Of course, for every person, his mother is the best. We congratulate everyone on Mother’s Day and invite you to get acquainted with Krasnodar women who manage not only to be exemplary mothers, but also achieve success in their profession, are engaged in active social work. Moreover, they are all real clever and beautiful women! And how do they manage it ?!
36 years old, film and television director
mother of 5 children
finalist of the competition “Mom of the Year”
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? The first time I became a mother was at 24 years old. Now I am 36, and I am getting ready to meet our sixth baby and become the best mother for him. With the birth of a child, both the views and the whole life change. Starting from the fact that you notice every hair, thread on the floor that the baby can pull into his mouth, and including all the awakened instincts aimed at protecting and caring for the baby.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? Our mother is very kind and therefore never punished us, although she often threatened us with punishments: I’ll put it in a corner, you won’t go to a disco, I won’t buy a new skirt. And as a child, I understood the principle for raising children: I said – do it! I try to practice this with my girls and boys. We set boundaries and principles and adhere to them.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? If we talk about appearance, then our children are more like dad. And the similarities are that we all love to stay up late and get up later in the morning. My daughters don’t like bread, like me, but we really love beautiful backpacks and sometimes we change them. We also love to hug and communicate, ride bicycles together, although I’m still not as active as they are – they are restless!
What qualities do you teach your child? Respect and respect for the older generation. We teach younger children to respect older ones. Forgiveness – even if it hurts, forgive and wish the person well. And also that the family is a team! And we must take care of each other.
The main principle of education is … personal example.
How can mom do everything? Plan your time and business, involve older children in business and do not refuse the help of dad. And the main thing is to have a rest! It helps to always be in a positive mood and look good.
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25 years old, dancer, head of the No Rules dance school (journalist by education), finalist of the DANCES project (TNT)
mother of daughter Anfisa
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I became a mother at the age of 18 and I am very glad that it will not be later. Now we are like girlfriends-sisters. We have trust and no secrets in our relationship. My Anfiska tells me everything in the world and feels that I will always support her. This is an important point in the relationship between mother and daughter. If this is not the case from an early age, then this will never be achieved.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? The main lesson. HM. Yes, there are a lot of them. But, in fact, we have absolutely different attitudes towards education and use opposite methods. My mother is strict, collected, responsible. And since childhood, I always knew that if I didn’t do something, they would do it for me. Let’s say it spoiled me a little. I bring up my Anfiska differently. I want her to learn independence now. So that she understood that she was a mother, but if she herself did not do something, then no one will do it for her. Haven’t packed your schoolbag in the evening? Wakes up early in the morning and picks up in front of school. Will not get enough sleep. Next time he will not forget about his “duties”.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? We are similar in many ways. In my opinion, apart from appearance, this is my copy, only to an exaggerated degree. It touches me. But sometimes I struggle with certain qualities of her character, and my parents also struggled with these qualities, raising me. And now I understand my mom and dad a little better.
What qualities do you teach your child? I teach everything at once. It is important for a child to be sociable, but in moderation. It’s important to be friendly! Responsible and ambitious. Everything should be in moderation, without fanaticism. I am proud of the way I have it now and I can safely say that it is not developed for my years!
The main principle of education is … the ability to speak, I think. Everything can be explained calmly! No screaming! Without a “belt” and without ultimatums (these methods I do not understand and do not accept).
How can mom do everything? Great question. Enjoy being a mom! And when the “duties” are fun – everything succeeds by itself.
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35 years old, Chairman of ANO “Center for the Development of Charitable Programs” Edge of Mercy “, Head of LLC” Bureau of Property Assessment and Expertise “
Mom of three children
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I found the happiness of motherhood at the age of 25. I remember with what trepidation I looked at the nose, eyes, lips, fingered tiny fingers, inhaled with pleasure the smell of his hair, kissed his tiny arms and legs. I was overwhelmed with tenderness for my son. The attitude towards oneself as a person separate from the child is changing. There is no longer me, there is “we”.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? The first thing that my parents taught me was to be myself, this is what I teach my children. The second quality is the ability to love, the third is to have perseverance in achieving goals.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? In each of the children, I see my own traits: perseverance, curiosity, perseverance – and this helps us to be even closer. My sons are fond of sports: the elder is training in the reserve of FC Kuban, the younger is taking his first steps in acrobatics. The daughter is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics.
