Juices and juice therapy

“For health, a person needs at least 3 different vegetables and 5 different fruits a day,” nutrition experts say. But what if you just can’t eat them? First of all, do not get upset, but get your favorite juicer and make fresh out of them. Beetroot, carrot, tomato, apple, pumpkin, cherry or even potato – it will not only enrich the body with vitamins, but also prolong youth. True, provided that all the rules of juice therapy are observed.

The history of the emergence of juice therapy

Juice therapy is a therapy aimed at preventing and treating various ailments using freshly squeezed juices, fruit or vegetable. Its founding father was Norman Walker, an American nutritionist and businessman. A strict vegetarian and healthy lifestyle, he has written 8 books on nutrition.

He considered it to be based on the maximum intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds and did not recognize thermally processed food, or, calling it “dead”. “And even though it actually nourishes the body and maintains its vital functions, it does so at the expense of health, which ultimately leads to a loss of energy and vitality,” he said. In addition, he recommended excluding meat, dairy products, in addition to raw goat milk, fish, eggs, bread, pasta, rice and sugar, explaining that they provoke constipation. And he, in turn, is the underlying cause of all disorders in the body.

A nutritionist estimates that up to 80% of all diseases begin in the colon. The fact is that the feces decomposing in it gives rise to toxemia, in which poisonous substances enter the bloodstream, contributing to the growth of pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria, which immediately affects human health. At best, the appearance of characteristic skin rashes, at worst – the development of a number of diseases, including,,, bronchial diseases, hay fever, and even.

Regular juices can prevent them all. Like fruits, they contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, pectins, organic acids, essential oils and aromatic compounds that are of great benefit to the body. Norman Walker described in detail the method of their influence in the book “Raw vegetable juices”(1936) (he himself believed that it was vegetable juices that had medicinal properties) and even developed his own juicer, which is still popular, however, like his nutritional system. Moreover, the benefits of its use have been proven in practice. The author himself lived for 99 years and died, being physically and mentally absolutely healthy.

Why juices?

Nowadays, the usefulness of juices is often diminished. Many people mistakenly believe that it is better to eat a whole fruit or vegetable without even knowing that:

  • juices are absorbed faster (in 10 – 15 minutes), while fruits with food can be digested from 3 to 5 hours;
  • there are more useful substances in juice simply because at least 1 – 2 fruits are used to prepare 3 glass of this drink;
  • juice contains up to 95% water, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body.

But that’s not all. Scientific research carried out for more than one year has shown that juices promote the production of enzymes, regulate metabolism, maintain hormonal levels, normalize the activity of the digestive and nervous systems, and are also responsible for the health of the skin, nails, hair and teeth. True, nutritionists advise regularly using them for other reasons.

3 reasons to include juices in your diet

At first, they offer tremendous health benefits. Juice is a source of nutrients, which also contains phytoncides that reduce the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. That is why it is advised to drink it in the spring, as well as after illness, to replenish the vitamin deficiency. And in order to increase immunity and prevent the occurrence of frequent colds in the winter season, you need to drink 2 glasses of juice a day, morning and evening, starting in autumn.

There are even special recipes for juices for immunity, for example, “Ascorbic Energy Drink“. It is prepared from 2, orange and a handful of your favorite berries and enriches the body with vitamins B1, C, folic acid, selenium, calcium, magnesium and other substances.

Secondly, juices help to lose weight. These are natural laxatives that contain pectins, among other things. On the one hand, they reduce the absorption of fats, the absorption of glucose and cholesterol, as well as, followed by weight loss and a decrease in the abdomen.

On the other hand, pectins contribute to the formation of a mass that removes toxins and toxins from the body, thereby purifying it and making it work like a clock. In addition, pectin has an iron-forming property that creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, which is the basis of many weight loss diets.

You can personally verify this by drinking 2 glasses of juice a day for 1 – 2 months. The speed of appearance of the result directly depends on the amount of ingredients.

Thirdly, juices prolong youth. It’s no secret that fruits, vegetables and berries are sources of substances that fight free radicals. There is plenty of harm from them for the body, but the most important thing is that they provoke its premature aging.

In addition, the juice is rich in carbohydrates. There are about the same number of them in 1 glass as in 5 – 7 tsp. sugar (it all depends on the type and degree of ripeness of the fruit). And given the fact that they are absorbed many times faster, this drink is rightfully considered an excellent source of energy. The best confirmation of this is a burst of energy and an improvement in mood, which are felt after drinking a glass of juice.

