Diet for the liver, 6 weeks, -12 kg

Losing weight up to 12 kg in 6 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 1260 Kcal.

Without exaggeration, the liver can be called a heroic organ of the body. She continues to fight for our health with all her might and work, no matter how overworked and exhausted she is. Therefore, if any liver problems arise, it is especially important to adhere to a special diet.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the diet for the liver, which is recommended by doctors for exacerbation of chronic liver diseases, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver (the exception is the lack of its functions), cholelithiasis, acute hepatitis. Help this vital organ function by properly organizing your diet.

Diet requirements for the liver

First, let’s learn more about liver function. It is she who neutralizes most of the harmful substances that enter the body: toxins, poisons, allergens of various types. The liver acts on them in such a way that they turn into practically harmless compounds and are easily excreted from the body. Also, the liver takes part in the processes associated with digestion. It converts energy from food into glucose necessary for the body, actively participates in metabolism. This organ contains significant reserves of folic acid and vitamins B12, A, D. The liver stores a large amount of blood, which it throws into the vessels during blood loss and other health problems, when necessary. Liver health is critical to overall health.

You can understand that something is probably wrong with the liver by the following symptoms:

– nausea;

– frequent occurrence of heartburn;

– sweat with a strong and especially unpleasant odor;

– dark urine;

– stool disorders;

– yellowish skin color;

– strong thirst while observing the drinking regime;

– a constant feeling of hunger, even after a recent meal;

– pain in the area of ​​the liver itself;

– a bitter taste in the mouth;

– an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason;

– the presence of a dense white or brown coating on the tongue;

– frequent headaches;

– sleep disorders: frequent insomnia or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness.

If you are faced with these manifestations, do not hesitate, rush to a qualified specialist in order to quickly solve the problem.

What to feed the liver if it is sick in order to restore its strength? Below we describe the special diet for this organ. The general principles of nutritional methods for the liver include the following.

Restriction of fats in the menu (but not a complete rejection of them) and the full content of protein products and the right carbohydrates. When cooking, dishes can be boiled, baked, sometimes stewed, but not fried. If you eat vegetables rich in fiber (carrots, cabbage, etc.), grind them before eating. Finely chop the veined meat with a knife or twist in a meat grinder. The temperature of the dishes should be room temperature or warm, cold and hot foods are not recommended. Salt is allowed in moderation, you cannot oversalt the dishes.

Do not eat fatty meats (types of lamb, pork) and fish, lard, rich fatty broths, kidneys, brains, liver, various smoked meats, canned food, mushrooms and legumes. Also, if you have any problems with the liver, nutritionists and doctors recommend telling various marinades and pickles. You should refuse vegetables and herbs that are rich in essential oils (garlic, radish, radish, onion, sorrel, spinach). You should not eat crumbly cereals, millet in any form, butter and puff pastry, fatty sweets and creams. It is not recommended to drink coffee, cocoa. Any alcohol, soda, ice cream is also prohibited.

As a rule, such a strict diet lasts 4-6 weeks. But, of course, only your doctor will help determine a clear time frame. These are just general rules. Nutritionists advise taking food in small portions at regular intervals 4-6 times a day, depending on your schedule and daily routine. The total calorie content of the diet should be in the range of 2400-2800 calories per day. Drink at least 1,5 liters of still water daily.

It is possible that a specialist will allow you to relax some of the above rules. But it may also be that you will have to face a tougher diet. Everything is individual.

Now let’s pay attention clearly to those foods and drinks that you need to eat for liver health.


– weak tea (sometimes it is possible with sugar, but not more than 1 tsp) is allowed with milk, lemon;

– homemade fruit, berry, fruit and berry juices (preferably without sugar);

– pureed compotes made from fresh and / or dry fruits;

– homemade jelly;

– semi-sweet mousses;

– rosehip decoction.

First course:

– Vegetarian grated type soups (potato, squash, with pumpkin, carrots, rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, pasta);

– milk soups with pasta;

– vegetarian cabbage soup;

– low-fat borscht without meat broth;

– beetroot;

– pea soup.


… We cook soups and borscht without roasting the products. From additional fats, maximum, it is allowed to add 5 g of butter or sour cream (up to 10 g).

Porridge and cereals:

– semi-viscous and pureed cereals, cooked in water or milk and water in equal proportions, from oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice;

– soufflés, casseroles, puddings from cereals and other similar products, to which you can also add cottage cheese;

– oatmeal (natural, not from instant tea bags);

– pilaf with the addition of dried fruits;

– muesli (no chemicals in the composition).

Pasta can be consumed by boiling, but not seasoning with fatty sauces and various additives prohibited in the diet.

