Ideal for coughs, stress and excess weight

Even diabetes figs helps (paradoxically, because it contains a lot of glucose). At least, Mexican scientists (and Mexican doctors at the same time with them) are sure of this: according to their data, figs are useful for type XNUMX diabetes, because stabilizes blood sugar.

Figs prevent sugar ingested with food from being converted into fat. Because of this, it is especially recommended for low-cholesterol diets. But this “anti-fat” ability of figs is no less useful for those who monitor their weight. Of course, figs are quite high in calories (), but they have a lot of fiber, which prevents food surpluses from being deposited and spoiling the figure. So figs can be declared ideal dessert for losing weight.

And a wonderful breakfast for those who had gone too far with alcohol the day before. Yes, figs can help curb classic hangover symptoms like nausea, thirst, dry mouth and aversion to the world around you. Because, among other things, figs has the ability to slightly cheer up: all due to the fact that it contains a lot, without which the mental comfort of a healthy person is impossible.

And there are also a lot of figs. So diversifying your breakfast with figs (in combination with spicy cheese or unleavened cottage cheese with spices) is worth not only with a hangover, but throughout the entire “fig” season.


If you overeat figs, but are still unable to part with them, peel them and apply the pulp on your face. The antioxidant and regenerating properties of figs are used in modern cosmetic products, and with success: so why go to waste ?!

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