How to make delicious and healthy juice

Making good juice is an art. Fruits and vegetables for this are selected with great care. Fresh, beautiful, ripe, but not stale will do. All soft fruits are washed under running cool water. Hard – under warm, but not hot. You cannot soak them, otherwise the loss of nutrients cannot be avoided. Also, if necessary, the sides soiled in the ground are rubbed with a brush or completely cut off, and with them all the leaves and seals are removed.

In the case of an additional cut off at least 1,5 cm of the wide top. The same applies to fruits and vegetables, the quality of which is questionable. True, they simply remove the skin from them, and if it is cabbage, then the top sheets and stump.

Immediately before cooking, the peeled fruits are laid out only in earthenware, glass or enamel dishes and, if necessary, cut with stainless steel knives. Simply because the acids they contain react with aluminum and turn the drink from good to bad.

By the way, juices are not subject to long-term storage. The only exception is beetroot, which must be left standing in the refrigerator before use. The rest should be drunk within the first 10 to 20 minutes. Later, they may have a decrease in the amount of nutrients (on average, this happens after 20 minutes, although it all depends on the air temperature and illumination). Following this, they darken and they form toxins that can cause serious poisoning.

Vegetable juices and juices from sour berries and fruits are best diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1. In the case of juices for children, the ratio should be 1: 1.

Juice additives

Ordinary vegetable oil will help improve the absorption of vitamins and microelements from juice. Sunflower or olive, it can be added directly to a glass or drunk in a volume of 1 tbsp. l. before or after juice. You can replace it with heavy cream or sour cream. It is better to improve the taste of sour juices with honey.

wheat sprouts, flax seeds, lecithin or a few drops of pharmacy tinctures of medicinal plants (echinacea or chamomile) can be added to juices, however, only after consulting a doctor. It is undesirable to add spices, spices and alcohol to juices, as this reduces their medicinal properties.

Fruit compatibility for juicing

Another important factor in juicing is fruit compatibility. The fact is that not all of them can be mixed in one glass. In order to avoid common mistakes and get the most out of juice therapy, you need to follow simple rules:

  • fruit juices with seeds (pears, apples) can be mixed with the juices of any other vegetables and fruits;
  • fruit juices with seeds (, plums) are used only separately;
  • fresh juices are diluted with citrus juices, apples or sour berries;
  • juice can be no more than 1/3 cup due to its high concentration. Otherwise, it can harm;
  • horseradish juice, onion, radish, radish can be added with other juices in very small doses.

Juice rules

The daily dose of any juice for a person is 1 – 2 glasses. Moreover, you can drink them at any time of the day or night. True, in order to feel the miraculous effect on yourself, you need to do this in between main meals or on an empty stomach. The course of juice intake should last 1 – 2 months with breaks for 10 days.

But vegetable juices deserve special attention. The fact is that you need to drink them without habit with great care and in small quantities. It is worth starting with 50 ml, and in the case of beet juice – with 1 tbsp. l. Over time, the portion can be increased. True, it all depends on the quality of the fruit. For example, you cannot drink more than 100 ml of beet juice per day, while you can drink several glasses of tomato juice.

By the way, pure vegetable juices are always diluted with water or apple juice in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 part vegetable juice, 2 parts apple juice). Those made from red, orange or yellow vegetables are supplemented with vegetable oil to help absorb carotene.

After consuming juices, you should always rinse your mouth with water, as acid can destroy tooth enamel.


Juice therapy is easy, tasty and healthy. True, not for everyone, and here’s why:

At firstlike any other food system, it has its own contraindications. Therefore, you can switch to it only after consulting a doctor.

Secondly, some juices in large quantities have a strong load on the liver and other organs, thereby harming the body.

Thirdly, fruit juices contain, as do the fruits themselves. But thanks to the accelerated digestion process, it enters the blood faster, thereby increasing the overall sugar level in it. And this can negatively affect the health of people who already have problems with it.

Fourthly, it is undesirable to take juices after courses of chemotherapy or radiation exposure.

Fifthly, children, people with chronic diseases, especially of the digestive tract, as well as those who adhere to diets, drink juices in large quantities only after consulting a doctor.

Natural juice is an incredibly tasty and healthy drink. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it, however, having previously discussed it with your doctor.

And if there are no contraindications, drink juices and be healthy!

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