Losing weight up to 6 kg in 14 days.
The average daily calorie content is 800 Kcal.
Among the numerous methods of nutrition for the purpose of body shaping, a special place is given to the lipid-lowering diet. It not only transforms the body, but also helps to cope with health problems. This technique is often recommended by doctors to patients who are overweight and suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the occurrence of which in many cases is triggered by an increased level of cholesterol in the blood. To reduce its amount, in particular, the hypolipidemic diet is aimed.
Lipid-lowering diet requirements
What is cholesterol? This concept is scientifically interpreted as follows: a substance of a fat-like nature belonging to the class of steroids. Cholesterol is produced by our body itself to support many vital processes. It performs a lot of useful functions, and we cannot do without it at all. But if its amount becomes higher than the permissible norm, it poses a threat to health and can provoke a lot of dangerous diseases. And this, of course, cannot be allowed.
What are the basic principles of a lipid-lowering diet that helps to lose weight and normalize cholesterol?
One of the main requirements of this technique is a significant reduction (or better, at least for a while, complete absence) of products containing a large amount of cholesterol, fast carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose), as well as high-calorie and animal fat-rich foods.
Sitting on a lipid-lowering diet, you need to limit the time of the evening meal. If you go to bed around 23:00, you need to have dinner no later than 19:00. If you are used to going to bed after midnight, then the time of the last meal can be shifted, but eating later than 20:00 is not recommended in any case. For dinner, you need to eat mainly fiber-rich foods.
All dishes that visit your table during this diet are recommended to be boiled, stewed, baked, and steamed. And such are capable of cooking such as frying, deep frying and similar treatments, in which food comes into contact with oil, should be limited or completely eliminated. The amount of salt in the diet should also be minimized. Salt the dishes just before eating them, and not while cooking, as many are used to doing.
As for the drinking regimen, it is recommended to drink up to 1,2-1,3 liters of non-carbonated water on a lipid-lowering diet. You should eat fractionally, at least five times a day.
Establish a diet on a lipid-lowering diet is on such products.
- Vegetables (all except potatoes), fresh and frozen. It is recommended to use them with the skin. Eat mainly eggplants, turnips, cucumbers, various types of cabbage, radishes, beans, squash, beets, carrots. Make different salads from fresh produce, stew, bake them, prepare vinaigrette, beetroot soup, vegetarian borsch, etc.
- Fruits and berries. They are also best eaten with the peel. Apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, raspberries, currants are held in high esteem. You can eat them fresh or frozen. Allowed fruit and berry compotes, jelly, juices without sugar.
- Various greens. Introduce onions, parsley, dill, sorrel, celery, basil, lettuce, etc. into the diet.
- Vegetable oils. It is recommended to give preference to olive, sunflower, grape seed, rapeseed, linseed.
- Fish and seafood. Include low-fat fish in the menu, as well as squid, shrimp, kelp, etc.
If your goal is to maintain your current weight and lower your cholesterol levels, you can occasionally indulge in rye or whole grain bread, pasta made from hard flour, cereal boiled in water. If you want to lose weight, it is better to control calories and limit the daily calorie intake to 1200-1300 units. This amount of energy is enough to maintain all life processes at the correct level and at the same time push the fat burning processes.
Also, especially when striving for weight loss, it is recommended to play sports in order to burn more calories and gain a toned body. Adequate sports training will not interfere in any case, in the absence of contraindications for their implementation.
Allowed drinks, in addition to water, include unsweetened fruit drinks, juices and teas.
The next category of products on a lipid-lowering diet allowed, but in moderation.
- The fish is red and river.
- Milk and sour milk (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt). A little butter, condensed milk, low-fat ice cream are allowed for those who do not seek to reduce body weight.
- Lean beef, poultry without skin and fat.
- Chicken eggs and various dishes in which they are included.
- Mushrooms in any form.
- Secondary low-fat meat and fish broth.
- Potatoes. Before cooking, peeled and chopped potatoes are recommended to stand for about an hour in cold water.
- Various nuts.
- Ketchup (which does not contain sugar), adjika, vinegar, various spices, soy sauce, spices and similar seasonings.
Of the drinks, if desired, occasionally you can still afford instant coffee without adding sugar and sweeteners to it.
But the unequivocal no, it’s worth saying to such food:
- Any fast food products.
- Bakery products made from premium flour and sweet delicacies made from it (pastries, cakes, crackers, biscuits, etc.).
- Soft flour pasta.
- Any products containing sugar, cocoa or honey, as well as these products in their pure form.
- Red poultry meat.
- By-products (kidneys, brains, liver, lungs).
- Any fatty meat.
- Fat.
- Saturated animal and vegetable fats (coconut and palm oils, margarine, pork and cooking oils).
