Humor: the 7 unglamorous things to overcome when you become a mother!

The quickdraw during childbirth

The pain, the effort, the stress… No need to draw yourself a picture, you will feel hot and therefore your cheeks are rosy (even scarlet), your hair is sweaty, your body wet. Add to this the pale yellow maternity blouse and / or open on the buttocks as the case may be, the absence of jewelry required by the hospital, the absence of make-up (only the stars have to redo their features). eyeliner before going to the birth room), white neon lights… In short, a future mother naturally!

Small possible traumas when pushing

You might scream, swear, bite your spouse to give you courage. But also to explode some small vessels in your eyes while pushing. Even forget you when the baby is expelled… There will be blood and water. We are not far from the horror scene!

The wardrobe at half mast

Raspy maternity leggings, bleached nursing tops, you rummage in your closets looking for a decent outfit … Every young mother has known this period of sartorial gloom, where the faded pregnancy wardrobe has become too large and that from before (slightly old-fashioned) no longer closes.


Maternity’s “mesh” panties!

Another joy to be expected is to put on maternity panties (if they were orange, they could be used to wrap clementines …). Indeed, the first hours after childbirth, you will have to wear enough intimate protection. voluminous, hence the use of these briefs with sexy cuts and materials !

Calm down: invest in disposable panties (easy to find in pharmacies). It’s always taken for your self-esteem …

The smell of diapers in the house

It doesn’t take much to break the mood of a romantic evening: the pungent scent of a forgotten diaper in a corner … Invest in a diaper bin and / or scented diaper bags. Empty garbage cans outside often. Air, diffuse essential oil. In short, think about pampering the olfactory atmosphere of the house.

Milk that overflows during cuddles

Moms who decide to breastfeed must know it, milk can come out in case of strong emotion, pressure (even moderate) and this, apart from the presence of a gluttonous baby. Especially since caresses on swollen breasts can be super unpleasant!

The belly”…

The days following birth leave you with a very round belly, which sometimes generates thoughts like “Are you six months old?” ” and require you to put on your elastic waist pants.

We calm down: “9 months to do, 9 months to undo” should be your motto so as not to be disillusioned. And if you have any love handles left, put them to good use!


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