What qualities do you teach your child? Kindness, ability to compassion. I try to teach by my own example, I think this is the most effective way, but fairy tales and instructive stories also help.
The main principle of education is … spend more time with your children.
How can mom do everything? I just want to answer: no way! But seriously, you need to plan things, and the most important thing is to be able to relax. Don’t try to be a super mom every second. Therefore, it is much more important to stop, quit business and think how good it is that you have close people, you can love and take care of them, and they are about you.
My prince
“I always knew that I would adopt a baby. And after the birth of her second child, a princess-ballerina, she entered the school of adoptive parents, then began looking for a child. When, after a while, the phone rang out: “Come, there is a child of 3 years old,” my heart pounded with joy. I rush there, only one thought in my head – I am going for my son, for the Prince.
The first meeting. The prince sat with his back, then turned, and I saw a completely alien child, not like me or my husband. The prince himself approached me, I sat him on my lap, took his hand in mine, he was silent, only sometimes he looked up at me in confusion. I signed the consent. Second meeting. While the documents were being prepared, we came to the Prince with our eldest son. The kid was so happy about us that he talked incessantly, called me mom, and for some reason he called his son dad.
Finally, we are all going home. The prince is sleeping in the back seat. At the entrance, passing by the concierge with the Prince in my arms, I pretended not to notice her surprised look … And our Princess greeted us very warmly, said: “I will have a brother!” and hugged him. But the idyll did not last long. Children began to share territory, toys, food, trees outside the window and, most importantly, the attention of their parents. I, as I could, consoled them, explaining, talking to them.
Adaptation. The prince got used to it a little and began to break everything. After painting the wall (which we painted only a week ago), he led me to it with the words: “Mom, I drew this cartoon for you!” Well, what can you say … At times I thought I wouldn’t have enough patience, but then I looked at his happy little face, and all emotions calmed down. But the adaptation never seemed to end.
Assistant. But as time passed, sharp corners were erased. Our Prince turned out to be extremely hard-working: his favorite pastime is to help mom clean the floor. At more than three years old, he is unusually caring: “Mom, I will cover your legs”, “Mom, I will bring you some water.” Thank you, son. Now I cannot imagine what would have happened if he had not appeared in our family. He is very similar to me – he also loves black and white films, we have the same food preferences. And outwardly he looks like his father. PS Prince in the family for 1 year. “
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37 years old, lawyer, chairman of the Krasnodar organization “Union of large families” Kuban Family “
mother of two daughters and two sons
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? On July 5, 2001, our first daughter, AngeLika, was born. I was 22 years old. Such a piercing tenderness, such an aching happiness from the smell of a child’s crown, such tears of joy from the first steps of a child, from a smile addressed to you or your dad! Such pride from the first verse on the kindergarten tree. A sudden warm feeling of joy that someone is praising not you, but your child. Astonishment that on New Year’s Eve, under the chimes, you propose the fulfillment not of your desires, but of the desires of your children. With the birth of the next children Sophia, Matthew and Sergey, life became more interesting and meaningful!
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? I received a lot of love, guidance and traditions from my mother, which I transferred to my family. For example, every Sunday, after returning from church, we sit at a large table, discuss all the events of the outgoing week, all the problems, joys, successes and experiences, have lunch and plan things for the new week. Sometimes we stay at home and get ready for the work week or go for a walk in the park.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? Our children are all different. But every parent wants to see their continuation in the little person. All people are different, and nature has disposed wisely, creating such a variety. You must admit that it would be boring to raise and educate your exact copy.
What qualities do you teach your child? We teach children to be sociable, empathetic, responsive, benevolent, responsible, executive, honest, respect people, value goodness, be persistent in achieving goals, be humble, accurate and selfless. In a word – you need to know and keep the 10 commandments given to us by the Lord!
The main principle of education is… love. All parenting comes down to just two things: meeting the needs of the child and your personal example. There is no need to feed the child if he does not want to, or not to feed when he wants. Trust the child and yourself, and then trust the advisers and clever books. Your personal example will always work. If you say one thing, and set the opposite example, then the result will not be the one you expected.
