If you get up at 6 in the morning: what time you need to go to bed – the doctor’s opinion

American experts have calculated what time children from 5 to 12 years old need to go to bed if they need to get up to school.

What time does your child go to bed? God forbid, if you manage to “roll” the fidget at 9 – 10 pm. In the morning, however, another story begins, when it becomes an impossible task to wake up a child in a kindergarten or school.

“Yes, I physically feel how my nerves burn out while you get him out of bed!” – the mother of seven-year-old Ilya once said in her hearts. And it seems to us that a choir of the same exhausted mothers will join her.

In America, they decided to approach the issue scientifically. It turned out funny.

For clarity, scientists have drawn up the latest discovery in a table, which they immediately began to discuss in social networks. Everything is clear in the table: if you want your 5-year-old child to wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning, then put him to bed at 6 o’clock 45 minutes in the evening, but for an equally early awakening, it is enough to send a 12-year-old student to bed a little later, at 20:15. The comments boiled down to one thing: did the researchers themselves try to put the child to bed at 7 pm? When to go to work? At night? And when to spend time with your child? In general, there are more questions than answers.

Indeed, if getting up from the dawn is the best regimen of the day, then going to bed so early even at such a young age looks a little too much. And the scientists, the compilers of the table, are named somehow in a streamlined way. In general, it does not inspire confidence. We turned to our specialist for an explanation.

Yevgeny Timakov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Pediatrician:

“This table absolutely does not correspond to our realities in life. Let’s take 12-year-old children, that is, students of the 7th grade: how can they go to bed at 8 in the evening, if they usually still do their homework at this time? Previously, the child does not have the opportunity to make them, since he gets tired after many hours of classes and he needs to eat and rest for some time. And also consider all sorts of additional lessons, circles and sections!

And, what is important, the child’s brain must rest not only with the help of sleep, but also with the help of positive emotions. And they are simply not provided for in the presented schedule of rebounds and climbs. So you will not raise a child, but a zombie. A normal child should communicate with family and peers, take a walk, play. And here they offer to raise robots: sleeping – eating – learning. Later it will turn into an equally grim pattern: sleeping – eating – working. At 8 in the evening, the schoolboy’s most revelry begins. It is also impossible for a 5-year-old baby to go to bed at 6 pm – there are no such biorhythms. This means that he will wake up at 1 – 2 am, wander around, then fall asleep again. Most sensible: go to bed, guided by an individual schedule. Children are also divided into owls and larks. The best thing is to put them down at 9-10 pm and get up around 7 am. “


What time do you usually go to bed or try?

  • 8pm and earlier

  • 9 pm

  • 10 pm

  • 11 pm

  • Midnight

  • Hour of the night

  • Two o’clock in the morning

  • Three o’clock in the morning

  • Always very differently

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