Drinking diet, 30 days, -18 kg

Losing weight up to 18 kg in 30 days.

The average daily calorie content is 450 Kcal.

The drinking diet is a thirty-day technique, during which you can lose a decent amount of weight. If you do not need to adjust the figure significantly, then it is not necessary to sit on this diet for so long. Sometimes just a week or 10 days is enough. Based on your goals and, of course, well-being. After all, the diet is strict and involves only drinking. Solid food will need to be completely abandoned. As a rule, during the time following the rules of this technique, a person gets rid of at least 15-18 kilograms of excess weight.

Drinking diet requirements

So, while losing weight on a drinking diet, you only need to drink. It is permissible to use low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, low-fat broths, compotes, jelly, juices, tea. Of course, plain clean water must be present in your diet. Any drinks containing sugar and alcohol are taboo on the drinking diet.

Let’s consider each drinking dish in more detail.

Water Is the most important ingredient in your diet. Drink at least 1,5 liters of clean, still water daily. For people with a very strong will, there is even a purely water diet in which only water is allowed to drink, and other liquids are prohibited. But, no matter what exposure you have, do not continue such a regime for more than three days. This is fraught with the risk of health problems. Sitting on a 30-day diet, do not forget to start each day by boosting your metabolism by sending a glass of healthy water to your stomach.

Brees you can eat beef, chicken and fish. They must be low-fat and only homemade (no bagged soups, bouillon cubes and other similar products). When boiling, it is allowed to add seasonings that do not contain calories, herbs (parsley in priority), you can salt a little, and also season with slices of carrots and celery to diversify the taste. But we don’t eat solid ingredients. Strain the broth before use so that only liquid remains. Otherwise, it is already considered a violation of the dietary rules. It is important to note that broths should only be meat, it is forbidden to cook them on bones.

Dairy and sour-milk products in liquid form. We drink kefir and fermented baked milk with a fat content of up to 2%. It is desirable that the milk fat content threshold is not higher than 1,5%. We prepare low-fat yogurt ourselves at home, store fruit types of these products are definitely not suitable.

Juices… Of these, apple, grapefruit and other citrus fruits are in priority on this diet. But it is very important that in the composition of the juice (especially in the absence of sugar in it) you must be 100% sure. Of course, it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices of your own preparation. You can use, in principle, any juices, both fruit and vegetable.

Compotes and jelly cook yourself from fresh fruits, dried fruits, berries. The introduction of oatmeal jelly into the diet is also welcome.

Note that the cleansing processes in the body with a drinking diet proceed as follows.

The first 10 days, the intestines and other excretory organs are cleansed. At this time, the likelihood of a plaque on the tongue is high. This is an unpleasant bonus of the cleansing process, which is normal. Just remove it while brushing your teeth with a brush or spoon.

From the 10th to the 20th day, the so-called dense organs (in particular, the liver and kidneys) are also involved in the cleansing processes. At this time, uncomfortable sensations may arise in their areas.

And at the end of the diet – from day 20 to the finish line – cleaning occurs already at the cellular level of the body. Now there shouldn’t be any uncomfortable sensations at all. Only cheerfulness and lightness.

It is recommended to eat 5 times a day, giving up any diet 2-3 hours before bedtime. If at first you are very hungry, allow yourself a couple of sips of low-fat kefir before going to bed. But try to gradually move away from this eating habit and strictly adhere to dietary rules.

When the food diet comes to an end, it is extremely important to get out of it right. Otherwise, the body, which is unaccustomed to solid food, will simply rebel. First, you can add only slimy porridge (preferably oatmeal) to your diet, and eat it for breakfast. It is not recommended to introduce other changes in the diet in the first week after the day. From the second week onward, transfer the aforementioned porridge (it is not necessary to always consume only oatmeal) to lunch time, and for breakfast, allow yourself 1-2 boiled chicken eggs or a sandwich with a thin slice of cheese. Leave the dinner runny for now. In the third week after the course of liquid weight loss, introduce new changes. Now make breakfast liquid, for lunch – porridge, and for dinner you can eat fresh vegetables or fruits, but without oil. In the fourth week, the most significant changes begin. For lunch, you can afford a low-fat meat or fish dish. Breakfast and evening meals are the same as in the previous week.

