How to Liquid Candy Honey

It happens that honey is candied. By the way, never use this word in a conversation with beekeepers, they are terribly offended, better say – “honey is frozen.” But nevertheless, no matter how we call this process, honey from previously liquid becomes thick. So that, perhaps, only a spoon can pick it up. And there is no hope of serving this honey with pancakes or pancakes.

Many people recklessly heat honey in the microwave. Yes, it becomes liquid, but remember: when heated to 37-40 degrees C and above, honey inevitably begins to lose many of its beneficial properties, turning into an ordinary sweet fructose-glucose mass.

The only way to heat and liquid honey is:

1. Place the container with honey in a pot of hot water (make a “water bath”).


2. Make sure that the temperature of the water bath does not exceed 30-40 degrees.

3. Stir until the consistency you want.

Only in this way all active enzymes and vitamins will be preserved in honey.

  • Important! 

Don’t buy liquid honey in winter. It is natural for honey to freeze, this is its natural process. Natural honey cannot remain liquid by winter. Only acacia honey tends to remain liquid for a long time, all other types of honey (buckwheat, sunflower, linden, etc.) begin to thicken in 3-4 months, forming crystals of sucrose and fructose.

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