Normal temperature in a kitten

Normal temperature in a kitten

Not a single pet is insured against colds. Kittens especially often get sick, which is explained by an insufficiently developed immune system. An increased temperature in a kitten can be a reaction to the introduction of an infectious agent into the body, and to a stressful situation.

Why can a kitten’s temperature rise?

You can determine the body temperature of a pet using a thermometer; a modern electronic device will quickly show an accurate result. It must be remembered that the normal temperature of a kitten is within the range of 37,5-39 degrees. This figure may differ depending on the breed of the animal.

Fever in kittens: main signs

In addition to measurements, there are indirect signs that help the owner understand that the pet’s temperature has risen.

  • Normally, the animal should have a wet nose. The exception is the first few minutes after sleep. During this time, it remains dry. If a waking kitten has a dry and hot nose, then this is one of the signs of an increased temperature.
  • In some cases, kittens have general weakness. The animal breathes heavily and may refuse to eat.
  • At very high temperatures, the kitten may experience strong tremors throughout the body.

The last two symptoms may indicate the development of an infectious disease.

Most often, a high temperature is a sign of an inflammatory process in the animal’s body. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the focus of inflammation. After a course of antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian, the temperature will return to normal.

At home, you can bring down the fever in the following ways:

  • soak a towel in cool water and wrap the kitten with it. Keep the cloth for 10 minutes. The temperature will decrease as the towel dries. This cold compress is especially effective for overheating the kitten on a hot day;
  • wrap the ice cubes in a cloth and apply it to the neck and inner thighs of the animal. In this case, the kitten should be offered a drink as often as possible.

If the temperature does not drop after these measures, then the kitten should be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

A low temperature will also indicate an existing pathology. Sometimes kidney and endocrine system diseases are the cause. Warming with a heating pad can help the animal. If low rates are kept for a long time, then the kitten must also be shown to the veterinarian.

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