Low-growing perennials blooming throughout the summer

Low-growing perennials blooming throughout the summer

Low-growing perennials are flowers that are planted by gardeners and professional gardeners in order to keep the territory presentable and attractive throughout the summer. Such plants are in perfect harmony with both garden plantings and in designer, landscape design.

The name “low-growing perennials” speaks for itself – the main advantage of the varieties is that the plants do not need to be planted annually: it is enough to spend your time and energy once, and for the next few years the flowers will delight the eye with their seasonal flowering.

Low-growing perennials are an excellent tool for experienced gardeners.

The other pluses of plants include:

  • Perennials are unpretentious to the soil and easily take root in almost any land.
  • They do not need regular feeding, it is enough to apply fertilizer under the roots twice per flowering season.
  • Low-growing flowering perennials delight with beauty all summer long; in warm regions, the duration of flowering can reach 5 months.
  • They are not afraid of transplantation and division, and also do not require daily watering.

These advantages fully justify the wide popularity and demand for this type of landscaping, because not all decorative cultures can boast of such unpretentiousness and dedication.

Common representatives of perennials, care

Pay attention to the most popular perennial flowers:

  • Balkan geranium is an evergreen plant up to 25 cm high. It blooms with purple and lilac flowers from June to September.
  • Chrysanthemum perennial – frost-resistant chrysanthemum, reminiscent of tiny daisies, blooming in a wide variety of shades.
  • Large Astrantia is a bush flower with pink, white or red petals. Reaches a height of 60 cm.
  • Primorskaya armeria is a plant resembling a bush, on each branch of which there is a bud, most often of pink color.

All of these crops need basic care – it is recommended to prevent root overgrowth by fencing with stones, remove wilted flowers from the stems and cover perennials for the winter. Also, mineral and organic fertilizers, which must be applied in the middle of summer, will not harm.

Blooming flowers do not take much time from the owners and will delight with variegated colors for several months. Do not forget that one variety should look harmonious next to another, and rather start decorating the territory.

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