Nail diseases – how to recognize them?

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Beautiful, well-groomed, smooth and even nails are an aesthetic addition to the appearance. However, they are exposed to many factors that spoil their appearance. Mechanical injuries, bacterial and fungal infections, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to serious nail diseases.

Nail diseases – characteristics

A healthy nail is smooth, without pits or furrows, it should have a uniform color, and its free edge should be white, opaque. Nails should not hurt or be sensitive. A condition other than the one described above is a deviation from the norm and requires consultation with a doctor. The most common nail diseases are:

  1. Nail fungus – usually starts the nail invasion from its free edge, i.e. the end of the nail. This is where you should pay special attention to detect the first symptoms and start treatment as soon as possible. The symptom of mycosis will be yellow discoloration that will darken with time.
  2. Candidiasis – is a form of ringworm, with the only difference being that it is caused by yeasts. It attacks the shafts of the nail, i.e. the top and side of the nail, causing pain, swelling, redness and purulent discharge. Treatment is similar to that of mycosis.
  3. Nail psoriasis is a skin disease. Its most common symptom is longitudinal furrows along the nail or are arranged randomly. Nails become dull and brittle. When the nail bed is affected, a yellowish discoloration appears under the nail. For nail psoriasis, we recommend the EPTA PSO Intensive Nail Conditioner with psoriasis, which you can buy separately or in a Set with 30% urea for body and nail care with EPTA PSO 30.
  4. Paronychia – concerns the shafts and nail plates, namely in the course of this disease, inflammation occurs under the part of the skin that covers the lateral and upper part of the nail. Bacteria such as staphylococcus, blue pus rod or streptococcus, penetrating under the nail plate, cause painful, vivid red, often even purulent swelling.
  5. Onycholysis – in the era of constant manicure treatments, is a very common disease in women. The main cause is mechanical damage, but also fungal infections, hormonal disorders, psoriasis and contact with chemicals.

Remember to properly care for your nails and the skin around them. They should be moisturized and conditioned. For this purpose, order Bioherba Nail and Cuticle Oil, which currently has a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Ingrown nails. What treatments do specialists offer?

Nail diseases aren’t just messy. Most of them indicate a lack of vitamins, minerals, the presence of infection, inflammation, mycosis and other diseases that should be consulted with a specialist. Absolutely, all pathologies should be consulted with a specialist doctor – podiatrist or dermatologist – and, if necessary, appropriate treatment should be initiated.

To prevent deficiencies of nutrients necessary for nail health, try ONCORIA IN DERMA special medical food – healthy hair, skin and nails. Buy the Oncoria One Advanced Nail Serum at a promotional price now on Medonet Market, which will help to regenerate a damaged nail plate. To improve the condition of the nails, you can also use the herb horsetail tea.

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