Increased muscle tone in babies

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During the first months of a child’s life, the muscle tone changes constantly. Initially, the baby is not able to keep its head in the spine extension line on its own, so when taking it in our arms, we need to properly place the hand to provide support.

The child then gains the ability to move his head and learns to keep it vertical. At the same time, the muscle tone of the entire body is subject to similar changes. They are natural and run at different rates – that is why it is so difficult for parents to observe possible anomalies.

The control of a trusted specialist (both an experienced midwife and a doctor) allows you to track the proper development of the baby and creates an opportunity to detect possible problems in this regard.

Increased muscle tension: causes

Why is a baby constantly tense, arches on his side, tightens his muscles while crying? These symptoms are of great concern to parents around the world, but at the same time their source is not always easily identifiable. The immediate cause of increased muscle tone may be related to perinatal problems that caused temporary hypoxia in certain parts of the brain. These types of disorders are also relatively more common in premature babies, which is related to the still undeveloped organism. Also, especially small newborns – weighing less than 2500 g – are at risk of developing increased muscle tone.

The impulses sent by neurons in our body are responsible for proper muscle tone. They are controlled by various centers in and outside the cerebral cortex that regulate and channel the tension needed to perform intentional movements. When there is a disturbance in the activity of the brain, transmitter or receptor, the consequence may be hypertonia (increased muscle tension). In the first months of life, a toddler’s cerebral cortex learns the possibilities of the body, so the changing muscle tone should not surprise us. To make an effective diagnosis, many observational tests are needed, the results of which are assessed by a specialist. Only then is it possible to correctly identify the irregularities.

Increased muscle tension: consequences

Increased muscle tension and sleep is the topic most often discussed by young parents in this area of ​​issues. A toddler with hypertonia is restless and has difficulty both eating (often choking and returning) and napping. He is also tearful, irritable. Many parents also find that the hands and feet are stiff when changing diapers – they are difficult to straighten or move away, making changing diapers an additional stressful experience. A child with increased muscle tension, even while sleeping, tightens its muscles and adopts a characteristic arched position. In order to be able to control the quality of a child’s sleep without having to stay with him in one room, it is worth using a selected electronic nanny with video preview. Find out about the offer of electronic nannies available on Medonet Market.

All symptoms related to muscle tension individually may happen in infants at different stages of development, but if we observe their high accumulation, it is worth consulting a pediatric specialist. Increased muscle tension affects the baby’s motor functions, blocking the natural development and leading to muscle contractions. The accompanying discomfort affects not only the child, but also its caregivers.

The way to deal with problems related to muscle tension is physiotherapy. Skillfully guided and at the right moment, she is able to fully cope with all ailments of a toddler, stimulating its harmonious development. Some exercises can also be performed with the child at home, supporting the rehabilitation process, reducing the increased muscle tension in infants. When the time of contracting hands and feet, bending and crying finally passes, everyone breathes with relief, so it is important to use the opportunity at the right moment and go to therapy.

To make it easier for your child to fall asleep and to help him rest better, reducing tension, it is worth placing a Neno Titto bunny bedside lamp in the baby’s room. This lamp allows you to set different colors and light intensity, so you can adjust its power to the circumstances.

Increased muscle tension: step by step:

  1. Symptoms of hypertension are tearfulness, sleep and eating problems caused by constant flexing and bending the head back, as well as assuming the shape of the letter C with tightly tense muscles.
  2. The risk of increased muscle tension is increased by low birth weight, premature or prolonged delivery.
  3. The diagnosis is made by the doctor on the basis of tests (AIMS, Alberta Infant Motor Scale or TIMP, Test of Infant Motor Performance, the use of which is possible in the assessment of motor skills of premature babies).
  4. The pediatrician directs the baby to a neurologist who will recommend the appropriate type of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation.

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