How to sleep well while pregnant?

Exercise for better sleep

Even pregnant, physical activity is recommended because it increases resistance to stress, alleviates anxiety and soothes nervousness. From gym to yoga to swimming or walking, try to stay active. Swimming and yoga are particularly recommended pregnant women: these activities improve blood circulation and prevent back pain. On the other hand, skiing, horse riding and any other sport involving the risk of falling are avoided.

What is the right position for sleeping during pregnancy?

In bed, we lie on our left side so that the inferior vena cava is not compressed by the uterus. We extend the leg that is under the weight of the body and we fold the other above. For more comfort, you can slip a small pillow under the bent knee, or you can roll up in the nursing pillow. Sleeping on your side will limit snoring, which tends to increase in the third trimester of pregnancy. Whatever position you take, we don’t worry about our baby, it will adapt. Finally, when the acid reflux prevents us from falling asleep or wakes us up outright in the middle of the night, the semi-sitting position can be a little more comfortable.

Sleeping well while pregnant: talking about your anxieties

In the third trimester, our sleep is disturbed by doubts, worries and other dark thoughts. We ask ourselves a lot of questions about childbirth, about this new life which is fast approaching? The best way to get rid of it is still to talk about it: with our companion, the best placed to support us, with a midwife or a gynecologist, who will reassure us about thedelivery. You will also find comfort in dialoguing on discussion forums with young mothers and pregnant women.

Pregnancy: light dinner for better sleep

So that the bloating and the feelings of heaviness do not weigh on our night, we dine light about two hours before bedtime. And we privilege certain foods that promote sleep. Proteins: meat (in reasonable quantities), fish and eggs. Carbohydrates: rice, pasta, sugars. As well as lettuce, apple and milk, known for their soporific effect.

Drink a calming herbal tea before sleeping

Evening infusions promote falling asleep. But be careful, to avoid rising-pee in the middle of the night, you drink your herbal tea at least twenty minutes before bedtime. Here are the plants that help you fall asleep: linden, for its soothing and relaxing properties. Orange blossom, which promotes relaxation. Lemon balm, which reduces stress, aids digestion and calms nausea.

Relax to sleep well

To sleep well, you need to be relaxed above all. You can ask your companion to give you a massage, pleasant and beneficial for relieving back pain, relaxing heavy legs and relieving cramps. If we massage ourselves, we stress the legs and feet. A bath, not too hot, (37 ° -38 ° C) is also a good way to relax before going to bed.

Sleep and pregnancy: take alternative medicine

Homeopathy and acupuncture have no side effects and are safe for our baby. The choice of drug – for thehomeopathy – varies according to the type of sleep disturbance (nocturnal or dawn awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, etc.). Our personality (anxious, prone to headaches …) also plays on the doctor’s prescription. A consultation is therefore preferable.

As for theacupuncture, it is particularly effective against insomnia, anxiety, fatigue and back pain. This technique, which aims to rebalance the energies of the body using small needles, relieves pain and can be used as part of the preparation for childbirth.

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