Meat is dangerous to health

Colon cancer is rampant! This is due to the slow excretion and putrefaction of meat residues in the colon. Vegetarians do not suffer from such a disease. Many meat eaters believe that meat is the only source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so low, so unsuitable for human consumption, because it does not contain the necessary combination of amino acids and protein building blocks.

Studies show that the average American gets five times the amount of protein they need. It is a well-known medical fact that excess protein is dangerous. First of all, because uric acid, formed during protein digestion, attacks the kidneys, destroying kidney cells called nephrons. This condition is called nephritis; the root cause of its occurrence are overloaded kidneys. There are more healthy proteins in one tablespoon of tofu or soybeans than in the average serving of meat!

Have you ever seen what happens to a piece of meat that lies in the sun for three days? The meat can remain in the warm intestine for at least four days until it is digested. It lies and waits its turn. As a rule, it remains there for a long time – from several days to several months. Doctors always see meat in the intestines of people who became vegetarians many years ago, indicating that meat remains undigested for a long time. Sometimes meat is found in the intestines of vegetarians with twenty years of experience!

Some vegetarians claim that they are more satiated when they eat. The reason for this is that far fewer ketones (protein-digestive substances) are produced when vegetable protein is digested. For many, ketones cause mild nausea and decreased appetite.

Although the body demands more food, the taste buds are disgusted. This is the danger of the popular protein-rich diet. Abnormally high levels of ketones are called ketosis and are associated with the suppression of natural hunger, the inability of the appetite to call for food. In addition, when the level of ketones in the blood is too high, it leads to an abnormal oxidation of the blood called acidosis.

Tigers and lions that eat meat and thrive on it have strong acids in their digestive systems. Our hydrochloric acid is not powerful enough to completely digest meat. In addition, their intestines are about five feet long, while human intestines are many times longer – about twenty feet.  



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