Diet by zodiac signs (astrological diet)

The average daily calorie content is 2150 Kcal.

It should be noted that although astrology as a science is not officially recognized, it is impossible to completely reject the influence of celestial bodies on the processes on Earth as a whole and in a particular organism (for example, the ebb-and-flow caused by the Moon).

The position of the Moon in one of the zodiacal constellations formed the basis of the astrological diet in the sense that character traits, positive and negative time periods, mutual compatibility and a number of other indicators (which form the basis of horoscopes) are determined for any sign.

For dietetics, the most important astrological conclusions will be the weakest and most vulnerable organs in the human body – by acting on which through the diet and absorbed foods it will be possible to strengthen them, resulting in not only and somewhat normalization of weight, but additionally relieve chronic diseases, depression – which, as a result, will increase physical activity and, as a result, will cause a decrease in excess body fat. For example, Venus has the maximum effect on the kidneys, Jupiter is responsible for the liver, Saturn regulates the spine, etc.

A similar mechanism of action is the lunar diet, which is especially popular in the Baltic countries. But unlike astrological, the lunar diet is precisely a diet, albeit a periodic one. From this point of view, the astrological diet is neither a diet, nor even a nutritional system, and is formed in the form of a series of recommendations for the signs of the zodiac.

Additionally, recommendations have been formed for the main groups of signs (fire, water, earth, air) and for dividing all signs into active – male – hot (accelerated metabolism – Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini) and low-active – cold – female (Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo – the metabolism is slowed down). A quick way to lose weight, these recommendations guarantee only partly, but an increase in overall health by preventing diseases typical for your zodiac sign and increasing physical activity.

Astrological diet for the sign Aries (March 20 – April 20)

Weak spots for Aries: head, face (frequent headaches, irritability, depression). Aries really need a constant diet that helps to avoid overeating, excessive alcohol consumption, they need more vegetables and fruits. Of the products, celery, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, lemons are preferred (these same foods form the basis of the Japanese diet).

Astrological diet for Taurus (April 20 – May 21)

Weak spots for Taurus: throat, neck. Taurus are predisposed to being overweight, they need a stable diet and a very active lifestyle. Of the products, fresh vegetables, cod liver are especially useful. Health problems will be caused by the use of sweet or flour confectionery.

Astrological diet for the sign Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Weak spots for Gemini: shoulders, forearms, hands. Gemini additionally have a vulnerable nervous system (relaxation is necessary to prevent insomnia and nervous diseases). Diet products are selected based on the total daily value for calcium and the entire group of B vitamins (a summer diet for 5 days is perfect). Gemini is usually not prone to obesity and alcohol abuse, but allergies to certain foods (such as seafood) are possible.

Astrological diet for Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer weak points: stomach, lungs. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Cancers do not like sports, they adore sweets and generally eat well, and as a result, they tend to be overweight. It is necessary to increase physical activity, especially in adulthood. Products for diets are chosen taking into account the tendency to swelling (the watermelon diet is not recommended). Foods that are high in sugar or starch should be avoided (any low-carb diet is fine: the Kremlin diet and the Adkins diet). In a regular diet, it is desirable to increase the protein content of fish, nuts, diet chicken, etc.

Astrological diet for the sign of Leo (July 22 – August 23)

Weak spots for Leo: back, heart. Most Lions love an active lifestyle or, even better, sports. And although they love to eat and often drink wine or drink alcoholic beverages, they can easily resist the temptation. Of the products, those that will help the quick recovery of strength will be useful – and these are figs, grapes, plums.

Astrological diet for the sign Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

Weak spots for Virgo: lower abdomen, intestines, digestive tract. Typical Virgos don’t like to be active, but they usually care about their diet. You should protect the nerves and stomach, avoid heavy, long-digesting food. Healthy products: cheese, dairy products, vegetables. For the sign of Virgo from mono-diets, cabbage diet, apple diet, strawberry diet, kefir-apple diet and others are suitable.

