No problem: perfect skin – myth or reality?

Perfect skin is every girl’s dream. An even tone and healthy complexion is a big plus: there is no need for foundation, concealer, powder and other corrective products. Many people think that even skin tone is a gift from nature. In some cases, this is true, but people with perfect skin are rare. And it’s not that nature has become stingy with gifts, it’s just that the ecology and the wrong way of life are making themselves felt. Woman’s Day will tell you how to get closer to the ideal and maintain healthy skin.

Healthy food is the main source on the path to perfect skin

It’s no secret that our skin health and beauty depend on what we eat. But for some reason we forget about this important point … And in order to eliminate dryness, oily sheen or other problems on the face, we buy a cream, serum and wait for the result. Of course, there will be an effect from the use of good cosmetics, but not one hundred percent. The fight for perfect skin should start with nutrition. Woman’s Day turned for help to Valery Nikolaevich Sergeev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist-gastroenterologist at the Telo’s Beauty Clinic of Aesthetics and Rejuvenation. He talked about which products are good for the skin and which are not.

“There are no harmful products as such. But there are those, the use of which should be reduced, – says Valery Nikolaevich Sergeev. – For example, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks, as well as salty and spicy foods, canned food, smoked meats and, of course, fast food. All of these products contribute to dehydration and dry skin. ” And the products useful for the skin, according to Valery Nikolaevich, include cereals that improve the complexion; fish that can restore the barrier function of the skin and give it elasticity; also fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes and berries – they contain all the substances important for the body and, accordingly, for the skin. It is important to drink plenty of water – at least 2 liters per day. “But the most important thing is to follow the rules of a healthy diet: moderation, regularity, variety, balance, optimality,” the doctor said.

Sleep affects not only your well-being, but also your complexion.

Healthy sleep is just as important a step towards perfect skin as proper nutrition. Lack of sleep or, conversely, oversleeping leads to a dull complexion. Scientists have proven that people suffering from insomnia have a faster process of premature aging of the skin. Night is the best time to recover: when we sleep, the body produces melatonin, which helps to improve skin condition. But it’s worth noting that it’s not just the number of hours spent in bed that matters, but also the quality of sleep. If you sleep for the prescribed eight hours, but nevertheless feel tired in the morning, it is worth considering. For example, we often don’t pay much attention to factors such as a comfortable mattress or pillow. But in vain. So, the columnist for the section “Beauty and Health” Yulia Markova found the problem in this. “As soon as I realized that an uncomfortable mattress and pillow were preventing me from getting enough sleep, I immediately started looking for suitable ones. Interestingly, there were no problems with the mattress. There are a lot of them now. But for a long time I could not find a comfortable pillow. As a result of trial and error, I opted for the Enison orthopedic pillow with special cartridges. Unlike the feather pillow I’m used to, this one turned out to be quite stiff. But on the other hand, it is very comfortable. And most importantly, thanks to her, after waking up, I feel cheerful, ”says Yulia.

In order for the skin to be perfect, it is necessary to visit a beautician several times a year.

It’s no secret that you need to take care of your skin regularly. Only then will the skin thank you – it will be smooth and radiant. At home, do not neglect moisturizers and nourishing creams and masks, and cleanse it daily (morning and evening). Salon treatments will also help you achieve perfect skin. In addition to all kinds of moisturizing and nourishing professional masks used in the salon, pay special attention to two procedures – facial cleansing and peeling.

For example, one of the most important procedures, especially for those with problem skin, is face cleansing. “One of the most effective and, most pleasantly, painless, is ultrasonic cleaning,” says Larisa Dutova, dermatologist at the Center for Cosmetology on Smolenka. “It helps to quickly and permanently solve the problem of acne and inflammation.”

Peeling will help to achieve a healthy complexion. “There are a lot of products that help remove dead skin areas and thus give the face a radiance,” says Yulia Mamikonyan, a cosmetologist at the Symphony SPA. “But beauty products are especially effective, which contain extracts of sea salt or algae that are familiar to many, as well as not very popular, but no less successful ingredients of nuts, rice crumbs, sesame seeds, fruits, vegetables and honey.” Also, experts advise paying attention to the Turkish program for the face that has recently appeared in Russia – massage with a mitten made of fabric based on horsehair (kesse).

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