How to lose weight quickly Instagram: photo

How to lose weight quickly Instagram: photo

Slimness begins with proper nutrition. Woman’s Day found popular healthy lifestyle pages. As you browse through them, you will not only be inspired, but also find many interesting recipes from their authors.

The author of the blog Olga Malysheva talks about how to stay healthy in a big city. Develops programs for cleansing the body – detox, shares simple vegetarian recipes without sugar and flour. This Instagram has a lot of vegetables, fruits and sports.

Olga writes about herself: “When I started doing yoga and at the same time changing my diet, it became especially interesting for me to observe how exercises and changes in the diet are reflected in internal sensations, emotions, character.”

“The influence of nutrition on appearance is already obvious, but the changes inside were the biggest stimulus for me. Plus, when my loved ones faced serious illnesses, I wanted to know about the causes of illnesses and how to prevent them, but the doctors had no answers. It was another incentive for me to explore the impact of diet and lifestyle on us. “

Where to look:

McKel Hill – a professional nutritionist with many regalia. Constantly improving – studies new methods and theories in the field of nutrition and shares his knowledge with readers.

Her recipes on her Instagram page are vegetarian, only with foods high in nutrients and antioxidants. No processed ingredients, no milk, no gluten.

McKel encourages you to tailor the ingredients to your preferences.

In Instragram, a nutritionist uploads more than just photographs of food. She talks about her family, travel and sports. McKel prefers long distance running, strength training, cycling, boxing and yoga.

Where to look:

The page of a company that produces healthy food products. It is interesting that the authors practically do not post photos of their products, but give very practical advice on nutrition.

For example, such: “For proper digestion and weight loss, you need to give your stomach and intestines rest, but the feeling of hunger can be intrusive and painful. In the evening, the appetite is always more active, since during the day we are mainly busy with business and are less distracted by the signals of the body. In addition, evening meals are aimed at replenishing the fat reserves spent in the day, so some of the food (if you eat a lot of it) is put aside in the form of extra pounds. “

“To eat less at dinner, half an hour before meals or on the way home, drink unsweetened yogurt or chicory with a spoonful of honey, and after half an hour sit down to dinner. The amount of food will be almost half as much as you “tricked” the brain with a snack. “

In general, the authors of the page focus on healthy breakfasts and proper snacks.

Where to look:

A real find for fans of the Pierre Ducan diet.

Nutrition is based on the use of protein products and consists of four stages. Only certain foods are allowed at each stage.

What to cook? What are the ingredients? On this page you will find only those recipes that you can.

Where to look:

Daria Gaivoronskaya is a Russian woman living in Australia.

The girl is passionate about fitness and a healthy lifestyle. On Instagram he uploads videos with exercises, simple recipes for dishes and healthy sweets.

Fashion is another girl’s hobby: dresses, shoes, sportswear. And also photos of Daria’s little son.

The page is varied: there is a lot of sea, sun, bright outfits and beautiful people.

Where to look:

It is a sugar quitting program. At all.

The authors of the page cite various new and frightening studies. Knowledge is good motivation in giving up harmful sweets, and you can also practice your knowledge of English. There are few recipes, but a lot of green and tasty pictures.

Where to look:

There is a whole project called Green Kitchen Stories. It is hosted by a married couple – David and Louise. They cook and eat healthy and simple vegetarian food with natural ingredients, whole grains, good fats, fruits and vegetables.

David works as an art director for the magazine, loves to play with his daughter, and blogging at night. And Louise is studying to be a nutritional therapist at the School of Nutritional Medicine in Stockholm.

There is a lot of food on Instagram. Favorite foods in the family are lentils, beans, quinoa and brown rice. There is also a huge amount of different nuts, fruits and berries, which are convenient to use when adding to porridge, cocktail, muesli, salad, or as a dessert.

Where to look:

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