Meat, fish, seafood:

– lean veal, beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey and other poultry without skin;

– cutlets, soufflé, beef stroganoff (all without veins and oil);

– cabbage rolls, meat pilaf;

– low-fat dairy sausages (but occasionally and in small quantities);

– fish (pollock, tuna, hake, cod), you can also fish soufflé;

– fresh oysters;

– some squid and shrimp;

– a small amount of lightly salted salmon or salmon (rarely and as an addition to a dish, and not as a main product);

– dumplings with chicken or veal (the composition can only contain lean meat, flour, water, salt; no other additives).


… Cook all meat dishes or steam them. Boil the fish or cook it and then bake it. You shouldn’t eat fish more than 3 times a week.

Flour products:

– rye, bran bread;

– crackers (but not salted and not from packs, but homemade);

– biscuits and unsweetened dry biscuits in small quantities;

– dry biscuit without fatty additives;

– uncooked pastries with apples, cottage cheese, boiled fish or meat;

– dried bread from wheat flour of the 1st or 2nd grade.

Sour-milk and dairy products:

– sour cream and mild, unsalted cheese;

– low-fat cottage cheese;

– kefir, yogurt (up to 2% fat);

– low-fat milk (200 g per day);

– some feta cheese.


… You can also make curd soufflés and casseroles, dumplings, cheesecakes, puddings, and other similar products.


– boiled or baked starchy vegetables in mashed form (highlight a niche in your menu for potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, beets, green peas);

– salads romaine, iceberg, corn and others with a neutral taste, but occasionally a little;

– seaweed mild and without oil;

– bell pepper;

– cucumbers;

– some tomatoes (but with an exacerbation of liver disease, they should be completely excluded from the diet).

Eggs: you can egg whites (up to 2 pcs. per day).


– butter (no more than 30 g per day);

– up to 15 g of vegetable oil, preferably fresh (for example, fill it with a vegetable salad).

Sauces and other condiments:

– mild vegetable sauces;

– sour cream and milk sauces;

– salt (up to 10 g per day);

– fruit gravies (but no fried flour);

– parsley dill;

– vanillin, cinnamon;

– soy sauce.


– non-acidic fruits and berries, boiled or baked;

– dried fruits (in small quantities), compotes, jelly from them;

– fruit and berry jellies, mousses;

– some meringue and marshmallow cookies;

– non-acidic and not too sweet jam, which is better to dissolve before drinking in weak tea or just in hot water;

– small amounts of sugar;

– dumplings with berries, fruits;

– lozenge;

– natural honey.

Liver diet menu

Consider an example of a dietary diet for the liver. Calculate the amount of food consumed based on your individual needs and the calories mentioned above. It is impossible not to finish, the liver is not easy now. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme and eat as much as your heart desires. Try to eat in moderation, keeping you feeling full and comfortable throughout the day.

Breakfast: steamed meatballs; low-fat cottage cheese with a small addition of sour cream and (or) honey; tea.

Lunch: a little dried fruit and an apple.

Dinner: lean meat roll; vegetable soup; fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: homemade croutons; rosehip broth.

Dinner: beet cutlets; a couple of cookies; tea.

Diet contraindications for the liver

  • Of course, it is impossible to adhere to this diet for people with related diseases that require a different diet. It is necessary to develop a diet-ration in conjunction with a doctor.
  • If you are allergic to some of the products offered in the diet, of course, you should refuse it.

Benefits of a liver diet

Undoubtedly, this diet has more advantages than disadvantages.

  1. She boasts a balanced diet.
  2. If you compare it with other methods for losing weight, in this case the body will not have to be upset because of the lack of substances it needs.
  3. Food, divided into 5 meals, will help you not to feel hungry and stay in a comfortable state.
  4. The choice of dishes that are allowed is quite large. Therefore, for sure you can choose what you like.

Liver Diet Disadvantages

  • Of course, it will be necessary to exclude some of the usual foods. And this can negatively affect your mood, especially if your diet has previously been far from proper nutrition. But for the sake of health, you can infringe on yourself in something.
  • You will also have to spend some time preparing food. If you are not used to messing around in the kitchen, you will need to rebuild your schedule. You cannot do without boiled food that has not undergone aggressive heat treatment.
  • This diet can become inconvenient for those whose work schedule does not allow them to eat fractionally.

Re-dieting for the liver

You need to follow such a diet during the onset or exacerbation of liver diseases or as directed by a doctor. But even in non-dietary time, it is worth following the basic recommendations mentioned above. And if you are firsthand familiar with being overweight, you definitely need to cut the calorie content of your diet a little (at least by 500-700 calories per day).


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