How can mom do everything? If you work out rules for yourself, they will make life much easier. For example, you need to plan your day, week, etc. Do everything on time, distribute responsibilities around the house to all family members. Everything in life begins with a family! And I am very glad that recently the belief in family values, where a woman is primarily a mother, a keeper of the hearth, has begun to revive. A father is a breadwinner and an example for his children. It is important to return to our traditions of large families. There have always been three or more children in Kuban families!
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33 years old, business coach, expert in personnel management, owner of the company “Rosta Resources”
daughter’s mom
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I have always wanted children and a big family. I am an addicted person, work projects, endless training pushed back the birth of a child a little, but after 25 years something inside clicked, I could not think of anything else, the desire to become a mother became the main thing. I don’t know how my attitude changed after the birth of my daughter, probably I felt that now someone really dear really needed it, the fear of loneliness disappeared. My starting point is not the birth of a child, but the realization that I am ready to become a mother, I like to tell my friends how I prepared for pregnancy, imagined how I was chosen as a mother. I read the books of the obstetrician-gynecologist Luule Viilma, I was preparing to meet the soul of my baby right away, and not at the moment of birth, I kept a diary and wrote the child’s letters throughout the pregnancy, now we love to read them with my daughter.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? Cool question. I have a very affectionate mother, responsible, she probably taught me important things to do in advance, not to drag myself into the last carriage, but to be honest, I did not think about the lessons, I received a lot of love and am grateful that I also have someone to love.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? Outwardly, we are not much alike, but others say that Zlata is my copy, I think, because she really copies me in everything: speech, manners, intonation, habits, behavior, thinking, reasoning. And in what it is different – probably, she is not as assiduous as I was at her age.
What qualities do you teach your child? We have a cult at home in all its manifestations: there should be order, homemade food should be prepared, etc. Such values are instilled. But in general, I learn more myself, set an example, set rules and demand that agreements be fulfilled.
The main principle of education is … understand and forgive … We have a standard set of conflicts and difficulties, it is important to hug, talk about feelings, admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness and forgive.
How can mom do everything? I blog on Instagram and share my rules of life with subscribers. Among the important ones, for example, are such – I do not spend time on traffic jams (I work at home or in an office near my home), I do not watch TV at all, I plan my vacation well.
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33 years old, economist, translator, civil servant, blogger
mother of two
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I have two sons – 7 years old and 3 years old. Two very different lives. She gave birth to her first son at the age of 26, and everything began to revolve around the child, there were many fears and prejudices of a young inexperienced mother. I led a “home” lifestyle, took care of my child and completely forgot about myself. Everything changed with going to work from maternity leave. I understood – a child is a child, but this is not my whole life! I started going out, radically changed my image, resumed fitness classes. And then the second pregnancy. And this is where this radical change took place. I did not return to my “shell life” and continued to lead an active lifestyle. For example, I have been fond of embroidery for a long time, began to take part in the exhibition “The World of a Woman”.
But, apparently, all this was not enough …. And I opened the Internet project “Children in Krasnodar”. Now we have a lot of things to do together: visits to museums, participation in children’s parties, projects with children’s centers. In the group, I was able to “reveal” myself from a completely unexpected side for myself.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? Mom taught me to be hardworking, honest and never do anything slack. I try to instill the same qualities in my children. Although it does not always work out.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? During pregnancy, I spent a month at sea with my eldest son and even managed to fly abroad! There I realized how much we are similar with the youngest son: we went wherever we wanted, visited cafes, entertainment centers.
What qualities do you teach your child? I teach my children the same thing that my mother taught me: honesty, responsibility, hard work.
The main principle of education is … his own example, sincere interest in the affairs and inner world of his child and love – unlimited and unconditional.
How can mom do everything? Firstly, I almost never rest, and secondly, the main thing is to allocate time! A modern mother needs time management, otherwise you can “drive yourself”, and thirdly, where did you get the idea that I have time to do everything …
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39 years old, art manager, theater marketing teacher in St. Petersburg, head of the theater photography festival, commercial director of the PHOTOVISA International Photography Festival, organizer of charitable projects.