Starting from the fifth week and for a long time (preferably forever), one day a week, you should only allow yourself liquid food, carrying out a kind of unloading. This will help not only to protect the body from gaining excess weight, but also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing it to rest sometimes. On other days, just do not exceed the standard calorie intake and do not lean on fatty foods and sweets. Allow yourself to be an exception, but not every day.

Drinking diet menu

An approximate diet, if you decide to lose weight on a drinking diet, may be as follows.

Breakfast: a glass of milk or yogurt.

Second breakfast: freshly squeezed juice from your favorite fruit.

Lunch: vegetable soup puree (preferably non-starchy); a cup of green tea.

Afternoon snack: fruit and berry jelly (1 glass).

Dinner: a cup of kefir.

If the appetite comes between meals, you can help the body with a cup of tea with milk or lemon. You can also coffee, but in small quantities.

Drinking diet contraindications

  • Only people in good health can adhere to a drinking diet, and then after consulting a doctor.
  • Patients with problems of the stomach or intestines, as well as other organs and systems of the body, cannot exactly follow this regime.
  • Certainly, pregnant and lactating women should not be on a drinking diet.
  • Also, the body’s tendency to swelling is a significant contraindication. This diet can make your problem even more palpable.

Benefits of a drinking diet

  1. The drinking diet is effective. Weight loss is pleasing already in the first days of life on a drinking regimen.
  2. At the same time, not only excess weight is lost, the body is also cleansed of harmful toxins, toxins and other substances.
  3. It is also worth noting that the load on the digestive tract of the body decreases. And we, alas, very often significantly overload it, consuming large quantities of solid fatty foods, smoked foods, preservatives with all sorts of suspicious additives, absorbing sweets, alcohol, etc. A liquid and low-fat diet helps the stomach to digest food much easier, so that our digestive tract simply rests during this diet.
  4. And in general, the volume of the stomach is significantly reduced. So in the future you will be satisfied with a much smaller amount of food. But the main thing is not to stretch it again. This is extremely easy to do if you start to overeat. Try to control yourself, because you put a lot of effort into achieving the result.
  5. If at first on a diet some people note that they are faced with weakness, then soon you, on the contrary, should feel pleasant lightness and vigor. The fact is that the body begins to release energy that it previously expended in processing solid food. Now this activity is sent out, and you feel a surge of strength and are in a great mood. The maximum time after which this should happen is 10 days after the start of the diet.

Disadvantages of a drinking diet

  • At first, weakness may occur. Excessive fatigue and apathy often comes, which not all losing weight can overcome.
  • The wrong way out of the diet is dangerous. If you do not introduce solid products into the diet very smoothly and carefully, it is fraught with excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract, to which he is not used. As a result, health problems can arise. If, after a diet marathon, you cannot control your appetite and do not control your nutrition, lost excess weight may knock on your door again.
  • Many are frightened and confused by the duration of the drinking diet. Not everyone is able to so limit themselves in nutrition for a whole month. It is also important to note that the complexity most often arises in the psychological mood. It is known that often you want to chew stress, but here it is impossible to do it. After all, the entire diet is represented only by liquid products.
  • It is impossible not to note the prolonged withdrawal from the diet, which lasts a whole month, as well as the weight loss course itself. So only people with a serious attitude should choose such a diet. You will have to work hard and devote a lot of time not only to lose weight, but also to maintain it.

Re-carrying out the drinking diet

Since the drinking diet for 30 days is very strict and long-lasting, no matter how easily it was given to you the first time, and no matter how good the results it brings, it is not recommended to repeat it no more than 2 months later. The 10-day option can be repeated after a month, and the 2-day drinking diet can be repeated after XNUMX weeks.

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