How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home
The delicate skin around the eyes is more prone to aging. Wrinkles around the eyes are usually called “happy” – it is believed that they appear due to the fact that a person smiles a lot. But still they spoil the mood and change the appearance. We will tell you how to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home

As explains cosmetologist Regina Khasanova, the skin around the eyes is almost six times thinner than on the cheeks or forehead, in this place it is devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands, which is why it is so thin. The folds appear here first of all. In our article we will tell you how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at home.

“Collagen and elastin, which are responsible for elasticity, are absent here, so dryness appears, and hence wrinkles,” says the expert.

Because of this, folds can appear already at a young age.

The cosmetologist believes that it is easier to prevent them, to do everything possible so that they do not arise, than to fight them later.

“I advise you to start using moisturizers for the eye contour from the age of 20,” says Regina Khasanova.

How to get rid of unwanted wrinkles, we will tell in our step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Prevent wrinkles

As mentioned above, the skin around the eyes needs to be looked after from adolescence. There is very little moisture here, you need to moisturize yourself. Fortunately, now there is a large selection of skin care cosmetics. The main thing is to choose the right one.

– I do not recommend using products from the mass market. It is better to turn to professional cosmetics. A specialist will help you choose it depending on the type of skin, age, request, says the beautician.

However, care is not the only prevention of the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes. It is important to watch your facial expressions and posture. Experts advise not to restrain your emotions, but to splash them out. For example, if a woman delays sadness or resentment, the corners of her lips crawl down, her neck tenses, her chin tightens her lips, her eyebrows move, her jaws close.

– The key to beauty and health is proper nutrition and physical activity. The diet should be dominated by protein and fats, fish, meat, good oils. If you don’t like fish, drink omega. As for activity, the fact is that a sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle imbalance. The head moves forward, a “withers” appears, the scapular muscle weakens, which over time can lead to the appearance of a hunchback. And the face starts from the back! If the back is healthy, there is no stoop, then there will be no wrinkles. You can do yoga, practices for a healthy back or swim, says the expert.

Step 2. Remove wrinkles with face fitness

Face fitness is a very popular technique among modern women. The bottom line is to do facial exercises and rejuvenate. Face fitness works with the main cause of age-related changes – loss of tone of some muscles and overstrain of other muscles. This is also a very economical procedure – once you have learned a set of exercises and do it.

Face fitness is useful in that:

  • corrects facial asymmetry;
  • awareness of facial expressions in everyday life is turned on, and this is the prevention of the formation of new facial wrinkles;
  • due to the improvement of lymph flow, it removes edema;
  • cumulative result – a clear oval, smoothing of the “eyebrow”, smoothing of the “crow’s feet”, high cheekbones, reduction of the second chin.
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Step 3. Remove wrinkles with facial massage

Gua Sha massage

To do this, we need a special Guasha scraper, it is made of carnelian or jade. The Gua Sha scraper massage technique evens out the skin and allows you to get rid of wrinkles and folds. The massage is done very easily – you need to clean the skin and the scraper itself, apply a greasy cream, gel or serum to the face. Now you can start – put one hand on the hairline, slightly pulling the skin up. With the other hand, begin to perform horizontal movements with strong pressure from the middle of the forehead to the temple. The movement should not be sweeping, you need to work out finely and slowly the entire surface of the forehead. Then we perform the same movements, but vertically – from the eyebrow line up to the hair. Unfortunately, this massage causes quite strong pain. The procedure is not the most pleasant, but very effective. Wash your face after the massage. Massage can be done every 3-4 days.

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Roller massage

This is another effective method in the fight against wrinkles. By the way, it is pleasant painless. In combination with manual massage, the roller will help you get rid of fine wrinkles around the eyes. You can use it at least every day. If you want to enhance the lifting effect, leave the roller overnight in the refrigerator and do the exercises in the morning while it is chilled. Roll it from bottom to top, moving along the forehead and between the eyebrows, first holding the roller perpendicular to the floor, and then parallel. After that, you can walk along the cheekbones, it will not get worse.

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Step 4. Creams and Serums

This method is the most inefficient. Unfortunately, creams and serums alone will not help to get rid of wrinkles that have already appeared. But still, many people notice that cosmetics smooth the skin and make wrinkles around the eyes less deep. Means should be selected by a beautician, only he can know what will help your skin. Do not buy funds on the advice of friends, what helped them is not the fact that it will suit you.

Popular questions and answers

Cosmetologist Regina Khasanova will answer the questions that concern our readers regarding the fight against wrinkles under the eyes. The specialist advises to deal with them in a complex – home care, procedures at a beautician, nutrition and facial exercises.

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How to choose cosmetics for skin care around the eyes?
Home care products should be selected specifically for your skin type (ideally by a cosmetologist or dermatologist). But remember that this type can change not only over the years, but with the seasons, and if you picked up a cream a year ago, it’s not a fact that this cream suits you today.

Don’t forget that our skin needs vitamins! And I’m not talking about fruits. And about the vitamins in the composition of the funds. Professional cosmetics have a whole line of products with vitamins – choose those that contain vitamins A, B, E, F and H.

What to do if it was not possible to remove wrinkles at home?
With the elimination of wrinkles, hyaluronic acid and the “biorevitalization” procedure are better able to cope. You need to contact a beautician and start a course of procedures. It is selected individually.
Does mesotherapy remove wrinkles?
This is a wonderful procedure, it works only for the general improvement of the skin condition. The fact that wrinkles will go away after the first procedure is a myth. But they will become less noticeable after the course – yes. This is a therapeutic cocktail, the composition of which depends on the problem of your skin.

With small doses and the thinnest needle in the world, it is injected into the middle part of the dermis and begins to work wonders:

• tighten the skin of the face;

• eliminate mimic wrinkles;

• even out the relief of the skin;

• eliminate the gray “smoker’s face”;

• work with age-related skin changes, striae, alopecia and rosacea;

• get rid of acne and post-acne traces;

• eliminate dermatitis and age spots;

• adjust the exchange process.

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