Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 680 Kcal.
All experienced losing weight know that an excessively carbohydrate-rich diet can easily provoke excess weight. A cut in the menu of products in which these substances are present in abundance, with proper planning of the diet, helps to get rid of unnecessary body fat.
We suggest you familiarize yourself with the 1 week low-carb diet. The carbohydrates in her diet provide the body with the amount of them that is necessary for losing weight and at the same time does not cause serious stress to the body. For 7 days of life on a low-carbohydrate, you can get rid of 5 or more kilograms, significantly improving your shape.
Low carb diet requirements
First, let’s learn about prohibitions. What products should not be consumed on a low-carb diet if you want to achieve tangible results? Of course, we exclude from the menu foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, from an excessive amount of which we run. The distribution immediately includes bakery products, pasta (even from durum wheat), various kinds of confectionery. A weighty no need to say and any carbonated drinks that contain sugar. If used, they will instantly shift your weight loss gains to a less significant side.
You cannot drink liquids that contain alcohol. In addition to the harm they bring to the body as a whole, their consumption interferes with the processes of breaking down fats and also reduces the effectiveness of weight loss.
Potatoes, grapes and bananas are not held in high esteem on a low-carb diet (starch is not our friend now). It is also recommended to refrain from salty, smoked foods, marinades, etc. Although they contain few calories and are not included in the list of prohibitions, they can retain salt in the body. And the consumption of salt on a diet is better to significantly limit, so as not to interfere with weight loss.
Now let’s move on to a more joyful topic. What is it recommended to focus on with low-carb weight loss?
- Any kind of lean meat (chicken fillet, turkey, goose pulp, beef, veal, pork).
- Fish and seafood. Particularly well suited is sea fish, which is considered a very healthy dietary product due to its content of unsaturated fatty acids. Eat salmon, salmon, tuna, cod, herring, halibut, mackerel. The selection of delicious sea creatures is huge. It is worth using shrimps, crabs, mussels, oysters, but make sure they are not seasoned with oil (as is often the case in store versions).
- Dairy and fermented milk products. Include in the diet cottage cheese (preferably no more than 2-3% fat) and cheese with a minimum fat content, low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, milk.
- Chicken eggs are great for satisfying hunger and are a great source of healthy protein.
- From cereals in the diet, you need to leave only brown rice, buckwheat and oatmeal (it is better to eat it for breakfast).
- Vegetables. Everything is possible except potatoes. Focus on green products.
- Fruit. Eat mostly apples and citrus fruits. Especially recommended are grapefruits, famous for their slimming abilities.
- Drinks: clean drinking water (at least 1,5 liters daily), tea and coffee without sugar (their amount is at your request).
- When it comes to fats, it’s best to be content with those naturally ingested. Sometimes it is okay to add a few drops of oil for stewing vegetables or salad dressing, but do not overdo it. Fat now needs to be cut.
On a low-carb diet, 3 main meals are prescribed, for example an afternoon snack. Try to eat breakfast in the first hour after getting up to start a dormant metabolism, and refuse to eat 3-4 hours before lights out.
The low-carb system works as follows. Limiting the right carbohydrates and avoiding the unhealthy ones found in sweets and similar foods helps prevent insulin from being released into the bloodstream. This, due to the breakdown of fats, provokes weight loss. Hence such good results in a rather short period of time.
It should be noted that getting out of a diet based on cutting carbohydrates should be gradual and in a special way, taking into account its specifics. In the first post-dietary time, if you do not want the weight to return, you need to still leave protein low-fat products as the basis of your diet. Add a few more fruits and vegetables daily (also non-starchy type). Then increase the amount of slow carbohydrates (in the form of cereals) by displacing something from protein production. When you are sure that the weight is doing well and is standing still, you can try reintroducing simple carbs into your diet, allowing for a delicious sandwich or some sweets.
But do not forget to weigh yourself and do not lean on what was previously forbidden. Try to consume the highest calorie foods in the morning. Make your menu as rationally as possible, including all healthy foods in moderation.
Of course, sports are also welcome. It’s good if exercise can become your norm. This is the only way to fix and improve the result obtained for a long time.
You can, starting from it, use other permitted foods, leaving the same amount of meals and the same weight of dishes.
Day 1
Breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese, to which you can add some permitted fruits; tea or coffee.
Lunch: about 150 g of stewed fish and several stewed or baked vegetables.
Dinner: a portion of wild rice with stewed vegetables (up to 200 g).
Day 2
Breakfast: an omelet of two chicken eggs, cooked in a dry pan or double boiler, with a few slices of lean ham or meat fillet; tea or coffee.
