How to make a cabinet out of a balcony

Woman`s Day tells how to properly organize the space and equip a study on a balcony or loggia.

Sooner or later, every person needs a place in the apartment where he could retire and do what he loves. If the dimensions of your home do not allow you to equip a full-fledged office, then one thing remains – to use a balcony or loggia as a workplace.

And if you constantly stumble upon your cluttered balcony, where no one needs old sledges, skis, cans and other utensils, then it’s time to analyze the scale of the disaster, disassemble the old rubbish and create a secluded corner for yourself that you will be proud of.

The smartest way is to attach a loggia to the apartment and organize a workspace there.

However, some nuances should be taken into account. For example, in many brick houses and some new buildings, the outer walls are load-bearing or partially load-bearing. In this case, you should not only strengthen the opening, but also be sure to agree on the project, proving that the original strength and stability of the building will not be disturbed after your intervention.

But in typical panel and block houses, a different story. There, the outer walls are not load-bearing, however, you should pay attention to the fixing points for the balcony floor slabs. In this case, they usually do not break the window-sill part of the wall and make a small podium, closing the remaining doorway.

Also of great importance is the insulation of loggias. For example, an improperly insulated attached loggia will turn into a headache for neighbors and housing and communal services workers. To prevent complaints and appeal to the court of dissatisfied tenants, you need to provide reliable vapor barrier from the side of the room, and choose double-glazed windows for glazing.

Further – tips on how to organize an office if there is no way to attach a balcony.

Creating the perfect piece of paradise on a balcony or loggia is not at all difficult if you follow some simple tips.

1. So for a start it is necessary to carry out general cleaning and major repairs. Be sure to free the balcony space from old rubbish and unnecessary things. Then insulate and sheathe the outer walls with plastic, and sheathe the inner walls with wooden clapboard, plastic panels or paste over with suitable wallpaper. On the floor, by the way, you can put heated tiles, laminate, parquet or carpet.

2. It is imperative to glaze the balcony (for this it is better to use warm profiles and double-glazed windows), and also choose special curtains or blinds.

3. Next, you need to install the heating system. In this case, you can choose what you prefer – radiators, underfloor heating system or split system. You can also use an electric heater as an additional source of heat.

A well-thought-out heating system will allow you to use the office all year round (and not only in warm weather) and even set up a winter garden on the balcony, if you have dreamed about it for a long time.

4. To make it comfortable to use the workspace, it is also necessary to think over the lighting system and bring a sufficient number of outlets to the balcony so that you can safely connect a computer, TV, tape recorder and other equipment.

5. It is very important that there is a minimum amount of furniture on the balcony or loggia. This is especially true if your balcony room is not large in size. So, for example, a desktop is quite capable of replacing a tabletop bolted to the wall. This is very convenient, because when you are finished working, such a table can be easily removed, freeing up additional space.

It is also imperative to plan out a place for shelves or an impromptu rack, where it is very convenient to store books or discs. And, of course, a correctly chosen work chair or armchair plays an important role. They should be comfortable and compact so as not to “eat up” unnecessary space.

As for the decor, it is better to rely on your own taste. You can, for example, put a bright decorative rug on the floor, and also decorate the room with green plants that will help turn an ordinary balcony into a kind of winter garden.

And don’t forget about fire safety! Remember that non-combustible materials must be used to fence loggias, and the thermal insulation must be closed: on the walls with a layer of plaster or drywall, on the floor with a concrete screed.

Expert comment:

In principle, everything is correct, but I would have prioritized differently:

1. First of all, the installation of good glazing or replacement of the existing one (often the glazing “from the builder” does not imply the insulation of the balcony, the heat loss will be very large, the insulation of the walls will not save).

2. Further insulation of the perimeter. Walls bordering the street or other cold balconies (this is important! Ask if the neighbors insulated their balconies well). Floor and ceiling (the algorithm is the same – if there are non-insulated or poorly insulated balconies on or under you, then insulate your own).

3. After that heating – electric floor heating or electric convectors. It is prohibited to carry heating radiators to balconies.

4. And only then think about finishing. With proper insulation, the finish can be any.

5. Well, speaking of fire safety, do not forget about fire escapes. If they are, then you should not dismantle them, you can decorate them perfectly.

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