The liver is a kind of by-product that has its own characteristics and valuable biological properties. The liver belongs to the delicacy and medicinal products. The structure of the fabric, the specific taste, the ease of separation of the nutrient from the stroma make this product an irreplaceable base for the preparation of pates and liver sausages.
Protein in the liver contains the same amount as in beef, but in terms of quality, this protein is significantly different. The main feature of the liver is the presence of iron proteins in its composition. The main iron protein of the liver, ferritin, contains more than 20% iron. It plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin and other blood pigments.
There is a lot of water in the liver, so it quickly deteriorates. Before cooking, it must be carefully examined, all distrustful things must be mercilessly destroyed. The liver will turn out to be especially tender if you hold it in milk for some time before cooking. An extra two to three minutes of frying the beef liver spoils the taste and makes it tough and dry.
Before heat treatment, the liver must be freed from the bile ducts and films and rinsed thoroughly. Pork liver is characterized by a slight bitterness.
Liver types
Consider the types of liver and the benefits of the liver separately. The most useful of fish is cod liver. Its benefit is that it helps us maintain vision due to the vitamin A contained in it. Vitamin A also maintains the good condition of our hair, teeth, skin, has an immune effect and keeps our attention and our mental abilities in good shape. The amount of vitamin D contained in the liver of cod is very large, only in fish oil.
Cod liver

Cod liver oil helps pregnant women. Thanks to the use of cod liver by a pregnant woman, a baby develops increased immunity to various kinds of diseases. Although the calorie content of cod is three times higher than the calorie content of sturgeon, earlier doctors treated the heart with cod caviar and liver, and anemia with sturgeon caviar.
The calorie content of canned cod liver is 613 kcal per 100 g of product.
Beef liver

The benefits of beef liver. Beef liver is also rich in vitamins B and A, it is useful for diseases such as kidney disease, infectious diseases, various injuries and burns, diseases of the central nervous system, in the prevention of myocardial infarction. Beef liver dishes are also useful and promote the regeneration of hemoglobin, increase immunity.
The calorie content of beef liver is 100 kcal per 100 g of product.
Chicken liver

Chicken liver is rich in folate, which is beneficial in the development and maintenance of our circulatory and immune systems. The amount of folic acid decreases more rapidly with regular alcohol consumption.
Liver benefits
In some circles, there is an opinion that the liver should not be eaten because blood is filtered through it, and, accordingly, the liver is a “dirty” organ. In fact, this is not the case, and the liver is very useful.
The benefits of liver are quite varied, partly because we eat the liver of different types of animals, birds and fish, for example, beef liver, cod liver, chicken liver. Since the liver is used in full swing in our cooking (liver pate, fried liver, boiled liver, liver with mushrooms, liver with sauce, and so on), it’s good to learn about the beneficial properties of this wonderful product. So, the benefits of the liver.
Firstly, the liver is useful because it contains a mass of minerals (iron, copper, calcium, zinc, sodium, etc.), vitamins (A, B, C, B6, B12, etc.), amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine), folic acid, and so on.
Secondly, the benefit of the liver is that just one serving of the liver provides a daily and even monthly requirement of many vitamins.
Thirdly, the liver is useful for pregnant women, children, alcoholics, as well as patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Fourthly, a substance contained in the liver – heparin, keeps blood clotting normal, which is extremely useful in the prevention of myocardial infarction.
Fifth, the benefits of the liver are the presence of vitamin A, which helps in the treatment of urinary stone disease.
Liver harm
However, we must not forget that you need to know about the damage to the liver, which it can cause to our bodies. The fact is that the liver contains extraactive substances, such as keratin, which are not recommended to be eaten in old age. It can also harm the polar bear’s liver, since it contains a lot of vitamin A, an excess of which in the body is fraught with poisoning.
Liver composition

Composition and calorie content
The liver contains:
- water (70%);
- proteins (18%);
- fats (2-4%);
- carbohydrates (5%);
- keratin;
- heparin;
- extractive substances;
- amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, thiamine;
- vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, K;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- sodium;
- zinc;
- calcium;
- potassium;
- selenium;
- phosphorus;
- copper;
- iodine;
- fluorine;
- chromium.
- The energy value (caloric content) of beef liver is 100-127 kcal per 100 grams.
Stroganoff liver

- (3-4 servings)
- 600 g beef liver
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 2 tbsp wheat flour
- 100 ml. sour cream or cream
- 1 glass of water
- vegetable oil for frying
- dried or fresh dill
- salt, pepper, bay leaf
- greens for decoration
- We start cooking the liver in Stroganoff style, of course, with the liver itself. Liver can be used, pork, lamb or beef. Of course, I recommend the beef. It is tastier, more tender, and much healthier, as it contains almost the entire range of vitamins necessary for a person.
- The liver should be thoroughly rinsed from the blood, and cut into large pieces. It will be much easier to remove the outer films from them and cut the bile ducts. If this is not done, then some of the slices of the Stroganoff delicacy will be difficult to chew.
- Next, the cleaned liver is cut into small portions. These should not be cubes (since they will not fry well), but plates or straws 3-5 cm long and about 1 cm thick.
- After the liver is prepared, we proceed to the vegetable part of the dish. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings. My tomatoes, cut in half, remove the stalk, then cut the halves into large cubes.
- The preparatory part is over, so we proceed to frying the liver. We do this over high heat for 5-6 minutes, constantly stirring the contents of the pan. A strong fire is needed so that a crispy crust quickly forms on the pieces of the liver, which will prevent the meat juice from flowing out. Thus, the pieces of liver will remain juicy and flavorful inside.
- After the liver is fried, add the chopped onions and tomatoes to the pan. Reduce heat to medium and cook the liver and vegetables together. We do this in the same way for 4-5 minutes, stirring constantly until the appearance of vegetable juice, which will become the basis for future gravy.
- When the juice is released, pour two tablespoons of flour on top of the appetizing gurgling hepato-vegetable mixture. This should be done in such a way that the flour is distributed in a thin layer over the entire surface of the dish, and in no case forms a mound that risks turning into one dense lump.
- Pour 100 ml into the pan immediately after the flour. sour cream or cream. Then mix all the ingredients.
- After stirring, add a glass of clean drinking water (250 ml) to the frying pan and mix our future liver in Stroganoff style again.
glass of water - Now is the time for salt and spice. For this amount of ingredients, I usually put 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of dried dill, 1/3 teaspoon of ground black pepper, four large bay leaves.
- This is, so to speak, my family’s preferences, but each housewife should taste the dish herself and adjust the amount of salt and spices to her own taste.
- Yes, I completely forgot, if instead of dried dill you use fresh dill, then do not hesitate, you can put more than a teaspoon of it. You won’t spoil the Stroganoff liver with dill.
- After all the ingredients are loaded and mixed, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the Stroganoff liver over low heat for about 8-10 minutes.
- After this time, the dish is ready. We just have to put it on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs or decorate with separate branches. Anything can become a side dish for the liver in Stroganoff style: buckwheat porridge, pasta, mashed potatoes, and just boiled potatoes.