NEO Hospital implements RSQ Motion technology – for patients after osseointegration
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NEO Hospital together with RSQ Technologies launched a new project in the area of ​​orthopedic diagnostics, biomechanics and motor skills of the human body in patients after osseointegration procedures. The solution implemented in the Krakow hospital addresses many important questions: what is the patient’s range of movements? how exactly does the patient feel his body move? How to get objective information about the progress in therapy and rehabilitation after surgery?

Digital health is providing us with more and more data, and artificial intelligence (AI) is helping to analyze it to find new treatments for disease and improve medical practices. Therefore, NEO Hospital decided to implement the RSQ Motion solution to assess progress in the field of prosthetic mobility and improve functionality in patients after osseointegration procedures.

– At NEO Hospital, we work on the basis of the patient value-based care model, therefore measuring the clinical outcome and objective information about the outcome of the therapeutic process are extremely valuable to us. The RSQ Motion system provides comprehensive information on the condition of patients both during rehabilitation and postoperative treatment, as well as after the completion of therapy – for example during a follow-up examination. The assessment of progress in recovery is more reliable thanks to the system – says Joanna Szyman, president of the NEO Hospital Group.

Osseointegration is currently the greatest evolution in the surgical treatment of terminally amputated patients, which is a modern alternative to a conventional prosthesis with a funnel. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to eliminate the need to use a funnel prosthesis, which allows patients to walk better, move over uneven terrain and transmit stimuli from the ground in a manner similar to the natural one. For patients, it is also a chance to change the quality of life and improve everyday functioning without bothersome abrasions, skin ulcers, pain or painful neuromas. The nature of the implant also allows for a better range of motion compared to traditional prostheses, improved mobility, gait and sitting comfort. NEO Hospital is the first center in Poland that performs osseointegration procedures.

Medical care is increasingly organized around the needs and values ​​that are important to the patient. The value-based care model (VBHC) is primarily evidence-based medicine that seeks more efficient and effective ways to improve clinical outcomes. Technologies can effectively support efficiency improvement, and the global size of the digital health market exceeded $ 141,8 billion in 2020 and will grow by over 17,4% in the coming years – adds Joanna Szyman.

The future of traffic measurement

RSQ Motion is a mobile, multi-sensor system for measuring range of motion. Body movements are digitally retrained with the help of an avatar of a human figure. The system communicates wirelessly, creating a portable “full body motion capture” kit that allows you to measure, diagnose, analyze and monitor patient movement parameters. RSQ Motion sensors operate on the basis of machine learning algorithms and provide precise measurements with an accuracy of 0,3˚, matching the accuracy of optometric systems. RSQ Motion is a certified medical device marked with the CE symbol.

RSQ Technologies is dedicated to creating a world where technology helps people live happily, consciously and in good health. We use the latest scientific discoveries, unique design and modern methods of manufacturing technological products for healthcare. We support physiotherapists, doctors and medical institutions in their daily work. We are extremely pleased that we have managed to establish cooperation with NEO Hospital, which shares native values ​​and, thanks to an open organizational culture, creates favorable conditions for the development of creators of new technologies – he says Bartłomiej Lubiatowski, President of the Management Board of RSQ Technologies.

Tailored solutions

Thanks to the creation of detailed research during rehabilitation, the process of achieving full fitness becomes more understandable for both physiotherapists and patients. As he emphasizes Dr. Łukasz Kawik, attending physician, specialist in the field of orthopedics and traumatology: – RSQ Motion supports us in the field of obtaining reliable information based on objective measurements, allowing for the assessment of motor skillspatient after osseointegration procedures, comparedwith the condition after being equipped with a funnel prosthesis. Obtainedinformation, graphic and digital modelswill serve the patient as an additional tool in the processrehabilitation as well as alignment supportmotor deficits. A solution for prosthetiststhis can be used to improve external dentures,and we will enable doctors to gain new knowledgein the future it will be possible to use to improvethe quality of the patient’s life.

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