In this country, the COVID-19 pandemic has only just begun. “People are dying on the floor”
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Although many countries in Europe are lifting the restrictions, and the WHO is announcing the end of the COVID-19 pandemic on our continent, there are places in the world where people are struggling with all the hardships of the epidemic. The healthcare system in the Solomon Islands in southeastern Oceania is buckling under pressure from increasing COVID-19 patient cases. “People are dying on the floor” writes “The Guardian”.

  1. While the media in Europe reports the impending end of the pandemic, in the Solomon Islands it has only just begun
  2. The local health system cannot cope with the care of patients. There are no places for the sick, and no staff
  3. The morgue is full. It’s a sad experience. I have never seen it before » says a doctor from one of the capital’s hospitals
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Almost 700 people live in the Solomon Islands. people and until recently none of them suffered from COVID-19. However, the coronavirus arrived in the country in January 2022. Since then, 6 people have been recorded there. cases and over 80 deaths.

«I have never seen it before»

A doctor and two nurses from the National Referral Hospital in the capital of the country Honors told anonymously «The Guardian» about the dramatic situation in the country about the lack of beds, staff and about how patients die on the hospital floor. People are dying on the floor, the hospital is overcrowded … Everywhere is full of sick people and bodies everywhere says the doctor. The morgue is full. It’s a sad experience. I have never seen it before » he adds.

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He also explains that people keep the dead at home. Bodies are not taken to hospitals because a possible positive COVID-19 result may mean that the corpse will not be taken by relatives.

The field hospital, which has 56 beds, is overcrowded. More are prepared, but they are not equipped with toilets or air conditioning, which is supposed to be a sign of government incompetence. I would say the government has failed this nation the doctor assesses.

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Nurses with COVID-19 have to work

The staff of the hospital where he works is also burdened. Since there is a shortage of nurses, there is no one to look after patients or monitor their condition. A nurse from the National Referral Hospital explains in an interview with The Guardian that even nurses who test positive for coronavirus are called to work. Patients are looked after by nurses who are just learning and should be supervised by experienced staff.

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The doctor warned that patients suffering from other diseases are not receiving adequate care. They’re just afraid of coming to the hospital… It causes some people to die at home; some come to the emergency room and die there says.

Solomon Islands Health Minister Culwick Togamana last week warned that the health system is unable to care for all COVID-19 patients and recommends isolation.

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Vaccination is also one of the problems in the country at the end of 2021, around 20% of the number of vaccinated was in the Solomon Islands. adults. Vaccination points have been crowded since the outbreak. The health minister also informed about the allegations against doctors who are supposed to sell vaccines.

See also:

  1. Dr inż. Rakowski: In my opinion, the end of the pandemic is just now happening
  2. “The helplessness was the worst.” Dorota was 38 days in a coma. After COVID-19, she had to learn to breathe, talk, and walk again
  3. Will we have to vaccinate against COVID-19 all our lives? “It is not excluded”

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