mother of two
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? My children are the main helpers. Now professional life is in full swing. But it was not always so. When the youngest daughter Vasilisa was still little, the son Mishka, who at that time was in elementary school, wrote in an essay about parents: “My dad is a builder, and my mother sits on the couch with a computer all day.” It was so unexpected and so awful! It turns out that my children cannot be proud of me. Yes, there was a lot of Internet, but it was the only way to keep myself afloat as a professional, and the rest of my life, filled with diapers, soups, cleaning, meant nothing for my children! For several months I walked as if crushed by this composition … .. But there was no way out. I wanted the children to be proud of me. And I did my first theater marketing workshop. Ideas, suggestions, partners, interesting people and cities – everything fell on me like golden rain! And I realized that it was always like this. All these people were near, I just did not hear them, did not see them. Today, in all my projects, Mishka and Vasilisa are always by my side. They distribute leaflets, set up stands, decorate exhibitions, prepare photo reports and press packs, help with translations for foreign partners. They never refused to help me. All my colleagues know Vasilisa and Mishka, they know that I have a powerful support team. And now my daughter, answering the same school question about parents, brought a presentation to the class, which began with the words “My mother is an art manager. When I grow up, I want to become like a mother. “
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child There is such a lesson. The man in the house is the king, god and military leader. Love, groom, obey and keep silent when necessary. And of course, at the very beginning, choose just that. So as not to doubt his impeccability and unequivocal leadership.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? With my son we are very similar in appearance, and with my daughter – in character. With Mishka we have an eternal confrontation, although we love each other very much. I feel Vasilisa as if we have one nervous system for two. But she is the next generation. More dynamic and purposeful.
What qualities do you teach your child? Be responsible. For yourself, your loved ones, your actions.
The main principle of education is … The main thing is to be happy. Be confident in your business, in your family. Children should see real success stories of their parents, be proud of them.
How can mom do everything? You will not have time for everything! And why do you need everything? Enjoy what you get to be in time.
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45 years old, director of the Blue Bird charity organization
mother of six children
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I gave birth to my first child at the age of 20 – as an average decent woman in the USSR. But I really felt like a mother only 10 years ago, when my adopted son Ilyusha appeared in my life. Just love for a child who is of the same blood with you is a natural, correct, calm feeling: dear and familiar. The feeling of motherhood towards someone else’s child whom you accept is special. I am grateful to my boy for the fact that he is in my life, for the fact that he opened me myself.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? This is a pretty cruel lesson, but it was he who made me this way. This is a lesson from the opposite – you need to love your children! To be close at all costs. Fill the house with care and joy, happy people and animals, fun feasts and sincere conversations.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? If we list all the similarities and differences with my children, we will not have enough time. I like that we are all a Family with a capital letter and stick together. The only thing is that I am, perhaps, more emotional. I lack the judgment of my children.
What qualities do you teach your child? Be decent and responsible, sometimes even sacrificial. I remember the following story: when Ilyusha was in the first grade, he fell and hit, his nose was bleeding (and since Ilyusha is sick, bleeding can be very dangerous). The first thing he did, when the teacher ran up to him, stopped her with an outstretched hand and said: “Don’t come near me! This is dangerous!” Then I realized: I have a real man growing up.
The main principle of education is … uncompromising love for your children. Whatever they do, whatever they’ve done, they know – I will accept them.
How can mom do everything? No way! I wish I had more time to devote to my family, my children.
The story of one kid
They found Igor by accident – in a dirty den. In an abandoned room with no windows. There was only a carpeted doorway. For many years of non-payment, gas, water and electricity were cut off long ago. In the middle of the “room” there were the remains of the sofa on which Igor, his mother, other people who came for the “dose” and a dog were sleeping. The first thing that occurred to a person who saw this room: how could a child survive in these conditions, especially in winter. Igor was fed only with bread and water.
Once the police came to the house, the boy was taken to the infectious diseases hospital. It is always noisy in the ward of abandoned children: someone is playing, someone is crawling, someone is babbling loudly to the nanny. When Igor was introduced, he was in shock: he had never seen so much light, toys and children. He stood in bewilderment in the middle of the room when footsteps were heard in the corridor. The door was opened by a woman in a white coat, and Igor looked at her with his frightened eyes. They both did not yet know how their lives would change from that moment on.
He was already two and a half years old, but he walked badly, did not utter sounds, was afraid to sleep in the crib, the marigolds had grown into the skin, the ears were washed with a special solution, there were no numbers of purulent scratches. When the baby heard his name, he shrank into a ball and waited to be hit. The child did not perceive his name as a name, apparently, he thought it was a shout.
