My child is bleeding from the nose: how to react?

My child is bleeding from the nose: how to react?

Often in children, nosebleeds or “epistaxis” are fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, completely benign. However, they can impress toddlers, and their parents, who do not always know how to react well. How to stop them? When should you consult? Is it possible to prevent their occurrence? Answers to your questions.

What is an epistaxis?

“An epistaxis – or nosebleed – is a hemorrhage occurring in the mucous membranes that line the nasal cavities”, we can read on the Health Insurance website. “

The flow of blood is:

  • either anterior and it is done through one of the two nostrils or both;
  • either posterior (towards the throat);
  • or both at the same time.

What are the causes ?

Did you know ? The inside of the nostrils is rich in very fine blood vessels. This area is called “the vascular spot”. These vessels are fragile, even more so in some children.

When they rupture, blood escapes. However, many things can irritate them. Scratching the inside of your nose, having an allergy, falling, taking a blow, blowing your nose a little too hard, or too often, as in nasopharyngitis, are all factors that can trigger bleeding. All the more so when the outside air is dry, for example in winter because of the heating. Because the nasal mucous membranes dry up quickly, which weakens them.

Some medications like aspirin, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs and blood thinners can also be blamed. Just like, in small children, the introduction of a foreign body in a nostril, like a ball. Often, no cause is found: the bleeding is said to be idiopathic.

What is the action to be taken?

Above all, there is no point in panicking. Sure, the sight of blood is awesome, except for a surgeon, but if you don’t want to unnecessarily distress your child. Reassure him.

These blood vessels bleed easily, but scarred just as easily. And generally, the amount of blood lost is minimal:

  • Sit your child down;
  • Ask him to blow his nose, one nostril at a time. This is the first thing to do, to evacuate the clot;
  • Then have him tilt his head slightly forward, pfor 10 to 20 minutes;
  • Pinch the top of his nostrils, just below the bone.

It is not recommended to use a cotton pad. The latter could open the nostril instead of compressing it, and thus prevent proper healing. Contrary to popular belief, it is important not to tilt his head back. This can cause blood to flow to the back of the throat and cause difficulty in breathing.

If you have them, you can use Coalgan Hemostatic Drill Bits. Sold in pharmacies, they accelerate healing. We introduce one delicately into the nostril after having twisted it and wetted it with physiological serum.

When to consult

If a small object has been inserted by the child in one of his nostrils, do not try to remove it: you may insert it even further. In this case, you must go see your pediatrician immediately or, if he is not available, go to the emergency room. Medical personnel can safely remove the intruder. Ditto, if the bleeding was caused by shock, the child is unconscious, has a known bleeding disease, or you suspect a broken bone in the nose, of course, you should of course see him immediately.

If bleeding for more than 20 minutes

If the bleeding does not stop after 20 minutes of pinching her nose, if the child becomes pale or sweating, a doctor should be seen immediately. Similarly, if the bleeding is repeated very often, it is necessary to consult, to rule out a more serious track, such as a coagulation disorder, or even ENT cancer, which is very rare. Most often, fortunately, the cause is completely benign. But when the bleeding is too frequent, the pediatrician can perform cauterization of the blood vessels in order to limit recurrence.


  • Ask your child not to put his fingers in his nose;
  • Keep his fingernails short to prevent him from injuring himself;
  • Also, teach him to blow his nose as gently as possible.

If the nasal mucous membranes have been irritated by a cold or an allergy, Homeoplasmin® ointment can be used, to be applied in each nostril in the morning and in the evening. This should hydrate the mucous membranes of the nose, and limit the risk of bleeding. Alternatively, the nasal mucosa can be moistened with physiological saline. HEC ointment can strengthen the nasal mucosa.

In winter, a humidifier can be useful at night if the air in the house is too dry, especially when the heating is a little too strong. Passive smoking is also harmful, as the smoke irritates the nose. Another great reason not to smoke indoors.

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