Humor: 16 clichés about grandparents

Proof that grandparents are not at all like before …

1. They are retired.

No, not always, unless they are civil servants.

2. They always have an apple tree in the garden.

Normal, since they still live on a farm.

3. They always wake up early.

Yes, very early in the afternoon sometimes.

4. She is knitting with a cat on her lap.

The last time she tried, the cat left. He never came back.

5. Meanwhile, he cooks a good piece of beef in the fireplace.

It is rather Weber kebabs and barbecue.

6. They can always be counted on for the grandchildren.

Except when they have something planned. That is to say often. Ok, very often.

7. They (well “he”, above all) stay in the bathroom for a very long time to read the newspaper.

Wrong, it’s to play Candy Crush.

8. They don’t want to go out.

No, not tonight indeed, they went to bed at 2 o’clock three nights in a row.

9. They have dentures on the bedside table.

In truth, they keep their teeth to sleep, they need them to tear off their underwear… no, nothing.

10. They steal the place in the queues.

They fear rather the day when they will be offered to go to the priority checkout.

11. They always have glasses.

And are contact lenses for moles?

12. They have no objectivity regarding their grandchildren.

Except on their first names. And their outfits. But it’s still the parents’ fault.

13. She is an excellent cordon bleu.

Or she has a great Picard nearby.

14. They have magic remedies to deal with the toughest stains on clothes.

Like for example throwing away and redeeming the same garment.

15. They no longer have sexuality.

Wrong, they love xxxxxxxxxxxx (This part was censored as of replay by the author grandparents daughter, thanks for your understanding.)

16. Their grandchildren are their only reason for living.

No, they have plenty more. Even if this one is undoubtedly the most beautiful.

Find this list and many others in the “Survival guide for young grandparents”, ed. Leduc.s

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