Being in the hospital constantly for her professional duties, she saw the boy every day, talked and somewhere in the depths of her soul knew that they could no longer part. In the evening, after feeding the family, putting the children to bed, she flew to the hospital to see Igor. Once I decided to talk to my husband. The conversation was long and difficult: the child is seriously ill, housing problems, her children, material instability – she said only one thing: “I love him.”
Now the boy lives with a family. Now he has older brothers, mom, dad, a fat, clumsy pug Yusya, two turtles Mashka and Dasha, and the constantly screaming parrot Roma. At Holy Baptism, Mom and Dad gave him a new name – according to the calendar – and now they baptized Ilya in the monastery.
According to the prevention plan, a quantitative test for hepatitis was done. Miracles did not happen – the indicators are growing. Hepatitis C is the only of the six forms of hepatitis, which doctors call the “affectionate killer” because the course of the disease is visually imperceptible, but in fact it is a slow death. There are no guarantees. If you constantly remember this, you can go crazy, and Ilya needs not a crying creature with bruises under his eyes nearby, but an affectionate caring mother who will comfort and kiss. And whatever fate awaits this blond baby with the smile of a mischievous angel – mom is always there!
Lina Skvortsova, mother of Ilyusha.
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27 years old, General Director of the Corporation for Good.
mother of two sons
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? My first child, Edward, was born when I was 22 years old, graduating from university. I remember how many experiences I had: doubts about my parental competence, fears of a radical change in lifestyle, worries about my professional future. But as soon as the baby was born, all worries disappeared! My other son, Albert, will soon be 1 year old, and I was expecting him to be a completely different person: an adult, calmer and more self-confident. Motherhood is a special life experience in which, as in any profession, the share of routine work is very high. For myself, I made an important conclusion: the happier the mother, the happier the child. That is why I organized my own company in which I can develop professionally without being tied to office work.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? I don’t think it makes sense to project my life conclusions to my child: after all, these are my personal conclusions that I made as a result of my actions. In his life, everything may be different.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? I never tried to find similarities and differences with my sons.
What qualities do you teach your child? I fantasize a lot with kids and see kids get creative with their play. I see my task as a parent in being as close to the child as possible as long as my active participation and help is required. As they get older, my children learn to cope with their tasks on their own, contacting me if necessary.
The main principle of education is … balance between strictness and affection, be patient and sincere in your feelings.
How can mom do everything? It is very important for a mother to be able to correctly prioritize: some things are very important, their implementation must be planned in advance, something routine can be done with the child, diluting the routine. Mom does not need to have time to do everything herself, but she needs to learn how to find ways to solve problems: to attract assistants, to delegate something, to refuse something (perhaps washing the floors twice a day is not so important, but five minutes alone is priceless ). A diary helps me in my life, in which I write tasks by hand and mark their completion. To help a woman – mobile applications and services, calendars and reminders. Be happy and harmonious!
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Larisa Nasyrova, 36 years old, head of the marketing department
36 years old, head of marketing department
daughter’s mom
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I became a mother at 28! Mom is the only person on earth who accompanies the child from birth to his death, even though they are sometimes separated by great distances. On this occasion, I recall the words from the song: “If the mother is still alive, you are happy that there is someone on earth, worried, to pray for you …”. Life after the birth of a baby naturally changes. And from the sensations – for the first time I felt like a real woman just after giving birth. The understanding came that now we are a real family, it is we who can now give this tiny little man the whole world, acquaint with everything that we know ourselves – in general, there was and remains now a colossal interest in life.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? Be ready for everything and treat everything exactly (in the sense of calmly and objectively, and not indifferent). The first is important so that a person, or rather his inner state, does not depend on the circumstances of his life. It is important to be ready for good and bad, useful and harmful, pleasant and unpleasant, because people are not given to decide what they should have. People are given the right to decide what to do with what they have. However, not everyone is ready to accept their circumstances as they are. Only a calm and objective outlook on life can help find answers to vital questions and avoid fatal mistakes.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? Children absorb everything that happens around them: they react to words, movements, gestures, actions. And the parent always is and will be that example, that person, for whom the child will observe all the time of his development, accumulating knowledge and impressions.
What qualities do you teach your child? Become a safe haven – create a safe base for your child and ensure that a healthy and lasting relationship is established between you, prepare the child for real life – provide him with what he needs, not what he wants, and help him understand what it means to be part of a larger society.
