Montignac’s diet – to lose 20 kg for a long time in 2 months

The average daily calorie content is 1350 Kcal.

In general, the Montignac diet is not a diet in its direct understanding, but a nutritional system (just like the Sybarite diet). Her recommendations, explicitly or implicitly, are present in almost all other diets.

The meaning of the Montignac diet is expressed in the normalization of the diet by following a number of simple recommendations. In any other diet, after the long-awaited weight loss (excess fat), the body gradually begins to form them again – and after a while (at best, after several years), any diet has to be repeated. In this sense, the Montignac diet is focused not so much on the loss of excess weight, but on the normalization of metabolism – and only as a consequence of this normalization, weight loss will automatically occur – and to the required norm.

The Montignac diet itself, as such, is a series of recommendations regarding various combinations of products. The menu of the Montignac diet itself is formed so that fats and carbohydrates do not mix during one meal, and the amount of the latter is limited – but the restriction affects only a part of the so-called “negative” carbohydrates from processed foods (these are sugar, sweets, all confectionery, refined rice, baked goods, alcohol in all forms, corn, potatoes – it is highly desirable not to eat them at all – as in the highly effective Japanese diet) – all these carbohydrates dramatically increase blood sugar and require the body to produce the appropriate amount of insulin. In contrast to the “positive” carbohydrates (bread made from whole grains with bran, legumes, almost all fruits and vegetables) – the sugar level increases slightly and is not completely absorbed by the body.

  1. Reduce sugar consumption to a minimum, both in pure form and in other foods.
  2. Eliminate seasonings from the diet that have no nutritional value, but stimulate the appetite – mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, etc.
  3. Avoid wheat bread – and rye prefer coarse flour with the addition of bran.
  4. Try to completely eliminate fruits and vegetables with a high content of starch (potatoes, corn, white rice, millet, etc.) from the diet.
  5. Try to avoid alcohol completely. Prefer sugar-free fruit juices for coffee and tea.
  6. Do not combine fatty and carbohydrate foods at one meal. At least three hours should elapse between meals.
  7. Try to follow a diet with three meals (if you need more, then more is possible – but for objective reasons).
  8. You must drink two or more liters of water per day (a similar requirement for most diets, for example, the chocolate diet)
  9. Breakfast should consist of fruits – they contain a lot of vitamins and vegetable fiber.

These recommendations guarantee the results of the Montignac diet up to 20 kg in two months – this is a fairly long period for a diet – but in parallel, the body’s metabolism will normalize – and you will not want and will not have to return to the old habitual diet.

For the Montignac diet, foods that do not contain starch are best: cucumbers, onions, rhubarb, turnips, rutabagas, gherkins, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, watercress, zucchini or eggplant, carrots, dandelion, nettle, sorrel, etc. Preference should also be given to foods with a low starch content: peas, almost all types of cabbage, mushrooms, peppers, asparagus, spinach, radishes, pumpkin, garlic.

The main plus of the Montignac diet is expressed in the normalization of metabolism, and only after that the weight will stabilize at the required level.

The second advantage of the Montignac diet is the relative ease of following the menu (but here it should be clarified that this is not for everyone – it is quite difficult to completely abandon sugar).

The third positive feature of this diet, in the absence of a restriction on salt (which the fast wine diet uses – weight loss is only partly made up of excess fat), is that the diet is much more even.

In part, the Montignac diet supports the principles of separate nutrition – in terms of recommending the prohibition of the simultaneous use of fatty and sweet foods.

The positive effect of three meals a day should also be noted – here the Montignac diet closely overlaps with a highly effective diet that prohibits any food after 18 hours (this is how about 20% lose weight according to polls).

The main disadvantage of the Montignac diet is due to the fact that it is not completely balanced (although, compared to most other hard or fast diets, it contains much more all the necessary vitamins and minerals). This, in principle, does not significantly apply to fast diets, but the Montignac diet is quite long in time (its duration is two months) – and this drawback can cause a tangible blow to the body. It is easy to overcome this by taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes in consultation with your doctor. The same is required by the regulation of the level of carbohydrates (sugar) in the blood – there are restrictions on the use of the Montignac diet, for example, for people with diabetes mellitus (similar requirements for the Atkins diet, which is similar in its mechanism of action).

The second drawback is the prohibition of alcohol consumption – again, for short-term diets this is not critical – but for the Montignac diet with its duration, this can be considered a disadvantage (to a greater extent, this applies to men).

Also, the disadvantages include a long period of time for re-dieting, which is two months. In general, the Montignac diet is one of the most effective and leads to long-term results if all recommendations are followed.

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