • greens (dill, cilantro, vegetable physalis pulp);
  • bread, dry baked goods;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower deodorized, rapeseed, linseed);
  • nuts;
  • honey, natural bitter chocolate;
  • unsweetened fat-free kefir;
  • fish (pollock, blue whiting, bream);
  • boiled chicken, turkey meat;
  • fat-free shortcrust pastry sweets;
  • ghee, low-fat cheese;
  • ice cream without preservatives, with nuts or raisins.

Traditional medicines to increase appetite:

  1. 1 infusion of calamus root (2 teaspoons of chopped calamus root for one glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight): take a quarter cup thirty minutes before each meal;
  2. 2 freshly squeezed grapefruit juice with pulp (a quarter cup thirty minutes before eating);
  3. 3 infusion of ordinary anise seeds (1 teaspoon of anise seeds in a glass of boiling water, insist until completely cooled): take half a glass half an hour before meals;
  4. 4 infusion of wormwood (1 teaspoon of wormwood herb for two cups of boiling water, leave for two hours, drain): take a quarter cup thirty minutes before each meal;
  5. 5 tincture of high aralia roots (1 tablespoon of crushed aralia root per hundred ml of alcohol, insist for half a month in a dark place): take 30 drops with meals for two to three weeks;
  6. 6 trefoil watch infusion (2 teaspoons of watch leaves per glass of boiling water, infuse for one hour, strain): take a quarter glass thirty minutes before each meal;
  7. 7 fresh mustard seeds (take 30 seeds for 20 days).

Dangerous and harmful foods for anorexia

Particularly dangerous foods, with anorexia, include: canned foods (sausages, canned meat and fish, canned vegetables), artificial foods (spreads, margarines, sweet soda water), foods with preservatives (all products of long storage), high-fat foods.

You should also limit the use of lean pork, beef, pasta, artificial sweets.


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