The main principle of education – This… personal example.
How can mom do everything? In the modern world, a woman wants to realize herself not only as a mother and a good wife, but also working, using all her creative potential. It’s no secret that we are happy when we can harmonize all areas of our life and devote the necessary amount of time to each of them. From personal experience I can say that you can do everything if you want. I have one daughter, and I have never been a housewife in the classical sense of the word, except for maternity leave. The most important thing is to prioritize everything you do.
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26 years old, surgeon, breastfeeding consultant
mother of two sons
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? As soon as I met my spouse, I immediately began to dream of a big family. Soon after the wedding, we had a son, Gleb. When Gleb was 8 months old, I found out that I was pregnant again. And although we understood how difficult it would be for us with the weather children, this news was certainly happy! So we have another son, Misha. Of course, life changes with the birth of children. I will not be cunning, motherhood is not easy. A sense of parental responsibility, anxiety comes. New values are emerging. But there is also a lot of bonuses that are understandable only to parents: to hear the native smell of your baby’s hair, to experience indescribable emotions at the mere sight of a child, to feel tenderness during feeding. Children provide a fulcrum in life – you begin to realize who you really are, what you have accumulated over the years of your life and what all this is for.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? When I was 16 years old, my mother and I began to talk about marriage. Mom asked if I ever wanted to get married and how I would choose my husband. I told her that I wanted to marry a rich man. And then she wilted, her tone changed and she asked: “But what about love? Why don’t you say that you want to marry your beloved? ” I told her then that I do not believe in love. Hearing this from me, my mother cried and said that love is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a person. It was only years later that I realized how right she was. I was fortunate enough to experience these feelings when I met my spouse. I dream that my children really love and this love was mutual. And I am very grateful to my mother that then she found the right words that changed my worldview.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? With the eldest son (it is too early to judge about the similarities or differences with the younger), we have completely different psychotypes – he is a classic introvert, and on the contrary, I am an extrovert. And this introduces some difficulties in our mutual understanding. Sometimes it is very difficult for me with him. But I try to be the best mother for him, to understand and help to realize all his talents, of which, I am sure, there is a whole mass. But as far as mobility is concerned, in this my two sons and I are a copy – the owners of an inexhaustible charge of energy. It’s loud, noisy, fast, but fun with us!
What qualities do you teach your child? If I say that we bring up certain qualities in our 2-year-old and XNUMX-month-old children, it will not be true. I believe that parents should educate themselves, because children just see an example and copy the parents’ model of behavior.
The main principle of education is … unconditional love. A child who grows up with love in his heart will be a happy adult. To do this, we, parents, must love the child as he is, with all his advantages and disadvantages.
How can mom do everything? Being on maternity leave with two weather children, I do a lot: I graduated from courses on breastfeeding, now I help women solve problems associated with breastfeeding, I go in for sports, I learn foreign languages, I study at an online school of photography, I lead a community of Krasnodar mothers and the edges on instagram (@instamamkr), arrange meetings and events and actively maintain my personal Instagram page @kozina__k, where I share my motherhood experience, publish my articles on breastfeeding, conduct children’s leisure contests and much more. How do I do it ?! It’s simple – I try to prioritize correctly, plan everything carefully (the diary is my main assistant) and have little rest.
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31 years old, pharmacist, fitness instructor
son’s mom
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I used to work for a large pharmaceutical company. And it was a very interesting job: new people, constant business trips, the first car in my life that the company provided me. Yes, and my spouse and I are not lovers of home gatherings: barely waiting for the weekend, hastily collected PPP (* essentials) and rushed somewhere like a bullet. But 2 years ago, life changed dramatically. Our son Ilya was born, he turned our marriage into a real family. Have I changed? Yes, he turned my mind 360 degrees! His appearance shook me up and fully revealed my potential. A new life has begun, filled with bright moments and “adventures”! It is thanks to Ilya and with his direct participation that our @Fitness_s_baby insta project appeared: a project about how a mother can stay in excellent physical shape when a small child is in her arms.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will present to your child. There is only one life. Live every moment! Do not set limits, do not become isolated within your boundaries. Look wider: the world is huge and beautiful! Be open to everything new – only then will you breathe deeply and be able to live a beautiful, bright, real life!
