How does the state of intimate muscles affect the health and personal life of a woman? What can we do to make it good? Sex coach shares her opinion.
What allows us to maintain health and beauty at any age? Not the last role in this is played by the ability to control your body and trust it, to enjoy sex. But how to cope with women’s problems and make the orgasm brighter, and the mood better? This will help intimate gymnastics. Traditionally, different peoples paid attention to training intimate muscles, and the goal of women was not only to please their partner, but also to improve their own condition.
The body can do everything
It is known that competitions were held between geishas: who would throw the dart further using only intimate muscles. Such competitions were held not only among Japanese women. For example, in ancient China, emperor’s concubines were taught intimate gymnastics, and the strength of intimate muscles was tested using a savory test: a jade egg with a thread at the end was inserted into the girl’s vagina and tried to pull it out. Only after the fifth torn thread (naturally, the egg should have remained inside) was the concubine considered worthy to please the master.
The mastery of intimate tricks today can be seen at special shows in Thailand. Craftsmen release butterflies and live fish from the vagina.
Men dream of a night with such a woman, but in fact their pleasure is only a pleasant bonus, one of many that strong intimate muscles give. Today, the purpose of the exercises is shifting: if earlier they were done to “please him”, today we are rather trying to make ourselves happy and healthy.
The vagina is the whole universe
What is intimate gymnastics? This is a targeted training of the pelvic floor muscles, which improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the condition of the mucosa, restores the microflora. There is a relationship between the brain and the vagina. Actually, all our organs interact in one way or another with the “supercomputer” in the head. When you pump intimate muscles, the brain receives signals that trigger excitement, sexual energy seethes in the body, hormones of joy are released.
Thanks to intimate gymnastics, a woman’s self-esteem grows, self-confidence appears. She feels liberated and bold in bed. That twinkle appears in his eyes.
I have been doing intimate gymnastics for more than 13 years and I am still discovering new possibilities for my body. It can give us a lot, if we turn our attention to ourselves, it can energize. And the effect of this is colossal.
Three reasons to do intimate gymnastics
After a month of training, you will notice changes in your body. How does intimate gymnastics affect health and sexual pleasure?
- Helps to cope with gynecological problems. Stress urinary incontinence, prolapse of the pelvic organs, spasms, problems with lubrication (moisturizing), irregular periods, painful periods, pain during sex, low libido — all this can be forgotten. Thanks to intimate gymnastics, you can quickly and effectively restore the body after childbirth, eliminate most of the «female» problems without surgery and taking hormonal drugs. Your body is wise: you just need to awaken its hidden resources. Intimate gymnastics is the best remedy for congestion and an excellent prevention of gynecological diseases. And you will forever forget about painful periods and prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth.
- Makes orgasms bright and regular. According to statistics, every third woman in the world has difficulty achieving orgasm. Among other problems is the lack of arousal (or it is weak), the inability to be liberated with a partner, there is no knowledge of one’s erogenous zones. With these and other requests, students come to intimate gymnastics. In just a few weeks of regular training, blood circulation in the intimate organs improves, women gain self-confidence, and desire wakes up. Women get to know their body, stop «rejecting» their vagina and «allow» themselves an orgasm. The volume of the vagina decreases, and its walls become more elastic and sensitive. Due to this, orgasms become brighter and longer than before classes.
- Allows you to maintain youth and beauty. Often, during menopause, women say goodbye to their sex life: we call this «turning the vagina into a museum.» But I am 100% sure that youth can be extended, and it is also quite possible to minimize the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, to support your body during this difficult period. Therefore, it would be a mistake to believe that there is a certain age limit for intimate gymnastics. It is never too late to become healthy, to give your body more care and love. In addition, regular exercises in this gymnastics improve blood circulation, the ovaries work correctly, which prevents the occurrence of early menopause. Bright regular orgasms fill with joy, the general emotional background, the condition of the skin and hair improves. And of course, intimate gymnastics helps to bring your sexual relationship to a completely different level. When you learn to control intimate muscles, you will be able to consciously squeeze and relax them, sharpening the sensations (both yours and your partner’s) to the limit.
Intimate gymnastics has some contraindications. Among them:
- any infectious diseases;
- oncological diseases;
- cervical erosion;
- pregnancy;
- uterine bleeding in the acute and chronic stages;
- acute circulatory disorders associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- postoperative period;
- ban on vaginal sex.
Therefore, of course, before starting classes, you should consult a doctor. And if everything is in order, you can start classes to re-acquaint yourself with your body and meet the unknown facets of pleasure.
Kegel exercises are exercises to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. In everyday life, these muscles are practically not involved, and therefore, over time or under the influence of negative factors, they can lose their elasticity and become weak. Deterioration of elasticity and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles leads to the fact that the muscles cease to cope with their main function – holding the pelvic organs, which can lead to various diseases, as well as to a deterioration in sexual life.
What are Kegel Exercises for?
- for effective preparation for the upcoming pregnancy and successful painless childbirth;
- pregnant women to learn the complete relaxation of those muscles that usually prevent the baby from being pushed out during childbirth;
- for the prevention and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence;
- for recovery after childbirth of tissues that have experienced strong stretching;
- for the prevention and treatment of prolapse of the pelvic organs;
- for long-term maintenance of sexual health, prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital area, resistance to the effects of aging on the body.
Exercises to Strengthen the Pelvic Floor Muscles
Before doing exercises, you need to empty your bladder, relax. During exercise, you should breathe evenly.
- Contract your pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds. For beginners, this is a great exercise. Do not overexert these muscles by squeezing them for too long. If 5 seconds is too long for you, you can start with 2-3 seconds.
- Relax your muscles for 10 seconds. Ideally, you should always take a 10 second break before repeating an exercise. So the muscles will rest, and you can avoid tension. Count to 10 before starting the exercise again.
- Repeat the exercises 10 times. This counts as one set of Kegel exercises. If you started with 5 seconds, contract for 5 seconds, relax for 10, and repeat the exercise 10 times. These exercises are enough for one time, and you should repeat these approaches 3-4 times a day, but no more.
- Move on to contracting your pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds at a time. You can increase the duration of muscle contraction every week. There is no need to do this longer or do more than one set at a time. When you reach 10 seconds, stick to that time and continue doing one set of 10 reps of 10-second exercises 3-4 times a day.
- Pull in your pelvic floor muscles. This is another variation of Kegel exercises. To draw in the muscles, imagine that the pelvic floor muscles are a vacuum. Tighten your glute muscles and push your legs up and in. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times in a row. Everything should take you about 50 seconds.
Remember! Exercise should be done regularly! In this case, the result can be noticeable after 4-6 weeks.