Nudity at the beach: what do children think?

Nudity: prepare him for what he will see

Each family has its own functioning vis-à-vis nudity and modesty. However, as soon as he arrives on the beach, the child only sees “half-naked” bodies. It’s a safe bet that he will react with “your weapons”: if you are generally very modest, he can. be a little shocked; if you are comfortable he may not notice anything. It must be said that today many almost erotic images are displayed on the walls of our cities or shown on television, which largely contributes to the acceptance of the naked body.

However, the child goes through different phases, depending on his age, linked to the discovery of his body and his sexuality.

0-2 years old: nudity doesn’t matter

Very young and up to about 2 years old, children experience their bodies very naturally and love more than anything to walk “bare ass”. They are particularly comfortable with their body diagram and there is no question, at this age, of modesty or exhibitionism.

So they are totally indifferent to the bodies that are exposed around them. They do not ask questions, do not notice who has a swimsuit, who takes off the top, who wears a thong … They are also often delighted to find themselves naked, them and their playmates!

2-4 years old: he is curious

He opens his eyes like saucers when your neighbor from the beach takes off her swimsuit top. She asked you a thousand questions when you crossed a naturist beach during a walk. From 2 or 3 years old, the child becomes aware of the differences between the sexes. He asks a lot of questions, about his own sex but also about that of others: mom or dad, and why not the naked lady on the beach. He discovers his body, differentiates himself sexually and also sets out to discover the opposite sex. He even takes particular pleasure in showing off and observing others.

This is why the near nudity on the beach does not bother him. On the contrary, it allows him to verbalize what he feels, or even to approach the subject in a completely natural way.

Respond to his curiosity as simply as possible. Whether you agree or not, whether you practice the monokini or not, this is the opportunity to explain your point of view on this subject and to lay down your own rules. Don’t be embarrassed by his questions because they are normal, but if they embarrass you, it is better to avoid places that are too “daring” for your liking. Nudism is normally regulated and you can choose a beach that prohibits the monokini or the wearing of thongs for example.

4-6 years: nudity bothers him

It is from the age of 4 or 5 that the child begins to hide his body. He hides to dress or undress, he closes the bathroom door. In short, he no longer exhibits his little body which acquires a private and sexual dimension. At the same time, the nudity of others upsets him. That of his parents because he was going through the Oedipus period, but also that of others because he understood and saw that people around him do not usually walk around naked. But very often, at the beach, this “new normal” is undermined. The women show their breasts, the men change their swimsuits without taking care to hide with a towel, the little ones are completely naked…

Often the 4-5 year old looks away, embarrassed. Sometimes he sneers or accompanies his vision with a “yuck, it’s disgusting”, but he is really embarrassed, and even more so if it is about his relatives. Of course, the notion of modesty varies from family to family. A child used to seeing his mother in a monokini will probably not be more embarrassed than before as long as he understands that this event is confined to the beach. A child from a more modest family can experience this “exhibitionism” badly.

You have to understand his embarrassment and respect his modesty. For example, you can adapt the places you frequent or your own behavior to their reactions. Avoid common showers, beaches close to naturist beaches, protect yourself with a towel to change. Small, easy gestures that will help him feel comfortable.

1 Comment

  1. hola,
    estic buscant recursos per a treballar l’acceptació de la nuesa i de la diversitat de cossos a primària i aquest article em sembla que fomenta la vergonya i no ajuda gens a naturalitzar el que vindria a ser el més natural: un cos despullat.
    Crec que aquestes paraules són perjudicials perquè justifiquen comportaments repressors.

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