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? I think every mother is pleased to say that the baby is her little copy. And I am no exception! Our son is very much like my husband and I: his look and smile are like a dad. But when he squints and slyly raises his right eyebrow – I can’t help smiling – after all, this is an exact copy of me!
What qualities do you teach your child? For now, probably only patience. Moreover, it is in relation to their parents. Because in relation to other people and especially children, Ilya is more than tolerant: for example, he will never take away a toy from another baby. Do you think he doesn’t need her? Yes, sure! Still as needed. But he has his own almost trouble-free strategy: he just takes my hand and pulls me to someone else’s toy. At the same time, the mother must smile and in every way tries to charm the owner of the toy, so that “she is allowed to play.”
The main principle of education is … love, patience and reasonable rigor. But the most important thing is our own example. Do you want your child to start every day with exercises throughout their life? So start exercising yourself!
How can mom do everything? My favorite topic! Mom doesn’t need to think “the baby will fall asleep and I’ll get down to business.” This is fraught with burnout, stress and chronic fatigue. While the baby is sleeping, lie down next to him, relax, read a book, watch a movie. And try to do things together with your child. While Ilya was little, I laid him next to him in a children’s chaise lounge and did my job within his sight. If he asked for his hands, she took and did what she could do with him in her arms. By the way, communicating on Instagram with thousands of mothers, I realized that many do this! Of course, a child will not always react with understanding to what you “need”. Try to talk to him. The kid is unlikely to understand the words, but your convincing intonation will definitely affect him. And if it doesn’t work, well, then it’s not convincing. In such cases, take a deep breath, relax, put off all your affairs and get real pleasure from communicating with the dearest person on earth!
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31 years old, psychologist for moms, researcher of parent-child relations, co-director of the SunFamily project and the forum for young mothers (will be held in Krasnodar on November 29, 2015), organizes meetings, seminars, master classes for pregnant women
Mom of two children
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? At 23, when my daughter appeared under my heart, I read a lot of information about how to live with a child easily and joyfully, while self-actualizing not only as a mother. I read, learned, applied so much that motherhood became my specialty. So it turns out that for more than 8 years I have been conducting and organizing meetings, seminars, trainings for MAM, individually advising and supporting any mother in her mother’s path, her fears, doubts, issues from everyday life to upbringing. I share what I have. And I get pleasure and joy from my life: I admire my husband, our relationship, I am raising two children (we are planning more), I communicate, I do handicrafts with my friends, I realize myself in social and commercial projects, etc.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child My mother left this life a long time ago, but I remember her as loving, kind, hard-working. Her performance was amazing for me: she woke up very early, managed to cook breakfast, feed everyone, went to physically hard work, and in the evening she managed a large household. When I was a teenager, I could not come to terms with her way of life – I saw how hard it was for her. Now, many years later, many are surprised at my active lifestyle. Yes, indeed, I do a lot of things around the house, in the family, in social life, with only one difference, I try to do what I like, with pleasure, with pleasure, in my own rhythm. This is what I pass on to my children.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? I like to say that “children are our reflection.” And there is. If you still take some features, then my daughter and I are very similar even in appearance. She is just as kind, seeks to help, organize, and sometimes she is not in the mood, like me. She is different in her spontaneity, lightness, playfulness, which I am learning in my life. With my son, I feel more kinship in the strength and ability to achieve my goal.
What qualities do you teach your child? For me, the most important thing is that my children are happy. How can a person be happy if there are ups and downs, grief and joy, anger and kindness? I see happiness in being real, accepting myself and others as they are.
The main principle of education is … let the child feel that with us he can be real. Then this acceptance helps to become whole, with a core, congruent with oneself and others. It is then that our children have the opportunity to be not only childishly joyful, but also grow into a happy, mature, successful, loving and beloved person.
How can mom do everything? “Successful Mom” is the name of one of my time management seminar courses for moms. 1. It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to “catch everything”. 2. To be able to redistribute important and not so. 3. Take care of yourself, be filled with positive emotions. 4. Plan! If you don’t plan your time, it will fill up anyway, but not with your plans.
Did you like Olga’s story? Vote for her on the last page!
