Joint chondrocalcinosis ± hydroxyapatitis rheumatism

Joint chondrocalcinosis ± hydroxyapatitis rheumatism

What is it ?

Joint chondrocalcinosis is an aging-related condition characterized by a build-up of calcium microcrystals in the joints. It belongs to the group of microcrystalline rheumatism and has long been called pseudo-gout, their symptoms being very similar, although the microcrystals involved are not of the same nature. Chondrocalcinosis can cause very painful episodes of inflammation or chronic pain. Left untreated, damage to the joints can lead to significant disability. Anti-inflammatory drugs reduce inflammation and pain, but there is no cure. The prevalence of articular chondrocalcinosis increases with age and can exceed 30% of the population over 75 years of age.


Symptoms of chondrocalcinosis include: pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected joint (s). The knee is most commonly affected, followed by the wrist, hand (at the metacarpophalangeal joint), hips, shoulders, and ankle joints. Joint pain and symptoms are similar to gout and other types of arthritis. The diagnosis is confirmed by observing the crystals of calcium pyrophosphate in the joint fluid under a microscope. Symptoms of chondrocalcinosis occur during acute attacks that can last several days to several weeks and / or chronically. But it should be noted that the pathology can be quite asymptomatic.

The origins of the disease

Joint chondrocalcinosis develops with the buildup of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in joint tissues (hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage), damaging the cartilage and causing inflammation, pain, and swelling. Note that gout is characterized by deposits of sodium urate crystals (UMS). The cause of this crystalline accumulation is unknown to date. There is hereditary joint chondrocalcinosis, but it is extremely rare, with around 1 affected families having been identified to date. (XNUMX)

Risk factors

Chondrocalcinosis is correlated with age, the risk of developing the pathology increasing with it. This aging pathology is rare in young individuals and is therefore associated with a metabolic disease. Its prevalence is 10 to 15% between 65 and 75 years and more than 30% beyond. (2) According to a Korean study, nearly half of individuals in their ninth decade are affected by chondrocalcinosis. (3) Women are more exposed than men. But other risk factors have been identified: hemochromatosis (excessive storage of iron in the body), hypomagnesemia (deficiency of magnesium in the blood), hyperparathyroidism (excessive production of parathyroid hormone), hypothyroidism and hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood).

Prevention and treatment

No treatment is available to dissolve crystal deposits in the joints. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), however, help minimize pain and swelling during acute attacks of chondrocalcinosis. Colchicine used in the treatment of gout is also sometimes prescribed to prevent these attacks. The doctor may also use the intra-articular injection of a corticosteroid, after drainage of the joint fluid, to relieve the patient. Surgical intervention may be decided to repair or replace a joint severely affected by chronic chondrocalcinos and very disabling for the patient.

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