Male Sexual Dysfunction – Complementary Approaches

Male Sexual Dysfunction – Complementary Approaches

Reviews. Men who wish to try any of the following approaches should consult a doctor first to find out the origin of the sexual dysfunction.




Arginine, DHEA, hypnothérapie

Butea superba, cordyceps, damiana, epimède, maca, maniguette, muira puama, pois muscat, rhodiole, Tribulus terrestris, yohimbe

Acupuncture, psychotherapeutic approaches


 Ginseng (Panax ginseng). Many medicinal preparations from Traditional Chinese Medicine intended for the treatment of various sexual dysfunctions contain ginseng. The authors of a synthesis of studies (7 in total) conclude that the red ginseng can be useful in case of Erectile Dysfunction but that the proof lacks solidity2. The plant is thought to act both on the central nervous system and on the tissues of the gonads (similar to Viagra®).


Consult our Ginseng file.

 Arginine. Low levels of nitric oxide in the body – made from arginine – interferes with the flow of blood that is necessary for an erection. Some studies have been done to find out if arginine can help treat erectile dysfunction3-7 . All of the evidence remains uncertain. Some trials did not have a placebo group. Others were testing a mixture of substances including arginine. Consult our Arginine file to read the details of the research.

 DHEA. DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands just before puberty. Her production peaks in her twenties, then gradually decreases. It is used in particular for the production of Testosterone. A few clinical trials have been conducted with men with erectile dysfunction but the results are contradictory8-11 .

Remark. There is no dietary source of DHEA. The belief that diosgenin (found mainly in wild yam but also in other plants, including soybeans, clover and parsley) is a precursor of DHEA is unfounded.

 Hypnotherapy. The results of 2 clinical trials conducted in Turkey indicate that hypnotherapy may help some men to treat their sexual dysfunction. Carried out among 79 men suffering from erectile dysfunction of unknown cause, a first study compared the effect of injections of testosterone or tradozone (an antidepressant), with hypnosis. The second compares acupuncture and hypnosis sessions. Only hypnosis has been shown to be of significant effectiveness, although acupuncture has also given positive results.12.13.

Historically, certain plants of the aphrodisiac virtues or tonics having the effect of increasing the sexual performance of men. For most of these plants, no conclusive clinical trials have been carried out. Sometimes preliminary tests seem to confirm that the traditional knowledge was founded, but in general the claimed effects of these preparations are based on little scientific data. Here is a list, necessarily incomplete, of the main plants which are found in various commercial preparations intended to stimulate the sexual ardor. Consult the corresponding sheets in our Natural health products section to learn more about these plants.

 Butea superba. In Thailand, there is a traditional herbal preparation which is very popular with men for stimulating the sexual vigor. One of the main ingredients is the Butea superba tuber. However, it is not known whether the preparations sold in the West contain an effective dosage of the plant. A preliminary test conducted in Thailand with 39 subjects observed an improvement in the fonction erectile14.

 Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis). In China, this fungus has a reputation for promoting sexual vigor, both in women and in men. A few double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in China suggest that cordyceps, at a dose of 3 g per day, may stimulate poor sexual function15.

 Damiana (Turnera diffusa, Formerly Turnera aphrodisiaca). The leaves of this small shrub native to Mexico, South America and the West Indies were used in the preparation of an aphrodisiac drink among the natives of Mexico. A single placebo-free trial in 25 men with mild erectile dysfunction tested the effectiveness of a preparation (ArginMax®) containing ginseng, ginkgo, damiana, arginine as well as multivitamins and minerals16. Benefits have been reported.

 Epimedes (Epimedium grandiflora). The aerial parts of this herbaceous plant native to Japan are known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as Yin Yang Huo. They are attributed virtues for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, both female and male. No human studies have been done to confirm or rule out these effects of epimedium.17.

 Maca (Lepidium meyenii). This vegetable perennial plant related to radish and garden cress, which only grows in certain highlands of the Andes, enjoys a solid reputation as aaphrodisiac in traditional Peruvian medicine. Some clinical trials have been conducted with extracts of maca but they all have methodological flaws or significant limitations.18-21 .

 Sleeve (Aframomum melegueta). The berry of this shrub native to Equatorial Africa, also known as the seed of paradise, has a solid reputation as a stimulant. In Africa, it is considered an aphrodisiac. The maniguette belongs to the botanical family of ginger and is more flavored and stronger than pepper. It is used in particular in the composition of the famous Pastis de Provence.

 Muira puama (Liriossma ovata). The natives of the Amazon have always treated theincapacity and the frigidity with the bark and roots of muira puama. It is also used as a nervous tonic. The validity of this use has never been confirmed by clinical trials, the results of which were published in a scientific journal. Muira puama is one of the ingredients of a traditional Brazilian tonic called cuatama.

 because peddler (Mucuna pruriens). In India, corn bean is often used in combination with other plants to treat Erectile Dysfunction. However, the reputation of the cotton bean in this area is not scientifically documented. The levodopa content of mascot peas could explain an effect on sexual function, but this action has not been demonstrated clinically.

Notes. Over-the-counter sales of Muscat pea supplements are prohibited in Canada (but permitted in some countries, such as the United States). To find out more, see our Muscat peas sheet.

 Rhodiola. In Siberia, rhodiola is considered an adaptogen, like ginseng. Thus, it would improve the body’s ability to adapt to stress. It was credited with the power to increase physical endurance, longevity, sexual vigor, memory and cognitive skills. A single trial without a placebo group was conducted in Russia with 35 men with erectile dysfunction, with positive results23.

 Tribulus terrestris. Tribulus extract is listed in the ingredient list of many products sold to improve health. sexual performance. Tribulus fruits are part of Ayurvedic medicine (India) and Asian traditional medicine (China, Japan, Korea, etc.), mainly to treat infertility and sexual dysfunctions, both in men and in women. However, studies conducted so far have not yielded convincing results in this regard.

 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe). Before the appearance of sildenafil (Viagra®) on the market, it was the yohimbine hydrochloride (standardized extract of yohimbe bark) that was prescribed to men with erectile dysfunction (some doctors still prescribe it). Yohimbine, an active ingredient in yohimbe, appears to be able to both increase blood supply to the genitals and stimulate the nerves which irrigate the genital tissues. In Central and West Africa, yohimbe bark (different from the standardized extract) was recognized as an aphrodisiac, according to local traditions.

 Acupuncture. Acupuncture May Be Helpful To Treat Erectile Dysfunction, Mayo Clinic Experts Say24.

 Psychotherapeutic approaches. Although there are no scientific studies to support their effectiveness in the specific treatment of sexual dysfunction, certain types of psychotherapy can help people have better sex lives. Several approaches are described in the Therapies section. You can consult the following sheets: Body abandonment, Bioenergetic analysis (bioenergy), Art therapy, Focusing, Gestalt, Postural integration, Neurolinguistic programming, and Rebirth. They can offer tools to improve attitudes towards sexuality, readjust expectations (perhaps unrealistic), review acquired behaviors in order to progress towards better sexual satisfaction. Also consult the Psychotherapy sheet.

Choosing one psychotherapeutic approach over another depends on personal considerations. For more details on the various categories of psychotherapy and the elements that may motivate a choice, see our Psychotherapy sheet.

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