Make love after childbirth

Make love after childbirth

A pregnancy brings a lot of upheavals in the sex life. How and when to find a smooth intimate life?

When to reconnect with your sexuality after childbirth?

It is possible to resume sexual intercourse with penetration 3 weeks after childbirth, while the cervix closes. If there has been a tear, episiotomy, or caesarean section, it is best to wait for the sutures to heal completely. It takes an average of 6 weeks. In the meantime, if you feel desire, nothing prevents us from replacing your antics with voluptuous messages, caresses, even intercourse without penetration as long as the genital sphere is sensitive.

Namely: the resumption of the first sexual intercourse occurs on average 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth.

Find your sexuality gently

Often, very young mothers can no longer have desire, for many reasons: physical and psychological upheavals, intense fatigue … For dads, it can be difficult to find your partner. The desire can be there but there is the fear of hurting, the new image of their partner who has become a mother which can block them… Give yourself time to find the desire together. Taking time for moments of tenderness for two is important.

Postpartum vaginal dryness can be a barrier to resuming sex because intercourse can be painful. Consider using lubricating gel to alleviate this vaginal dryness.

For the first sexual postponements, it is important to go smoothly. You can favor positions that do not result in too deep penetration.

Reconcile with your body

The pounds of pregnancy not yet shed, the flabby stomach, the look tired by the short nights … It is difficult to find yourself attractive the first weeks after childbirth. We must accept this transitory change in silhouette. Nothing better for morale than taking care of yourself, putting on makeup, buying new outfits! And then, listen to your spouse. If he tells you that you are beautiful and that he likes you, it is true! New dads are less sensitive to the body changes you are obsessed with.

What are the risks of regaining your sexuality too quickly?

Too much rushing can negate libido. If the first time you have sex (which you didn’t really want to) after giving birth, it hurts, you might not want to do it again. Better to wait until the moment you feel like it, when you feel your body is ready.

What if the desire for sex has trouble returning?

Not having any more libido or having less of it after giving birth is quite common! This is usually temporary. Multiply the gestures of tenderness, the proofs of love (kisses, little words, caresses …), spend time with your partner (why not treat yourself to a one-to-one dinner, for example, by having baby babysitting?). Desire should be reborn. If after 6-8 months, your intimate life is still zero or very reduced, it may be worth going to a sex therapist or couple therapist.

But rest assured, if you had a sex life before pregnancy, you will find it again!

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