Lent with a child: every day is a joy

Lenten menu for children

During Lent, many parents wonder whether it is possible to attach children to it and how to do it correctly. Let’s talk about this. And at the same time, we will discuss the lenten menu for children and useful tips for every day.

Where is the best place to start?

Великий пост с ребенком: каждый день в радость

Do children need to fast? Only if the child has a conscious desire, – the church answers. It is impossible to force him to comply with the prescriptions of Great Lent in any case. This can lead to rejection of faith and all that is associated with it. If the child expresses a sincere desire to fast with you, and you are sure that he is ready for this, then you should not refuse him. They do this only when the child has poor health, has chronic diseases or other contraindications.

The church does not give clear instructions from what age children can be introduced to the observance of fasting. And yet many clergymen recommend doing this no earlier than from the age of three. During this period, there is an active formation of bones and body tissues, and the absence of important foods in the diet can negatively affect development. In addition, the child does not have to comply with absolutely all the restrictions. For example, you can start by refusing sweets or some favorite dishes.

But most importantly, parents should explain to the child that the essence of fasting is not in the rejection of certain foods, but in physical and spiritual humility. It is much more useful if children spend less time at the computer and games, devoting their free time to reading spiritual literature, helping parents and other good deeds.

Reasonable restrictions

Великий пост с ребенком: каждый день в радость

Lent for children is a serious test, and in order for it to pass without harm to health, you need to follow important principles. Sudden changes in the diet can negatively affect the child’s well-being, so you need to start fasting gradually. Doctors recommend that you spend 2-3 preparatory weeks before fasting, during which you gradually remove fast foods from the menu.

It is not necessary to fully comply with all the requirements. For example, in Russia, children usually fasted only in the first and final weeks. If this is the first fast in the child’s life, you can exclude or limit the consumption of meat, but leave milk, cottage cheese and eggs. Fish and seafood can be eaten on the days of church holidays that fall during Lent.

Protein is the most valuable element of baby food, and its reserves need to be actively replenished even during the fast. Rich sources of vegetable protein are legumes and cereals: beans, soy, peas, any cereals, bread. Do not forget about nuts and seeds — as snacks, they are irreplaceable.

Calcium should also be present in the children’s diet regularly. If the child still refused dairy products, replace them with white and red beans, tofu cheese, walnuts. Sometimes the lack of vitamins A, E, and B12, which are mainly found in animal products, makes itself felt. In this case, it makes sense to resort to the help of artificial vitamins, but the doctor should select them.  

So that the child does not experience hunger and discomfort, feed him often and in small portions, on average 5-7 times a day. Plant-based food is less high in calories, but it is rich in fiber, so this diet will always allow you to stay full and satisfied. 

Little delicious joys

Великий пост с ребенком: каждый день в радость

From time to time, you can cook delicious food for children in lent, so that it does not turn into a continuous struggle with temptation. Apple cupcakes will be a great solution. To begin with, we peel and core 750 g of apples and use a blender to whisk the fruit puree. We wash 100 g of dried apricots well, grind it and fill it with hot water for 7-10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix 200 g of flour, 1 tsp of baking soda, 70 g of sugar, 1 tsp of cinnamon in a bowl and add dried apricots. In the applesauce pour 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, combine it with the flour base and knead the dough. Fill them with greased muffin molds and put them in a preheated 180°C oven for 30-40 minutes.

Treat your child to delicious carrot candies, and he will be happy. Boil 3 carrots, chop them in a blender and add honey to taste. We introduce here 2-3 tbsp. l. coconut shavings and mix — you should get a fairly thick mass. We form candy from it and hide a few washed raisins or almond kernels inside each one. We roll the candy in coconut shavings and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.

And you can always please your child with fruit and berry smoothies. Peel one orange, divide it into slices, remove the skin from them and grind it in a blender. Add half a banana and a peach, 2 tablespoons of oat flakes and a few drops of lemon juice. Whisk all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass — an excellent vitamin cocktail is ready. 

Remember, in order for Lent to pass safely for the child, it should be based on his sincere desire and your reasonable approach to his diet. And what children’s lean recipes do you use? Tell other readers about your favorite dishes.

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