24 years old, manager
son’s mom
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? She became a mother at 23. After the birth of the child, life completely changed, acquired new colors. All the time I could not find myself, and after the birth of Mark, the puzzle came together. He is my inspirer, it seems to me that my brain does not rest now, new ideas constantly appear and I want to bring everything to life. I got a hobby – polymer clay modeling. And the organization of photo meetings for moms of Krasnodar in order to meet moms and children.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? My mother always taught me to enjoy life and find advantages in everything, I will try very hard to convey this to my baby.
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? It looks like we are not sitting still. Mark is a small man with a harsh character, always insists on his own, does not like tenderness at all. And I am a calmer, vulnerable girl, what can I say.
What qualities do you teach your child? I teach to be kind, sympathetic, to help loved ones, to be able to share.
The main principle of education is … maintaining the balance of love and strictness in the family.
How can mom do everything? To do everything, you need to properly allocate time and keep a diary. As soon as the baby appeared, I began to adapt to him. Many people ask me: “How do you manage to do everything, he is probably calm, sits playing by himself?” What? No! Mark is a very active boy and always requires attention, if I am busy for more than two minutes with something else in his presence, it is a disaster. Therefore, you need to properly distribute the to-do list.
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33 years old, head of a travel company, teacher at KSUFKST, start-up
mother of two
What does motherhood mean to you, how has life and attitude changed after the birth of a baby? I became a mother at the age of 27 and 32. Before that, I always looked with a grin at people who easily replaced the pronoun I with we, but after the appearance of a son in my life, I realized that I would have to part with most of my egoism. It was not difficult, I fell in love with him at first sight, but what can you do for the sake of your beloved man ?! In general, my life has changed for the better: I became calmer about stupid questions and much more tolerant of clever advice. What does it mean to be a mom? Do not know! I guess I don’t have enough experience. Let’s talk about this after the third child.
What is the main life lesson you learned from your mother and will teach your child? My mother lived for and for her children. An incredibly attractive and intelligent young lady – she did not think about her personal happiness at all! And as a child I was still that jealous! Looking back, more and more I come to the conclusion that the best parents are happy parents! I will teach my children to love themselves and be happy!
In what ways are you similar to your child, and in what ways are you not? How are we alike? We have a similar sense of humor with the elder. We often like to make fun of each other. We also do one sport – kick boxing. Only our taste preferences differ, when we go to Sunday lunch, our son orders “pizza with cheese” (and I am totally against the dough), and I’m his hated grilled fish, but in our family there is democracy, well, almost. And the youngest son is very serious, from birth he looks at us as if we were insane. Probably thinking: “Where have I got to? And where are my things? “
What qualities do you teach your child? I do not tell my sons what is good and what is bad. After all, sometimes the most difficult to find 10 differences. I just talk to them from the first day of them, on different topics. The elder (Timur) often asks my opinion, but draws his own conclusions. Our vision of the world is not always the same, and I am happy about that. Sometimes I change my mind after listening to his undeniable arguments.
The main principle of education is … communication with children as equals!
How can mom do everything? I do not belong to the category of moms who try to do everything on their own. After all, I live under the motto: the best mom is a happy mom! And for me, happiness is a cocktail of what I love, exciting travels, strong male hugs and the warmth of native children’s hands.
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So, the voting is closed, we announce the winners!
1st place and a prize – a gift set of 12 sorts of elite tea “Alokozai”, a branded watch “Alokozai” and a set of napkins – goes to Elena Belyaeva. 43,5% of our readers voted for it.
2nd place and a prize – a gift set of 12 sorts of elite tea “Alokozai” – goes to Tatiana Storozheva. It was supported by 41,6% of readers.
3rd place and a prize – a gift set of 6 sorts of elite tea “Alokozai” – goes to Larisa Nasyrova. It was voted for by 4,2% of readers.
Congratulations to the winners and ask them to contact the editorial office via social networks!
Which mom’s story did you like best? Click on the checkmark under the photo!
Tatiana Storozheva
Alisa Dotsenko
Natalia Popova
Svetlana Nedilko
Svetlana Skovorodko
Anastasia Sidorenko
Lina Skvortsova
Natalia Matsko
Larisa Nasyrova
Ekaterina Kozina
Elena Belyaeva
Olga Volchenko
Victoria Aghajanyan
Diana Jabbarova
Evgeniya Karpanina
LLC “Alokozay-Krasnodar”. Phone: +7 (861) 233−35−08
Voting will end on December 10, 2015 at 15:00.
Elena Lemmerman, Ekaterina Smolina