Idiopathic scoliosis

How to treat idiopathic scoliosis in a 14-year-old girl?

Can her condition be improved by exercising?

The age of your daughter indicates the end of the growing period (in girls 13-15 years old, in boys up to about 16 years of age). This means that the scoliosis is unlikely to get worse.

Treatment of scoliosis depends primarily on the angle of its curvature. If it reaches an angle above 45o surgical treatment is applied (after the end of the growing period). Those with a smaller curvature angle are treated conservatively. In scoliosis up to 25o the most commonly used exercises are to correct posture. In larger scoliosis, additional corset treatment is used (but only until the end of the growth period, when the spine is plastic, then this form of treatment does not make sense). If your daughter’s scoliosis is minor, applying appropriate and systematic exercises can significantly improve her posture. However, it is extremely important to report to a good, experienced physiotherapist who specializes in the treatment of posture defects in children.

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