Lumbar spine – how many vertebrae does it consist of? Causes of pain in the lumbar spine

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The human spine is made of 33-34 vertebrae, which differ in their anatomical structure and therefore form slightly different structurally different parts of the spine, called sections.

Five such episodes can be distinguished:

– cervical – consists of seven vertebrae

– pectoral – from twelve

– lumbar – out of five

– sacral – it is formed by the sacrum formed from the fusion of five vertebrae

– coccyx – formed from the fusion of four or five vertebrae and is called the coccyx or coccyx

The lumbar spine connects the thoracic spine with the sacrum. The vertebrae that build it in the sagittal plane (i.e. when viewed from the side) are bent and form one of the physiological curves of the spine – lumbar lordosis.

Numerous diseases can develop in the lumbar spine, the leading symptom of which is pain of varying intensity located in the lower back or radiating along the lower limb. These ailments are caused by degenerative changes in joints and intervertebral discs, traumatic changes, most often compression fractures of the vertebrae arising on the basis of bones weakened by osteoporosis or damaged by the cancer process. A less common cause of severe pain is the spondylolisthesis, which is most common in the lower part of the lumbar spine. It consists in shifting two adjacent vertebrae and all the vertebrae above them.

However, often, especially in young people, it is not possible to identify a specific cause of pain in the area of ​​the lumbar spine. This is due to the lack of organic damage, which can be visualized, for example, on X-rays and the presence of temporary disturbances in the activity of the osteoarticular-muscular apparatus of the spine, resulting from overstrain: standing for too long, lying down, sitting in an uncomfortable position, bending frequently, lifting heavy objects . Therefore, in the prevention of back pain, it is recommended to avoid excessive strain on the spine and regular physical exercise of moderate intensity: stretching exercises, gymnastics, swimming.

bow. med. Aleksandra Czachowska

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