It is possible to adhere to the lipid-lowering diet menu for weight loss given below without harm to health for up to one month. If you achieve the desired result earlier, just gently leave the diet, gradually increasing the calorie content of the menu and gradually introducing other healthy foods. At least at first, make friends with the weights, be sure to control your weight.
An approximate weekly menu for losing weight on a lipid-lowering diet is presented. If you adhere to such a diet for therapeutic purposes, it is imperative to compose a diet with the help of your doctor.
Breakfast: oatmeal in water (about 200 g ready-made); green unsweetened tea.
Snack: fruit and berry salad (total weight – up to 250 g).
Lunch: stuffed peppers (100 g); 200 g empty rice and apple juice (200 ml).
Afternoon snack: any fruit.
Dinner: up to 300 ml of vegetarian borscht.
Breakfast: salad of vegetables and herbs, sprinkled with olive oil (portion weight about 250 g); a cup of black tea.
Snack: plums (3-4 pcs.) Or one grapefruit.
Lunch: boiled chicken breast (100 g); buckwheat (200 g); a glass of peach or other fruit juice.
Afternoon snack: about 30 g of dried fruit.
Dinner: baked lean fish (200 g) and some non-starchy vegetable or a couple of tablespoons of vegetable salad.
Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (200-250 g); a cup of tea or custard coffee.
Snack: any fruit with green tea.
Lunch: low-fat vegetable soup and a couple of slices of grain bread.
Afternoon snack: about 250 g of Greek salad.
Dinner: stewed non-starchy vegetables (up to 200 g); the same amount of boiled or baked beef.
Breakfast: 200 rice boiled in water; a glass of any fruit juice.
Snack: orange; a couple of lean crackers.
Lunch: 300 g of vegetarian borscht; a cup of black unsweetened tea.
Afternoon snack: seaweed (up to 200 g).
Dinner: 200 g oatmeal in the water; a glass of any fruit juice.
Breakfast: a portion of millet porridge (150-200 g); green tea.
Snack: 2 tangerines; a glass of your favorite juice.
Lunch: a plate of borscht with lean beef; Black tea.
Afternoon snack: fruit and berry salad (200 g).
Dinner: 200-250 g of steamed fish.
Breakfast: up to 200 g of boiled buckwheat and a cup of black tea.
Snack: seaweed; a glass of your favorite juice.
Lunch: a plate of low-fat mushroom soup; boiled or baked fish (up to 150 g).
Afternoon snack: green apple; a cup of green tea.
Dinner: 200-250 g of boiled potatoes without salt; a few tablespoons of vegetable salad with an abundance of herbs.
Breakfast: oatmeal on the water (200 g); any tea or black coffee.
Snack: 2 peaches; green tea.
Lunch: cabbage soup with chicken fillet (about 300 ml).
Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir; a handful of any nuts.
Dinner: stewed non-starchy vegetables (up to 200 g); a glass of any juice without sugar.
Contraindications for a lipid-lowering diet
- It is impossible to adhere to such a diet if you know that there is a calcium deficiency in the body. It is better to find out by contacting a qualified specialist in advance.
- Also, this diet is not suitable in the presence of any acute chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus.
- You can’t eat like that for those who have not reached the age of 18, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. Expectant and young mothers just really need the substances contained in dairy and fermented milk products.
- For other people, paying attention to at least the basic principles of this diet will only be useful.
Benefits of a lipid-lowering diet
- The absence of the usual long list of contraindications is explained, in particular, by the fact that the lipid-lowering diet is not hungry.
- This fairly balanced diet, with a reasonable approach, will not only correct your figure, but will also serve your health.
- For a month of life on it, you can lose up to 10 kg. Agree, given that you can eat a variety of healthy foods and not suffer from the feeling of an empty stomach, this is quite good.
- As for health, in addition to normalizing cholesterol levels, living according to the principles of a lipid-lowering diet promises improved sleep and mood, vigor, a feeling of pleasant lightness, normalization of appetite, and improved blood circulation.
Disadvantages of a lipid-lowering diet
- Such a diet is not suitable for people seeking to lose weight quickly. But remember that weight that leaves quickly can return just as quickly. So once again think about whether it is worth turning to another mono diet for help.
- It can be difficult to sit on a lipid-lowering diet for people who are very fond of sweets. After all, here, as you can see, even honey and jam are not recommended, which is why such food may not be suitable for a sweet tooth.
- Also, difficulty in adhering to a diet (namely, crushing meals) may arise in people who, due to their busy schedule (for example, with a strict work schedule), simply cannot eat so often.
Repeated lipid-lowering diet
If you want to continue to lose weight on a lipid-lowering diet, you can again return to such a diet menu, having waited a pause for at least a month, during which it is also worth living according to the basic principles of the method and not indulging in all the heavy food excesses.