Astrological diet for Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Weaknesses for Libra: kidneys, nerves. The benefits of an active lifestyle are underestimated, they are prone to radiculitis, rheumatism. All unprocessed or steamed foods will be especially useful: vegetables, fruits, brown rice, seafood. For fast and effective weight loss, any low-carb or low-fat diet will work.

Astrological diet for the sign of Scorpio (october 23 – november 22)

Weak spots for a Scorpio: groin, spine. They usually like to eat well and can abuse alcoholic beverages. Many seasonings are usually used in dishes (too much) – it is better to completely abandon them. It is also advisable to exclude fatty meat products (pork, lamb) from the diet, preferably chicken, fish, seafood.

Astrological diet for the sign of Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Weaknesses for Sagittarius: hips, joints. Representatives of this sign care about health (this is partly a consequence of their highly active lifestyle) – age does not interfere with this. The need for a specialized diet is usually rare – and just about anything will do. For foods (fruits and vegetables), those that do not require peeling are preferred – for example, apples, but not bananas.

Astrological diet for the Capricorn sign (December 21 – January 20)

Weak points for Capricorn: knees, skin, bone skeleton. Additionally, representatives of this sign often have periods of depression and often suffer from problems that do not mean anything to others – which is harmful to their health. Capricorns, like no one, need careful self-control and a healthy lifestyle. Diets must take into account the balance of calcium and B vitamins (not recommended, for example, an effective chocolate diet). In the usual daily diet, be sure to include more vegetables and fruits for the season, including watermelons, grapes, melons.

Astrological diet for the sign Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Weak spots for Aquarius: lower leg, muscles, ankles. A typical Aquarius is stable in habits, adheres to a regime and proper nutrition. Usually he tries to lead an active lifestyle, loves sports (there are exceptions). Like no other sign, Aquarius is negatively affected by smoking (including passive smoking). There are no special restrictions on the diet used. The foods that make up the basis of the usual daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of iron – buckwheat, apples, peas, beans and other legumes.

Astrological diet for the sign of Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Weak spots for Pisces: feet, toes. Additionally, it should be noted the weakness of the endocrine system in the vast majority of Pisces and malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. Foods high in iodine and potassium will be especially useful – primarily seafood. For Pisces, significant excess weight over the norm can be caused by water retention in body tissues. In this case, short-term diets with limited salt intake will be most effective (this, for example, a fast lemon-honey diet (2 days) and an effective wine diet) (5 days) – a quick way to lose weight is guaranteed by removing excess fluid. In the daily diet, foods such as cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, parsley, watermelon, celery, beans, oatmeal, asparagus, rhubarb, carrots, oranges and grapefruits, and papaya are welcome.

The use of an astrological diet provides general recommendations for groups of zodiac signs. This does not take into account the individual characteristics of the human body. Also, the results of an astrological diet can differ dramatically for different people, depending on the circumstances (a similar situation is in most other diets – reviews on the buckwheat diet, and this diet is one of the most effective).

The main plus of the astrological diet is that there is no clearly defined diet menu, the use of a particular product in the diet is determined by your desires (and partly by the sign of the Zodiac – at the level of recommendations and warnings) – but, one way or another, moderation in food is implied.

The second plus of the astrological diet lies in the absence of any restrictions – no analysis of calories, mineral balance, etc. is required. – the diet is based on your usual and habitual diet, and as a result, you do not need to be monitored by doctors, nutritionists and other specialists (except for those that you previously required for health reasons).

The main disadvantage of the astrological diet is a consequence of its dignity – the absence of a clearly marked diet menu. The lack of a certain calorie content of the daily menu in advance can lead to the fact that, following all the dietary recommendations, but at the same time consuming too many calories with the recommended food, you will not achieve a stable effect of weight loss (but at least stabilize your health condition by warning sign of the disease – or delaying their onset).

On the other hand, the individuality of each person, although it is taken into account to a large extent, is not enough in terms of the fact that a situation is possible when an astrological diet recommends a product that is contraindicated for you for health reasons (allergy to seafood) or simply does not like it. It’s okay – just don’t include it in your diet – it won’t be good for you.

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