How to remove sides: thin waist

We are talking about exercises, the systematic implementation of which will change your figure beyond recognition.

Even if you regularly go to the gym and observe significant changes in weight, the sides do not disappear until the last. But problem areas can be removed with special training. presents six of the most effective slim and wasp waist exercises to help you say goodbye to your hips forever.

We remove Boca. Exercise 1: “bike”

  • Lie on your back, place your palms behind the back of your head and spread your elbows wide to the sides.

  • Feet suspended, knees bent at 90 degrees and positioned exactly above the pelvis.

  • Raise your shoulders off the floor and stretch your neck – this is the starting position.

  • Inhale, as you exhale, turn the body to the left, pull your right elbow and left knee towards each other.

  • At the same time, extend your right leg away from you (the closer to the floor, the harder it is).

  • While inhaling, return to the starting position. Then do the same twist to the right to complete one repetition.

Number of repetitions: 20-25

Number of approaches: 2

Work: oblique abdominal muscles

Exercise 2: remove the sides with leg raises

  • Lie on your side, rest on your lower elbow, and remove your other hand by the back of your head.

  • While inhaling, lift the upper leg 30–40 cm above the lower one, while exhaling, gently pull the lower leg to the upper one and hold this position for a second.

  • Inhale and as you exhale, bring both legs down. Try not to topple the body forward or backward.

  • If it is difficult to maintain balance, place the upper hand on the floor, increasing the area of ​​support.

  • The back remains straight throughout the exercise, the neck is elongated, the shoulders are straightened.

Number of repetitions: 15-20

Number of approaches: 2 on each side

Work: abductors of the thigh, oblique muscles of the abdomen

Exercise 3: bending with the ball

This exercise can be performed both with a gymnastic ball and with a regular towel stretched out in your hands (the second option is easier).

  • Get on your knees, raise your arms up and take a deep breath.

  • As you exhale, tilt your body to the right side, trying to maintain balance and keep your hips and pelvis motionless.

  • As you inhale, return to the starting position and stretch up.

  • Exhale in the other direction, inhale back. The bending of the torso should occur exactly at the waist, while the lumbar deflection does not increase.

  • To make it easier to maintain the correct position, include in the work of the gluteal muscles and abs. The lower the side tilt is performed, the faster you will be able to remove the sides.

Number of repetitions: 15-20 pairs of slopes

Number of approaches: 2

Work: oblique abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles (static)

Exercise 4: triangle pose

This yoga asana will not only work your lateral muscles, but it will also improve leg stretch, help with balance training, and simply restore breathing from the previous three exercises.

  • Stand with your feet very wide (about three shoulder widths between the feet), with the right toe fully outward and the left toe 45 degrees inward.

  • Spread your arms out to the sides, palms facing down.

  • Inhale, as you exhale, reach for your right hand, keeping both arms parallel to the floor, and extend your sides diagonally.

  • After the torso has shifted to the right relative to the pelvis and lengthened well, place your right hand on your lower leg, and lift your left hand up, with your palm facing forward.

  • Try so that the sides at this moment are almost not rounded, on the contrary, pull in the left ribs, thus pushing the right side down and continuing to lengthen it.

  • Ideally, there should be a triangle inside the right side, leg and arm.

  • Hold this position for 10 breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Number of approaches: 2 in each direction

Work: oblique abdominal muscles, leg muscles

A regular hoop can also give your waist a sharper shape. Due to the massage effect, blood circulation in the problem area is improved, cellulite is eliminated and the skin is tightened. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to visit a professional masseur 2-3 times a week, buy a hula hoop, preferably with massage elements, and include 10-15 minutes of rotation in the program. Newbie tip: Start your hoop workout in tight-fitting clothing to avoid bruising and soreness.

Duration: approx. 5 min.

Number of approaches: 2-3

Work: all abdominal muscles, back muscles, thighs and buttocks

  • Lie on your left side, stretch your legs, and place your elbow just under your shoulder.

  • Lean on your forearm and lift the thighs and pelvis off the floor, distributing the weight on the outer arch of the left foot and on the left arm.

  • The second hand rests on the right side, and the whole body is in one straight line.

  • If you need to simplify the pose, bend and place your left knee on the floor, leaving your right foot on the inner arch of the foot.

  • Hold this position for 30-40 seconds, and then perform several springy movements of the pelvis up and down with a small amplitude.

  • Make sure that the neck is not shortened, and the chest always remains open. Repeat everything on the other side.

Duration: 30-40 sec statics + 20–30 sec. “Springs”

Number of approaches: 2 on each side

Work: oblique abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles

Senior trainer of the network of fitness studios SMSTRETCHING, instructor of group programs and personal training

“The increased flanks are the result of two factors: relaxed abdominal muscles and body fat. Both factors can be influenced, – says Denis Solomin, senior trainer of the SMSTRETCHING fitness studio chain. – In order for the muscles to tone up, physical activity is needed on the whole body, and not only on the problem area. Otherwise, it is fraught with an increase in the volume of muscle mass in the abdomen. But the tone of the muscles of the abdominal region is necessary.

There is also a little trick: to make the waist appear thin, you need to enlarge the hips, buttocks, arms and back. If you add a little volume to these areas, the waist will look smaller.

Fat can be removed in a comprehensive manner: do calorie-counting workouts, reduce portions, or replace foods. I recommend counting calories to help you understand how much or how little you eat in a day. The exercises listed in the article are great for toning your muscles. If you add more calorie counting, then you can definitely find the perfect body.

The only thing I would add is exercises on deep abdominal muscles.

  • Stand in front of a mirror and place your hands behind your head.

  • Inhale deeply so that the ribcage expands and the ribs become visible in the mirror.

  • Then gently exhale all the air, as if blowing out 100 candles on a cake. The ribs should be hidden and the waist should be tightened. You will feel tension in your abdomen, both in the front and on the sides.

  • Repeat this exercise, controlling the movement of the ribs and feeling the abdomen stretch and tighten as it contracts.

Do 12-15 reps for 3-5 sets. Perform in the morning, evening, and before training. If your head starts spinning from fairly strong breathing, then reduce the number of repetitions for the first time and reach the recommended numbers during the next workouts. “

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