Lunch: boiled beef (up to 200 g); fresh vegetable salad or vegetables separately.
Dinner: low-fat meat or mushroom soup.
If you are hungry, it is permissible to drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir before going to bed.
Day 3
Breakfast: 100 g of low-fat cheese or cottage cheese; the fruit; Tea coffee).
Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken fillet plus a few tablespoons of stewed cabbage.
Dinner: a serving of non-starchy vegetable soup.
Day 4
Breakfast: oatmeal on the water; tea or coffee.
Lunch: chicken fillet (200 g), boiled or baked; a few vegetables.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge (portion up to 200 g).
Day 5
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs; a few slices of hard cheese or 100 g of cottage cheese; coffee or tea.
Lunch: up to 200 g of baked lean pork and a salad of vegetables.
Dinner: Allowed steamed vegetables.
Before going to bed, it is permissible to drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir.
Day 6
Breakfast: 2 boiled chicken eggs; a glass of natural yogurt or other fermented milk product; Tea coffee).
Lunch: a bowl of soup made from any permitted product plus a few vegetables for a side dish.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled or baked fish.
Day 7
Breakfast: buckwheat cooked in low-fat milk; tea or coffee.
Lunch: a portion of fish baked with your favorite vegetables.
Dinner: a portion of stewed vegetables.
For the night, let’s say kefir.
Note… For an afternoon snack on all days, you can use the permitted fruit. If you are not hungry without it, you can skip such a snack. Listen to your body.
Contraindications to low-carb diets
Whatever fighting spirit you have for losing weight, you need to take into account your health condition and the contraindications described below.
- Experts in the field of nutrition do not advise adolescents and even more so children to sit on such a diet. Their vulnerable body is just forming, and a lack of carbohydrates in the diet can provoke health problems.
- Also, contraindications include the state of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
- People who have chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system) should not be dieting without substantive consultation of a specialist.
- It is possible that it will be permissible for you to correct your figure using a low-carb system, but with some changes in the menu that only a qualified doctor can determine.
Benefits of a Low Carb Diet
The low-carb system has many virtues, which is why it is so popular among people striving for perfect forms.
- She also pleases those who go in for sports. Even professional athletes often turn to low-carb methods for help. This is not surprising. After all, if you follow its rules, it is the hated fat that leaves, while the muscles remain. People can fully exercise and make their bodies attractive and prominent.
- Also, a pleasant bonus is that you don’t have to tediously count calories. Just eat in moderation and the weight will go away.
- If some of the previous diets did not allow you to fully lose weight due to hunger attacks, then you will be able to withstand low-carb. One has only to try a little. After all, protein products perfectly saturate the body, and the portions on the diet are not scanty, but suitable for properly satisfying hunger. Many people get along without problems even without a permitted snack.
- The selection of products is quite varied. Every day you can vary the menu and eat something new. And you don’t need to eat tasteless foods. A little imagination, and you can cook something tasty, satisfying, healthy and, most importantly, helping to lose weight.
- If you do not pounce on carbohydrates after a diet and smoothly get out of it, the result obtained can be saved for a long time.
Disadvantages of a low-carb diet
- There is practically no glucose in the diet, which the body needs to work properly. Its deficiency can affect mental abilities. Perhaps you will notice that it has become more difficult to collect thoughts, you have to strain your memory, sometimes the reaction speed slows down. This fact will be especially acutely felt by those with a sweet tooth, who have previously eaten more than enough products in which glucose stays. The fact that there are no sweets, even in the form of honey and dried fruits, can also affect the mood of those with a sweet tooth, causing longing for their favorite foods and a desire to quit the diet without completing what they started.
- Eating predominantly protein foods can cause excessive stress on the kidneys, as well as on the cardiovascular system. This is due to an insufficient intake of potassium, which is observed with this diet.
- The amount of bad cholesterol in the blood may also increase, which also affects the body. To minimize the likelihood of harm, do not continue on a low-carb diet for longer than the specified period and do not cut back more than recommended.
- It is worth noting that ketone bodies, which are produced due to the abundance of protein in the diet, help to wash fat from the body. Thus, they can capture other useful substances that are just necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Because of this, people notice weakness in themselves, face insomnia and even dizziness. In this case, stop and see a doctor. It is likely that you should not lose weight on this diet, it is fraught with health complications.
- While a low-carb diet cannot be called hungry, it does not boast a balanced set of essential vitamins, micro and macronutrients. So helping the body with a vitamin and mineral complex will not be superfluous at all.
Reapplying a low-carb diet
This food, with frequent use, can provoke intoxication of the body with protein. Therefore, experts strongly do not recommend repeating it more often than once a month.