How to live to be a hundred years old? Seven ways. Including … less friends

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The blue zones are the areas where the most centenarians live. There are five of them in the world. Find out what the people of Okinawa, Sardinia, Ikaria, Costa Rica and the city of Loma Linda have in common, and learn the secret of longevity.

  1. Diet is one of the greatest allies of long youth. As the research results show, the daily menu must not lack vegetables and olive oil, but sugar and too many calories are more harmful.
  2. The secret of longevity is also physical activity – it’s not about strenuous workouts, but regular exercise, e.g. in the form of walks
  3. How long we will live is greatly influenced by, for example, stress and loneliness – these factors make the body age faster
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The secret of longevity? Become a flexitarian

You don’t have to switch to vegetarianism or veganism right away, all you have to do is become a flexitarian, that is, limit the number of meat dishes during the week. The basis of the diet of centenarians is primarily vegetables and fruit. A great example is the long-lived Greeks, who are among the world record holders in terms of vegetable consumption. While we cannot handle 4-5 servings of vegetables a day, modern Hellenes eat this amount in one meal. What do they choose most often? Tomatoes, olives, garlic, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, and artichokes. Always accompanied by olive oil to regulate digestion. In addition, it slows down the aging process, affects the growth of bones in children and prevents clots.

  1. Also read: Genes rejuvenated by diet. Old age will not come?

Do you want to live longer? Don’t overeat

Do you know what the Okinawans say before or after eating? Hara hachi bu, or belly is 80 percent full. The wisdom of the ancestors is therefore contained in the recommendation not to overeat. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Japanese island stop eating when they feel that their stomach is almost full. In this simple way, they avoid the long digestion process, which accelerates the oxidation of cells and leads to the aging of the body. Research by nutritionists has shown that Okinawans’ caloric intake is only 1800–1900 per day (the average for the rest of Japan is 2068), and their BMI is between 18 and 22. Interestingly, a low number of calories consumed is a common feature of all five blue zones.

Diet for longevity, i.e. give up sugar

Long-lived seniors do not sweeten and do not suffer from obesity or diabetes. For example, Okinawans eat 1/3 less sugar compared to other regions of Japan and it is mainly cane sugar, while the people of Sardinia use honey. The desserts of centenarians, just like their entire kitchen, are defined by simplicity. Instead of donuts and chocolate bars, they eat fruit which, apart from fructose, also contains vitamins and fiber. Dietary fiber not only helps to cleanse the body of toxic waste products and heavy metals, but also has a gelling effect, which slows down the release of sugar. Previous studies have shown that increasing dietary fiber consumption results in a reduction of 14 percent. the risk of developing heart disease, and also reduces by 27 percent. risk of death due to coronary diseases.

How to live to be hundreds? Fight stress, appreciate life

The inhabitants of the blue zones do not carry two phones with them, FOMO is alien to them, and the rat race is a waste of time for them. Instead of dreaming about spreading their wings in a corporation, they focus on self-development and simply do not stress. The life of the Japanese in Okinawa is ruled by “ikigai”, that is, the feeling that all actions have a deep purpose. This gives them a daily motivation to get out of bed. The “plan de vida” principle followed by long-lived Costa Rican people is very similar. The sooner we find meaning and understand why it is worth trying, the easier it will be for us to come to terms with all the adversities that we will encounter on our way in life.

  1. Also read: Personality traits affect longevity

Have real friends – it extends your life

According to researchers, people who maintain strong emotional relationships with others can live two to four years longer. Centenarians do not have a Facebook or Instagram account. You won’t find them on Tinder either. They live in small communities where everyone knows each other well. It is in them that they find friends and partners for the rest of their lives. Awareness of belonging to a group and mutual support ensures a sense of security and has an influence on the extension of life.

NEAT instead of HITT will help you live longer

In the case of celestial seniors, a sedentary lifestyle does not exist. They may not be jogging in neon leggings on the treadmill, but they exercise, work in the garden, and walk everywhere. Many studies conducted so far have shown that walking is the best form of activity that can be practiced by everyone without exception. It allows you to regulate blood sugar levels, reduces the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, more and more fitness gurus appreciate NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis), i.e. spontaneous physical activity not related to training. Why? The day lasts 24 hours, we have a total of 168 a week, if we train 3-4 times a week for an hour, we are only active by 2,4%. time! This is definitely not enough! It’s easy to increase NEAT – you just need to stand instead of sitting. While watching the series, you will press. And you will absolutely abandon the elevator in favor of the stairs.

  1. Also read: The mystery of immortality

Spices that extend life

Poles know two spices about spices – salt and pepper. Kitchen salt, of course, and black pepper is best. Meanwhile, the rest of the healthy world does not salt at all. And if anything, it uses sea salt rich in micronutrients, keeping a daily dose of up to 5 g. The flavor of long-lived dishes is added by herbs that improve digestive processes. Italians have a weakness for oregano, thyme and rosemary, the Greeks cannot imagine a kitchen without cumin, dill, garlic and lemon rich in vitamin C. In turn, Japanese centenarians do not part with Okinawan pepper, mugwort wormwood and turmeric known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

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